I was panicking there for a moment.
To find that this place was down for so long ... I feared the worst. Those videos of GN and Jimmy fighting had somehow got in to the hands of Northerner and they were holding us ransom until we agreed to just accept the way they behave and stop complaining.
You remember the videos? They were fighting the way nature intended, buck-naked and glistening in the Swedish rain outside an illegal 24 hour aquavit bar about 20 miles outside Stockholm. Apart from the sound of flesh-on-flesh all you could hear were stifled shouts in Swedish like "I'm the best snus maker - but I'll stop making all the good ones just to show them all!" and "I may not be the best snus maker in the world but I will continue to provide good humour, excellent customer service and many innovative flavours at a reasonable price!"
It would appear that this time they have been lenient and turned a blind eye to the videos.
So - we're back on-line - and I suggest if we want that to remain the case we should all just accept that the Great Leaders at the Northerner Party are still providing an excellent service; that bonus points are against everything that the Great Leaders stand for and that we all are much better off under the new regime because knowing when our orders are processed and likely to be delivered makes us far too complacent.
If we do not follow this advice - the Northerner Party can break us - they can reduce us to quivering wrecks. Sitting in isolation at a computer, unable to communicate and dejectedly prodding at the refresh button every 30 seconds in the hope that we can see the next spam video or bizarre news story that wa3zrm posts.
You know it makes sense.
To find that this place was down for so long ... I feared the worst. Those videos of GN and Jimmy fighting had somehow got in to the hands of Northerner and they were holding us ransom until we agreed to just accept the way they behave and stop complaining.
You remember the videos? They were fighting the way nature intended, buck-naked and glistening in the Swedish rain outside an illegal 24 hour aquavit bar about 20 miles outside Stockholm. Apart from the sound of flesh-on-flesh all you could hear were stifled shouts in Swedish like "I'm the best snus maker - but I'll stop making all the good ones just to show them all!" and "I may not be the best snus maker in the world but I will continue to provide good humour, excellent customer service and many innovative flavours at a reasonable price!"
It would appear that this time they have been lenient and turned a blind eye to the videos.
So - we're back on-line - and I suggest if we want that to remain the case we should all just accept that the Great Leaders at the Northerner Party are still providing an excellent service; that bonus points are against everything that the Great Leaders stand for and that we all are much better off under the new regime because knowing when our orders are processed and likely to be delivered makes us far too complacent.
If we do not follow this advice - the Northerner Party can break us - they can reduce us to quivering wrecks. Sitting in isolation at a computer, unable to communicate and dejectedly prodding at the refresh button every 30 seconds in the hope that we can see the next spam video or bizarre news story that wa3zrm posts.
You know it makes sense.