Better get out my supper mod K-1000 delete-a-post zap gun..........and nip this little situation right in the bud
And for the record....I ain't in Lx's little the time that was taken I was already back at the lodge.............drinking Irish coffee……………. and talking shit to Fifi the French Poodle and her twin sister Doris……..ahh what a night
So GN…………Pass me if you can………… but if I have to look at your ass…….it better be hot and tan
Note to self….add all posters on this thread to my little book………..
put a star by Lx’s name
When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers
I just placed A nice but a bit expensive order from SnusCentral, I would have gone with Northerner or GetSnus, But even with free shipping and the General...
Here is my next order I plan on placing, should I leave it as is? or change some things. (this is from SnusCentral BTW since GetSnus doesn't have some...