Alex Jones vs Piers Morgan - 1776 Will Commence Again' If Guns Taken Away

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  • Bigblue1
    Banned Users
    • Dec 2008
    • 3923



    • Frosted
      • Mar 2010
      • 5798

      So Britain has a high crime rate but aren't we really talking about deaths from criminal behaviour especially horrors like massacres?

      Being a victim of crime is pretty bad but dying from crime isn't the best is it? Two quite different things which is actually the whole point.


      • Frosted
        • Mar 2010
        • 5798

        The comparison of violent crime statistics between countries is usually problematic, due to the way different countries classify crime.[2] Valid comparisons require that similar offences between jurisdictions be compared. Often this is not possible because crime statistics aggregate equivalent offences in such different ways that make it difficult or impossible to obtain a valid comparison. (source wikipedia on violent crime)

        Granted though, the UK has the second highest crime rate in the EU. Hazarding a guess most of the violent crime over here would be assaults. The British nature in some areas can be somewhat antisocial.

        On the list of countries by Intentional homicide rate Britain was 1.2 per 100,000 (I dare say Northern Ireland hiked that figure up a bit) with North America at 4.8 per 100,000. Mexico is 22.7 per 100,000 lmfao. No wonder you lot need guns.


        • truthwolf1
          • Oct 2008
          • 2696

          Originally posted by Extreme
          So Britain has a high crime rate but aren't we really talking about deaths from criminal behaviour especially horrors like massacres?

          Being a victim of crime is pretty bad but dying from crime isn't the best is it? Two quite different things which is actually the whole point.
          I am trying to find some accurate numbers on strictly gang/criminal on gang/criminal related homicides but the numbers are hard to find. My guess though is that a majority of the victims of gun related homicide in the USA are either gang, criminal or drug related verses innocent bystanders.


          • sgreger1
            • Mar 2009
            • 9451

            Originally posted by lxskllr
            The second amendment isn't a "right to hunt" or a "right to be 2 generations behind the current regime's weapons". It's a right to bear arms, primarily to keep the government in check. When it was ratified, it was for state of the art weaponry which was the equal of what the government used. They didn't limit it to slingshots, swords, or bow/arrow, or anything else. Any argument regarding the quality of weapon misses the point in the best case, and deliberately obfuscates the issue in the worst.
            I just wanted to chime in real quick to say: ^^THIS.

            Re: the debate (and I use that term as loose as a whore), these are the two people you send to a debate if you want entertainment, not a real debate. Two ****ing crazy bastards seeing who can outcrazy the other. Furthermore, Alex Jones was right on many points, but like usual he took things too far and was overly dramatic, as is his style unfortunately. I listened to his show for the first time in a year the day after this debate and he was going on about how he thought they were trying to have the mafia assassinate him in the CNN studio after the interview and there were secret agents following him everywhere. He is like Stephen Colbert, he never breaks character.

            Now President Obama is claiming that he may issue an executive order to deal with the gun issue, we will see if he has the balls, which I doubt he does. Speaking of which, I would like to direct everyone to the absolutely classic and laughable representation of this executive order scare as viewed on Drudge Report. Did you click it? Go ahead and see. That's right, Obama is literally Hitler lol, that site has become a joke.

            I think both sides need to calm down and quit making such a big deal. Fact is that gun crime is on the downtrend but the media loves a good story. We have a problem not with guns, but rather with poverty and gangs and a complete lack of mental health facilities in the US. It's poor, uneducated gang members and crazy people that are the problems, not guns. You simply cannot legislate away crazy people, and in a country with a larger population than most of Europe, they are likely to pop up every once in a while despite your best efforts. Taking guns will only leave them in the hands of criminals, since, you know, they don't follow laws and all...

            In closing, it is written clear as ****ing day in the constitution, the supreme law of the land, that we have the right to bear arms. Period, end of sentence. It is only second to the inherent right of free speech, if that gives you any indication of how important this issue was to the founding fathers. But you know what? **** them right that was like 250 years ago, what's important is that Americans TODAY don't want guns taken away, so it aint gonna happen. Deal with it.


            • Crow
              • Oct 2010
              • 4312

              Do my eyes deceive me?!

              Welcome back bud!
              Words of Wisdom

              Premium Parrots: only if the carpet matches the drapes.
              Crow: Of course, that's a given.
              Crow: Imagine a jet black 'raven' with a red bush?
              Crow: Hmm... You know, that actually sounds intriguing to me.
              Premium Parrots: sounds like a freak to me
              Premium Parrots: remember DO NOT TURN YOUR BACK ON CROW
              Premium Parrots: not that it would hurt one bit if he nailed you with his little pecker.
              Frosted: lucky twat
              Frosted: Aussie slags
              Frosted: Mind the STDs Crow


              • lxskllr
                • Sep 2007
                • 13435

                sgreger! Great to see ya man. I hope you've been well. I keep an eye on your folding progress, but it's nice seeing you back here :^)


                • Bigblue1
                  Banned Users
                  • Dec 2008
                  • 3923

                  Man I Miss you Bro! And well articulated as usual.....


                  • sgreger1
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 9451

                    Originally posted by lxskllr
                    sgreger! Great to see ya man. I hope you've been well. I keep an eye on your folding progress, but it's nice seeing you back here :^)
                    Lol, is my FAH still running on that server? AHha outstanding I had completely forgotten about that.

                    All is well on my end of the world, hope everything is good for everyone else as well.


                    • Mordred
                      • Dec 2009
                      • 342

                      Originally posted by sgreger1
                      You simply cannot legislate away crazy people, and in a country with a larger population than most of Europe, they are likely to pop up every once in a while despite your best efforts.
                      There's this great quote from Penn Jillette: "You can't stop insane people from doing insane things by passing insane laws, that's... insane!".


                      • sgreger1
                        • Mar 2009
                        • 9451

                        Originally posted by Crow
                        Do my eyes deceive me?!

                        Welcome back bud!
                        Thanks dude, your sig is ****ing awesome btw. The look on his face as he realizes the crow has made off with his joint is priceless.


                        • sgreger1
                          • Mar 2009
                          • 9451

                          Originally posted by Mordred
                          There's this great quote from Penn Jillette: "You can't stop insane people from doing insane things by passing insane laws, that's... insane!".
                          It's a distopian future that waits ahead of us, where everyone is fed and kept safe by the government and where we are all rationed to a single paper square of toilet paper in order to appease the environmentalists. Unfortunately, as one grows older, you slowly begin to realize that the world you grew up in no longer exists. I suspect that in my lifetime the anti-rights movement will pick up steam and they will finally outlaw guns so that we can be cool like hipster Europe.

                          Until then, good luck trying to take em


                          • lxskllr
                            • Sep 2007
                            • 13435

                            Originally posted by sgreger1
                            It's a distopian future that waits ahead of us, where everyone is fed and kept safe by the government and where we are all rationed to a single paper square of toilet paper in order to appease the environmentalists.


                            • sgreger1
                              • Mar 2009
                              • 9451

                              Nailed it.


                              • hokiehi82
                                • Jul 2012
                                • 227

                                Penn Jillete is a personal hero of mine. The most quotable man on the planet.


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