Alex Jones vs Piers Morgan - 1776 Will Commence Again' If Guns Taken Away

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  • Joe234
    • Apr 2010
    • 1948

    Alex Jones vs Piers Morgan - 1776 Will Commence Again' If Guns Taken Away


    Alex Jones vs Piers Morgan

    Has Petition to deport Piers Morgan


    1776 Will Commence Again' If Guns Taken Away

    Part 1

    Part 2

    IMO Alex comes off like a nut case and destroyed his argument with the majority of
    the American People.
  • Crow
    • Oct 2010
    • 4312

    The delivery was poor (Calm down! Have a pot brownie or summit!)

    Debate Tip! Keep calm at all times. Allow your opponent to finish saying their piece (no matter how much you disagree/despise with/what they're saying). When it's your turn to speak, go in with a strong rebuttal... Shut that shit down!
    Words of Wisdom

    Premium Parrots: only if the carpet matches the drapes.
    Crow: Of course, that's a given.
    Crow: Imagine a jet black 'raven' with a red bush?
    Crow: Hmm... You know, that actually sounds intriguing to me.
    Premium Parrots: sounds like a freak to me
    Premium Parrots: remember DO NOT TURN YOUR BACK ON CROW
    Premium Parrots: not that it would hurt one bit if he nailed you with his little pecker.
    Frosted: lucky twat
    Frosted: Aussie slags
    Frosted: Mind the STDs Crow


    • Frosted
      • Mar 2010
      • 5798


      Not sane.


      • Mordred
        • Dec 2009
        • 342

        To be fair though, Pier Morgan is a right git and embodies a lot of what's wrong with the UK today and, I'm afraid, the US in the near future.


        • Frosted
          • Mar 2010
          • 5798

          ....and there's nothing wrong with the US presently lmfao.


          • Frosted
            • Mar 2010
            • 5798

            ...........not denying that Piers Morgan is a git.


            • OregonNative
              • Aug 2009
              • 647

              Good Lord.. This guy needs to calm down. He discredited himself by acting like a pissed off redneck refusing to discuss any actual issues.

              I own firearms. I've been required to carry them for work and I strongly believe that the majority of people have no need for firearms with the exception of hunting rifles. People are going to kill people, that's a fact, but why make it easier? Civilians have no need to own firearms that were designed for the military.

              I'm not trying to debate the issue, if people want to own guns, by all means, go ahead. This is just one guys opinion.


              • Frosted
                • Mar 2010
                • 5798

                Originally posted by OregonNative
                Good Lord.. This guy needs to calm down. He discredited himself by acting like a pissed off redneck refusing to discuss any actual issues.

                I own firearms. I've been required to carry them for work and I strongly believe that the majority of people have no need for firearms with the exception of hunting rifles. People are going to kill people, that's a fact, but why make it easier? Civilians have no need to own firearms that were designed for the military.

                I'm not trying to debate the issue, if people want to own guns, by all means, go ahead. This is just one guys opinion.
                I absoloutely agree with you here. It's making it easier that is the problem. There is absoloutely no need to own a military grade weapon unless you think your countries about to go to civil war - in which case you're dead anyway.
                They've got rid of our right to have rifles here but we're still allowed, and that goes for everybody unless you're clinically insane, to have a shotgun and cartridges in your house. As you say OregonNative anybody can still go out and kill people and England does have a reasonably high ownership of shotguns, but there was only one case that I can remember of somebody blowing a few people away with one. Not a great range and reloading slows you down until the police arrive to delete you. Again - not debating just saying what's happening here. I do, like yourself see the need in America to own a hunting rifle.


                • Frosted
                  • Mar 2010
                  • 5798

                  Just to clarify further to the American citizens of the forum, that we are not a gun free nation here in the UK - There are 1,801,540 legally-owned guns in England and Wales - that is 3,287 shotguns and firearms for every 100,000 people in England and Wales.

                  These figures are from March 2012 and include only England and Wales. Scotland and Northern Ireland are not included. Every member of the security forces in Northern Ireland carry a pistol as a personal protection weapon at all times.


                  • phantom
                    • Jun 2011
                    • 523

                    With people like that speaking for our gun rights we don't have a chance.I just visited his website my antivirus even blocked it.


                    • lxskllr
                      • Sep 2007
                      • 13435

                      The second amendment isn't a "right to hunt" or a "right to be 2 generations behind the current regime's weapons". It's a right to bear arms, primarily to keep the government in check. When it was ratified, it was for state of the art weaponry which was the equal of what the government used. They didn't limit it to slingshots, swords, or bow/arrow, or anything else. Any argument regarding the quality of weapon misses the point in the best case, and deliberately obfuscates the issue in the worst.


                      • Mordred
                        • Dec 2009
                        • 342

                        Originally posted by OregonNative
                        Civilians have no need to own firearms that were designed for the military.
                        Three errors in this sentence:

                        1) Civilians may not need such weapons CURRENTLY. Just like I don't need a fire extinguisher CURRENTLY. We don't know what situations may arise in the future.

                        2) You cannot define what a person may own by seeing if he needs it. Most of the stuff I own, I do not actually need. Do I need a car? Nope, I can take a bus or train. Do I need a large home? Nope, I only need one room. And so forth.

                        3) You talk of weapons designed for the military. By doing so, you buy into the "weapons of war" spin. And that's all it is, a spin. We're talking about semi-automatic rifles here. Check out this video for a good explanation of this aspect : .

                        For the record, I live in Europe and own three handguns. Now, where I live, gun laws are horrible. Seriously, they are. Guns are illegal by default. You have to apply for a permit (lengthy procedure) which will grant you an exception to the law. So far, the ministry is handing these out somewhat liberally provided you're a member of a gun club, but the problem is, they can revoke them just as easily. If they want to "ban" a certain gun, they can do so without changing any laws by simply not issueing any more permits for them and refusing to extend existing ones. So yeah, don't go down that route.


                        • OregonNative
                          • Aug 2009
                          • 647

                          Originally posted by Extreme
                          I absoloutely agree with you here. It's making it easier that is the problem. There is absoloutely no need to own a military grade weapon unless you think your countries about to go to civil war - in which case you're dead anyway.
                          They've got rid of our right to have rifles here but we're still allowed, and that goes for everybody unless you're clinically insane, to have a shotgun and cartridges in your house. As you say OregonNative anybody can still go out and kill people and England does have a reasonably high ownership of shotguns, but there was only one case that I can remember of somebody blowing a few people away with one. Not a great range and reloading slows you down until the police arrive to delete you. Again - not debating just saying what's happening here. I do, like yourself see the need in America to own a hunting rifle.
                          I'd be totally okay with our gun laws being more similar to that of the UK.

                          As you said, you can remember "ONE" incident of someone blowing people away with a gun. I've had 3 friends shot to death, all of whom were under the age of 25. I've lived in cities within the United States where hearing gunfire at night is not uncommon (Los Angeles, Miami, etc), and this is insane. I've seen the destruction caused by firearms. Just look at the news, and you'll hear about shootings daily all over the country. I mean hell, look at the number of spree/mass shootings we've had in the last year alone. As Piers Morgan was trying to explain, it's almost always by semi-automatic/military weapons. These weapons were not designed for hunting, they were designed for war. They were designed to end human life, and they don't have any other purpose.

                          Pro-gun advocates will always turn this argument into the nonsense of "guns don't kill people, people kill people". Apparently people can't handle the responsibility of firearm ownership. 11,000+ gun deaths every year in the USA is proof of that. The human mind is unstable, everyone has a bad day, everyone gets angry, and people get into fights. As we've both said already, why make killing someone that much easier? If you get into a fight with someone, you should be able to walk home after, instead people are killing each other over petty nonsense because it's just to darn easy to kill someone with a gun. A good example, one of my friends who was shot (and died) ended up getting shot because he spilled a drink on someone at the club on accident. The guy followed him outside and shot him in the parking lot.

                          I'm not some anti-gun hippy. As I've mentioned before, I own firearms, I go hunting every deer season, but I still strongly believe that military weapons serve no positive purpose in our society. It's people like this guy on the video that make my skin crawl. He spent the entire interview screaming about tyrant governments, "suicide pills", and 9/11. This guy is a perfect example why a lot of people think all Americans are backwards violent savages, and it's a damn shame.

                          Cheers Fellas


                          • Mdisch
                            • Jul 2011
                            • 805

                            They're both tools, but Alex Jones takes the 1st place for being an ass and a nutcase. This "debate" is a joke - and a pretty bad one.


                            • Frosted
                              • Mar 2010
                              • 5798

                              I can remember 3 altogether in England and Scotland Oregon. 2 were before the restrictions in gun laws and 1 after. Hungerford, Dunblane - gun laws - then Cumbria with a shotgun - but no others with a shotgun.

                              Did Alex call him a redcoat? totally off the scale wtf in these vids. You guys need a better rep.


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