What would you do if you encountered a transgendered person?
What would you do if you encountered a transgendered person?
Words of Wisdom
Premium Parrots: only if the carpet matches the drapes.
Crow: Of course, that's a given.
Crow: Imagine a jet black 'raven' with a red bush?
Crow: Hmm... You know, that actually sounds intriguing to me.
Premium Parrots: sounds like a freak to mePremium Parrots: remember DO NOT TURN YOUR BACK ON CROW
Premium Parrots: not that it would hurt one bit if he nailed you with his little pecker.Frosted: lucky twat
Frosted: Aussie slags
Frosted: Mind the STDs CrowTags: None
first transgender i ever met was a friend of mine. we were friends before the change. not that i quit being friends because he did that but he moved. personally i think it's wrong but as a human i do what i want and everyone else can too. i think anyone who would insult a stranger that's not affecting you is low life. I have no problem treating transgendered people the way I would treat anyone else. People I am close to would never insult someone like that guy did. I mean not for anything that don't affect them. Say she came up to me and started giving me a hard time about being fat, well the gloves might come off. In that situation with her making fun of my looks then all would be fair but it would be her fault. Otherwise, just bring me my food and more diet coke zero.
i will add this.... a lot of guys get their manhood threatened if they gawk at a girl and find out that girl used to be a boy. Back around 1981 I was at a stones concert. I saw 3-4 girls walking away from me. I gave them that long hard look as they walked away. A few minutes later I found out they were transgender. that was the first time i know of that I met a transgender without knowing it before hand. It floored me. It's been a long time so I cant remember exactly but it kind of set me back haha. For me I had to do some thinking afterwards to sort it out in my mind. I knew a drunk guy who woke up with a transgender not knowing ahead of time. if that had happened to me, I think my age would make a difference between acting right or acting a fool. Before say 22-23 i might have acted a fool. after that age I would have dealt with it and who knows maybe I would have liked her.
My friend owns a Harley dealership right, so I go in and the chick who works next door comes in to borrow something. She is bending over looking in a drawer behind the counter and i'm nudging my buddy like "Daaayyuum look at that a$$!", he and his brother in law who co-own the place together start ****ing cracking up. After she left they didn't tell me immediately and gave me some rope to hang myself with talking about how hot she was. Then they explained that she used to be a dude. We all laughed and that was it. Since then after having moved to San Francisco, I've seen more transgender people than I can count, and frankly it doesn't bother me. Personally I don't really understand it and I think it is weird, in the same way I don't understand why girls find dicks attractive,but I accept it as part of life and move on. We are all citizens and while I don't really get it I treat them the same as I would any other stranger.
I do not, however, feel that any taxpayer money should go towards paying for sex changes for people in Prison though (like they do in California). IMO it should be on your dime, a sex change is not health care as it's not fixing something life threatening or anything (that I am aware of anyways, correct me if I'm wrong). If you are a dude who wants to be a girl, you gotta buy the dress yourself.
What would I do if I encountered someone who mutilated their genitalia and exchanged it with a malfunctioning and artificial version of that of the opposite sex, simply because at university we learn that it is completely normal to want to be the opposite sex?
What would I do if I encountered someone who cut themselves in general?
I would not make eye contact. I would try not to stare; gawk; or otherwise bring attention to the freak of nature (not nature, actually) that just walked into my presence.
It is obviously an extreme mental neurosis or moral deficiency. At any rate I would not act as if their behavior was normal, but I also wouldn't tell them they should get a reverse-sex-change operation or inform them that they have an extreme neurosis/moral problem.
I hope I would forget about it soon afterwards. Luckily I have not encountered this (afaik, as snusomatic relates).
Originally posted by SnusNoobWhat would I do if I encountered someone who mutilated their genitalia and exchanged it with a malfunctioning and artificial version of that of the opposite sex, simply because at university we learn that it is completely normal to want to be the opposite sex?
What would I do if I encountered someone who cut themselves in general?
I would not make eye contact. I would try not to stare; gawk; or otherwise bring attention to the freak of nature (not nature, actually) that just walked into my presence.
It is obviously an extreme mental neurosis or moral deficiency. At any rate I would not act as if their behavior was normal, but I also wouldn't tell them they should get a reverse-sex-change operation or inform them that they have an extreme neurosis/moral problem.
I hope I would forget about it soon afterwards. Luckily I have not encountered this (afaik, as snusomatic relates).
Nothing, wouldn't treat them any differently that I would any other stranger. If you're born in the wrong body then its unfortunate, to go through something as extreme as gender re-assignment is a serious commitment and not something you would do on a whim, if they are happy thats all that matters. The world isn't going to end just because someone has a sex change and I can see no moral or scientific reason for disagreeing with it, life sucks if you're not happy in your own skin.
I think it's natural to feel uncomfortable with it but I strongly defend anybody's right to do absoloutely anything that doesn't harm others.
We had a big hairy ars*d security officer, kick boxing champ, nutter....came into work one day in a skirt and wanted to be called Jenny from then on. Pain in the hole when he said he was on his/her/its period.
Originally posted by stubby2There is few things more dangerous then a self-righteous moralist. You really need to get out more.
Originally posted by snusjusAgreed. It needs to be mentioned that numerous cultures throughout the world have a less definitive view on gender. In Brazil and India, for example, certain male members of the community are designated to act feminine and engage in feminine roles (also, what defines feminity and masculinity itself deviates greatly among cultures). Some Native American tribes designate transsexual and transgender people as "two spirited," who hold greater wisdom because they embody both forms of sex. SnusNoob's assertion about these individuals reflects his ignorance regarding the blurry line between male and female, feminity and masculinity, throughout time and culture.Originally posted by snusjusAre you circumcised? Do you support male circumcision? Mutilation for one person may be perceived as body enhancement for another, and vice versa.
We have a quite a number here in MN so it really is not anything new.
However sometimes they are really hot but then somekind of natural warning kick's in of why this person is giving me a smile.
If you look for a adams apple or large male hands you will understand why that beautiful chick man is checking your dumb ass out.
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