I've had limited access to the internet for several months. I've mainly been able to communicate with people through twitter and facebook via old school text on an old school phone. The past 6 months have been quite the journey involving personal growth, loss, a new perspective on life and an appreciation for the simple things. I've worked in a slaughter house, as a paper boy, baby sitter, met a couple celebrities, had a few near death experiences, almost lost a few friends after a shooting in Minnesota which led to my car being held for a couple weeks to be combed over and have slugs pulled from the doors and fragments from throughout the car, possibly developed a temporary Panic Disorder, started smoking and quit again, been homeless, traveled half the country and finally found my way back to Georgia. That's the gist of my recent months and why I've been absent, but I'm going to try to be on more often now that I'm in a more stable environment. Hope everyone had a great christmas/Happy holidays and I look forward to getting back to snusing it up with you all again.
Been awhile..
Tex! It's great hearing from you. Sounds like you've had an interesting time. I'm not sure if that's good or bad. Sounds like life kinda sucked during periods, but adverse conditions clarify thought, and spotlight what's really important in life. I do hope things are more stable going forward. while adverse conditions can improve character, if they go too long, they can beat you down. Welcome Back, Merry Xmas, and Here's to a great new year!
Whoa Tex.................. I’ve been wondering where you have been………….. it sounds like the last several months have been a ride.........that's some heavy hooie.......... anyway……glad you are back!!................
Merry Christmas!When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers
What up Tex? Good to hear from ya. Maybe you coming back will bring sgreger out of retirement. I'm glad your ok after all that and while it can be fun and sharpen your skills for the oncoming zombie apocalypse it's prolly not healthy in the long run. But Hey I'm sure you got some good tales to tell the grandkids someday....