Keeping mice out of your place?

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  • Thunder_Snus
    • Oct 2011
    • 1316

    Keeping mice out of your place?

    So I'm sure alot of you are seasoned homeowners/pest controllers. I live in an upstairs apartment so I'm not sure how these things are getting up here but they are. In the past 2 weeks I have caught 2. Ever since i suspected I had one i have made very sure to keep things extra clean. No food scraps on the floor i've vacuumed the carpets frequently and havent let any food sit out yet still another one ventured in and after quite a battle of cornering it and moving sticky pads closer and closer boxing it in I'm looking for anyone insightful on how to keep these things out.

    Right now I've got the whole place rigged up with all kinds of traps and sticky pads but I know theres probably something else I can do to help prevent these things from getting in. I think they are getting in through the hole in our wall where our oven plugs in at and I have a nice fat sticky pad in front of that opening right now. Many many thanks in advance for any help.
  • GoVegan
    • Oct 2009
    • 5603

    Get a cat.


    • Thunder_Snus
      • Oct 2011
      • 1316

      Originally posted by GoVegan
      Get a cat.
      I would love to have a cat but unfortunately college apartments typically do not allow that.


      • lxskllr
        • Sep 2007
        • 13435

        Like a computer, if you don't control the hardware, you don't control the security. The best you can do is trap them as they get in. I like the cat idea. It's a pet fit for a viking :^)


        • GoVegan
          • Oct 2009
          • 5603

          Originally posted by Thunder_Snus
          I would love to have a cat but unfortunately college apartments typically do not allow that.
          OK hide peanut butter in your neighbors apartment. Particularily in places like under his door jamb. That way they leave you alone. I remember camping with a friend and he spread bits of hot dog all over the campsite next to us. We heard our neighbors trying to fend off critters all night.


          • Frosted
            • Mar 2010
            • 5798

            Other than getting a pest controller, getting a cat is the only option. Our cats are mass murderers, seriously, it averages either a rat or a mouse every couple of days. They've also had bats, squirrels and woodpigeons.


            • Premium Parrots
              Super Moderators
              • Feb 2008
              • 9759

              hell.......seal that hole up....and look for more holes that might be elsewhere in the apt. and seal them up also
              Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

              I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


              • Roo
                • Jun 2008
                • 3446

                Wow Extreme your cats catch bats? Even your cats are Extreme. I have 3 cats and they don't even take care of the spiders in my house. They are much more interested in aggravating each other, puking, and sleeping on my clean clothes.


                • lxskllr
                  • Sep 2007
                  • 13435

                  Extreme's cat...


                  • devilock76
                    • Aug 2010
                    • 1737

                    Cat's work well. In my garage where I tend to keep the cat out because of many chemicals present there he would eat and it would kill him (for example antifreeze) I use these ultrasonic things. We had a mouse problem years back. Used some traps, caught some that way. Since re-enforcing our storage of certain things in there (stuff that they like for bedding) and using these ultrasonic pest deterrents we have had almost no mice to speak of in there.

                    However keep in mind certain pets might be sensitive to it. Especially if you have rodents for pets.



                    • truthwolf1
                      • Oct 2008
                      • 2696

                      Cats work great but I used a poison that looked like chocolate bars that took care of the problem in a house where grandma was actually feeding them.

                      After awhile they all went to the same place to die and there was around 50 or so when we thought it was only a couple of mice.


                      • Frosted
                        • Mar 2010
                        • 5798

                        The bat was tiny. Thought it was a mouse at first glance bug realised the bits on either side were wings.
                        The woodpigeon and squirrel took a bit of dragging to get them back to the house.
                        He was run over by a car last year smashing a front leg and losing it. He gets around just great but fighting and hunting is finished for him now.


                        • Frosted
                          • Mar 2010
                          • 5798

                          Here he is with four legs. He's 10. Mass murderer.

                          Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC_0041.jpg
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Size:	94.5 KB
ID:	596593


                          • Frosted
                            • Mar 2010
                            • 5798

                            And here's the female - she's just weird. She attacked me once for no reason so she ended up doing a reverse Felix Baumgartner. She's 15 and murders babies (mice)

                            Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC_0005.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	92.9 KB
ID:	596594


                            • Reynard
                              • Feb 2009
                              • 804

                              They're lovely cats, mate. Pets do make a house a home :-)


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