In the United States there are no Socialist parties. We need a third party such as the Socialist Labor Party, a party to stand up for our worker's rights!
It pisses me off to no end that American's (mentally insane Republican's) cannot see the light that plutocratic capitalism will only drive this country
further into a depression. If the average man has no money to spend, because they cannot make it and the banks won't lend it, then how the hell will he get it?
It is sickening to me to see billionaires treat their thousand's employees like slaves, shit wages, poor healthcare and terrible working conditions!
It pisses me off to no end that American's (mentally insane Republican's) cannot see the light that plutocratic capitalism will only drive this country
further into a depression. If the average man has no money to spend, because they cannot make it and the banks won't lend it, then how the hell will he get it?
It is sickening to me to see billionaires treat their thousand's employees like slaves, shit wages, poor healthcare and terrible working conditions!