New 9/11 truth documentary among 'most watched' on PBS this week

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  • texastorm
    • Jul 2010
    • 386

    Lets just say if a few things were dismissed or overlooked or outright ignored, that the coverup would be to save ones ass, and not to deceive the American people about a horrible attack. If you knew through the grapevine that there was such a plan, and you dismissed it offhand, then you would be to this day finding ways to minimize the impact of that for the rest of your life. In other words you would simply do what you do and say what you say to hold off the hangman. I will concede that we will never know exactly what happened frame by frame, but we have a lot of history like that. Lots of conspiracies dating back to this countries origins.

    So while I am not saying the government account is bulletproof, I am saying that if its a 100% conspiracy... why? For what end? Is there such an evil in the world that believes we should all be at war? Is Satan behind it? Do I need to start reading the bible now?

    My point is, how far can you take it before its ridiculous... it is getting close in my opinion.

    But as far as I am concerned if people want to investigate... so what. Investigate... nothing new will ever be found. But then in a good coverup why would you find anything... see the cycle?


    • Bigblue1
      Banned Users
      • Dec 2008
      • 3923

      All I have to say at the moment is it isn't a conspiracy. The fact is those buildings didn't come down in the fashion that the official story projects. If over a 1,000 Architects and Engineers say It isn't right is enough for me to want to know the real truth.

      This Blind faith in "our" government being benevolent is slowly waning. The internet is helping that which means they will soon fully attack that. They've been doing it already. Internet controls are in placed and yes you can be disappeared for being anti-gubment at this point and it will only get worse and faster than it previously happened. They have always relied on the fact that information couldn't be disseminated from afar this is why you use to be able to compartmentalize people and feed them a line of Bullsh!t. Well now it can. And they won't tolerate it for much longer. I really hope Anonymous jumps in on this issue. If they were able to uncover a bit of solid truth from the rubble it would be more than powerful. At least to the people who are actively engaged in their own lives and not just cheeseburger eating soda sipping tv watching zombies.......


      • Bigblue1
        Banned Users
        • Dec 2008
        • 3923

        And please would someone with a bit of credible evidence to the contrary tell me how in the hell did building 7 fall. It is more than ridiculous to believe that in at the very least that building wasn't "pulled".

        Prolly the 10th time I've posted that video here which is off of the one your watching. I am concerned as to why this video is being touted right now. Especially on PBS. Methinks it is a political ploy to eff with the republicans. Which is fine by me. But it is a bit suspect.....


        • Bigblue1
          Banned Users
          • Dec 2008
          • 3923

          Oh and what about all the heath problems the first responders have endured.


          • Bigblue1
            Banned Users
            • Dec 2008
            • 3923



            • Bigblue1
              Banned Users
              • Dec 2008
              • 3923



              • Roo
                • Jun 2008
                • 3446

                Good videos Blue. This knowledge cannot be dismissed without serious consideration and due scientific process.


                • Frosted
                  • Mar 2010
                  • 5798

                  For me everything else about 9/11 is conjecture apart from this one fact....

                  In Britain we have armed to the teeth jets on standby 24 hours a day to react. Even before 9/11 they were reacting to threats - Russian planes frequently test UK airspace. That's not the only things the jets are reacting to. Now, you can bet your ass that every single scenario has been thought of and a plan of action to take will most certainly be acted upon in each one of those scenarios without fail. Our intelligence services are scarily good here.

                  Given the above, I cannot believe for a second that the US didn't have a similar strategy. Given also that the WTC had been a target for terrorists and remained a target for terrorists. It is impossible that the US did not have a policy to protect them in every single instance......especially from an aeroplane attack. I can say with 100% certainty that if it had been the UK, those planes would have been shot down. And what's more - if a plane did get past security, the second one would certainly have been shot down before it got anywhere near. That's the main thing that stinks here with me.


                  • texastorm
                    • Jul 2010
                    • 386

                    Yeah if anything could be a coverup, the fact that we didn't shoot down commuter planes would be it. I could see that as a basis for a coverup, along the lines of protecting a few asses in the government. However I dont see it growing to the proportions of some of the wacked out theories I have read over the years.

                    I still seriously wonder if there are aliens crash landed and kept in a hanger somewhere. I mean that conspiracy theory is sexy, people get rich, other people get transistors and lasers or whatever we got from the spaceship. But Bush ordering planes to be flown into buildings killing potential voters... I just cant grasp the theories that go that far. Thousands of people involved in a massive political coverup and they are all allies with Bush? I think we can all agree that that couldn't happen. So there is little anyone will ever find thats not already known about this incident, and that means we can read different theories until we all die eventually, then our childrens children will create even more theories.

                    So carry on conspiratheologists, lets get down to the green meat. Thats where it gets tasty. I dont believe them much, but I do absolutely love to read peoples theories on what might have been. For instance this thread took me on a 6 hour path that led to some wacked out website about zetatalk and how the earth is about to stop. It was an awesome 6 hour journey through youtube and various web pages, and it all started here. Find one wacked out theory and others will drop from the sky like apples.

                    Ah crap my tin foil hat fell off for a second.


                    • Bigblue1
                      Banned Users
                      • Dec 2008
                      • 3923

                      Originally posted by texastorm
                      Yeah if anything could be a coverup, the fact that we didn't shoot down commuter planes would be it. I could see that as a basis for a coverup, along the lines of protecting a few asses in the government. However I dont see it growing to the proportions of some of the wacked out theories I have read over the years.

                      I still seriously wonder if there are aliens crash landed and kept in a hanger somewhere. I mean that conspiracy theory is sexy, people get rich, other people get transistors and lasers or whatever we got from the spaceship. But Bush ordering planes to be flown into buildings killing potential voters... I just cant grasp the theories that go that far. Thousands of people involved in a massive political coverup and they are all allies with Bush? I think we can all agree that that couldn't happen. So there is little anyone will ever find thats not already known about this incident, and that means we can read different theories until we all die eventually, then our childrens children will create even more theories.

                      So carry on conspiratheologists, lets get down to the green meat. Thats where it gets tasty. I dont believe them much, but I do absolutely love to read peoples theories on what might have been. For instance this thread took me on a 6 hour path that led to some wacked out website about zetatalk and how the earth is about to stop. It was an awesome 6 hour journey through youtube and various web pages, and it all started here. Find one wacked out theory and others will drop from the sky like apples.

                      Ah crap my tin foil hat fell off for a second.
                      You are hinging your disbelief on certain things as well. Oh somebody woulda had to known. Governments have been perfecting this sort of thing since Caligula played his fiddle. With so many like yourself willing to believe anything that is spoon fed to them it isn't that difficult of a task. Matter of fact if 9/11 had happened under Obamas watch I'm quite certain you'd be more apt to believe. I no longer pick and choose and would rate Waco and Ruby Ridge right up there with 9/11 even tho they were quite a bit different it still shows are gubment at it's worst. I mean when are gubment can get away with the massacres of Women and Children on Our own soil it is just ridiculous to me that people still blindly take off their hats and sing the star spangled banner and cover their hearts during the pledge of allegiance.
                      I know this stuff is scary and will rock your world. I wish it wasn't true but it is and it is a fact that "our" government will not blink before killing you if it fulfills their agenda. My friends you must not blindly follow and Figure things out for yourself. They rely on the fact that we will make excuses for not believing it.


                      • texastorm
                        • Jul 2010
                        • 386

                        The fact that I have repeated these simple points and you wont address them, and even talk at me as if I were the enemy or a dupe makes it obvious your not listening or reading my points here.

                        How can you possibly explain 1000's of people not coming forward? Death... history shows that to be patently false. People will still come forward, the threats of death make them shout louder, not softer.

                        For any conspiracy theory to be good, there has to be a "winner" in other words these things have to have been done to achieve some outcome. Who won what? What was the intended outcome? People seriously think that Cheney did this to line his pockets. Bush did this to get Saddam? Dont kid yourself his Cheneys were already full of money and Bush just simply used the attack to achieve his agenda, he could not have created the attack without using hundreds if not thousands of people. So were right back to the "someone would talk" scenario. If people will squawk about Watergate, they would have stood on a mountaintop about this attack.

                        If this was created by the Bush administration (whom I am not a fan of) you know as well as I do that Obama would have outed it as soon as he could nearly prove it. The fact is he isnt. So by your merits no elected official on either side is ever going to be good enough. Though we all know how far the dirt slinging goes in a campaign. That brings me to this...

                        A great conspiracy can NEVER be answered. Kennedy assassination ring a bell? For 50 years we have processed tons of information, and we know nearly the exact thing they knew in the weeks after Kennedy's death. A good conspiracy can keep people entertained forever. This one will be no different. But sadly this one has less to offer. At least with Kennedy there was obvious motive and needed few people for success, so you could have kept it a secret. That alone make it sexy, because without people talking you can add in whatever you like to keep the flame lit. The 911 attacks would have taken 1000's of people and the motive of going to war in Iraq is sketchy at best. I guess everyone involved was conveniently on one of these planes, but the ones involved in the cleanup, the firemen, the rescue people... the list of people who would have to know some small bit is miles long, yet nothing new ever comes out? Nah...

                        I think my main point here is I look at both sides of the total evidence and choose the most likely scenario. You look at the one spoke and say someone built a square wheel, having never seen a wheel.

                        As I stated before though I am all for spending trillions of dollars investigating. We waste ton of money on lots of less useful things, let em have at this.


                        • Bigblue1
                          Banned Users
                          • Dec 2008
                          • 3923

                          Why can congress spend money and time investigating steroids in baseball but won't do the same with 9/11? it makes no sense. Unless there is a coverup of some kind which there most assuredly is. Your "proof" that it isn't is such pure conjecture and belief in the system that it reeks of ignorance. As far as to what end. Look at the freedoms that have been taken away from us. Look at how we are treated in airports now. Look how these things are becoming normal on the streets and other mass transit. They had an agenda and it is only accelerating as we speak. It's all happing right under your nose and the catalyst was 9/11. I will only get worse and as long as they drape it in the flag and do it incrementally nobody seems to mind. Well I do God damn it!


                          • texastorm
                            • Jul 2010
                            • 386

                            Originally posted by Bigblue1
                            Why can congress spend money and time investigating steroids in baseball but won't do the same with 9/11? it makes no sense. Unless there is a coverup of some kind which there most assuredly is. Your "proof" that it isn't is such pure conjecture and belief in the system that it reeks of ignorance. As far as to what end. Look at the freedoms that have been taken away from us. Look at how we are treated in airports now. Look how these things are becoming normal on the streets and other mass transit. They had an agenda and it is only accelerating as we speak. It's all happing right under your nose and the catalyst was 9/11. I will only get worse and as long as they drape it in the flag and do it incrementally nobody seems to mind. Well I do God damn it!
                            As I have repeatedly said, just come up with a motive.

                            People that argue without responding to the bullet points are not arguing, they are posturing. I have repeatedly asked you for one thing and rather than come up with some answer no matter how outrageous it might sound to some, you prefer to posture and name call.

                            You do understand I am libertarian right? That in itself might label me a nutcase, but I accept it. I dont however think the government created 911 to take away my rights, I think more along the lines of they used it and the fear it created in hindsight as an opportunity to seize my rights. But creating the 911 attacks would be a conspiracy, using them to political gain would be a regular day in the government. But I am betting you wont read this far before you start commenting and posturing about my ignorance again.

                            In the big picture the government wouldn't have done this, but they most certainly would have used the emotions it caused to gain a foothold on issues of the day. I for one think they did a fine job of it too. This caused needless wars, needless deaths, and wasted plenty of needed money on an outcome that leaves us no better than before we started.

                            That however is not a conspiracy of our own government killing its own citizens.

                            Strange how we believe two different things about 911 and still come to the same consensus on government? Yet you still believe I am on the "other side" and thats because you seem to believe that everyone is out to get you. Well I admit it I am out to get you.... all your snus are belong to me....


                            • lxskllr
                              • Sep 2007
                              • 13435

                              Like Roo, I'm fairly agnostic regarding the whole thing. Imo, a conspiracy is improbable, but not impossible. Regardless, the buildings coming down is a matter of trivia at this point. Energy would be better spent looking into mass governmental surveillance, and the erosion of rights which are going on NOW.





                              • Mdisch
                                • Jul 2011
                                • 805

                                Actually it's quite unlikely that they would be able to respond within minutes - It takes a long, long time to prep a fighter jet. But still, the fact that it could happen is insane - But I find that the 9/11 conspiracy is weird as it has no winners as Texas pointed out. But it's also important to note that it's very hard to keep track of a country's own air as you don't exactly have radars all over the place, and the only monitored air is usually around military bases and airports. Or at least that's how it would've been until post 9/11. I'm guessing they've taken pretty extreme measures in that sense by now...


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