I got your loose anus right here! Yes I use LOS snus, and white snus, and OP snus and Old snus and dry snus and any snus I encounter from my snus locker.
What in your mind is the question for GN? A los ? Yes yes yes............ PP I guess is moving, so he has to dig up all those friggin barrells (hahahahaaahh!) and move them soon.............. You could always send to me and I can send to him, if you are sending anything!!! Otherwise, What are you............hmmmmmmmmmm......How are they hanging?
Well you all knew how much Pp lakes Coffe snus and Whalen , i think you going To love it , i have only maybe 80 gramms of loose snus which I think you going to love if it is it then mass production will start imidietly
Well you all knew how much Pp lakes Coffe snus and Whalen , i think you going To love it , i have only maybe 80 gramms of loose snus which I think you going to love if it is it then mass production will start imidietly
GN! Are you making a special Los? Or did Connie find something weird in the vat and nobody will go near it? Just truth........
Something with a tail? That would be ok GN, I am a Texan, we make a lot of Chili that has a tail too.............
I think you will need to put it in one of those fancy Bowmore cans to make it look right! No need to empty out the bowmore los, just pack it all in there real tight! Or just send some Bowmore with it and I will flavor it to suit my taste! Yeah that is the plan!!!!!!!!!! Capish EL Presidente?
Well you all knew how much Pp lakes Coffe snus and Whalen , i think you going To love it , i have only maybe 80 gramms of loose snus which I think you going to love if it is it then mass production will start imidietly
GN, PP is a real picky Mofo when it comes to Coffee snus! He likes to be discriminating about it, I think he has just lost all ability to remember what he liked about the old coffee snus, his cans gotta be really old and nasty.............Just like PP! Don't tell him I said that, let that be our little secret!
You sure you just didn't dump the old coffee from yesterday into that snuff I sent you, and you are giggling at the thought of the look on my face when I am sitting here with a big old prilla in my lip? I trust your judgement GN!
Chewing is definitely not a new way of enjoying tobacco - it is a rather old tradition - but the new, modern Nordic Chew is more like snus than traditional chewing tobacco. It looks the same way as Swedish snus and comes in loose form or in portions. ...
So I am a snus addict, as I am sure most of the senior members are as well. (I know a few have a stock pile of more then 100 in their freezer. I am starting...