So, free speech, really? In the USA? Are you sure that even with all those free speech laws reading Bible aloud is not a major crime?
That's overreaching by the police, and unfortunately it happens here too often. *I see no trial outcome, so I can't comment on those particular cases, but I'm against "hate crime laws". They don't apply to speech, but they can get tacked on top of justified laws like assault to get longer sentences, which is bullshit. In short, you can't be found guilty of "hate speech" on it's own, but it can be used as a modifier with regards to another charge.
*The second link says the case was dismissed, which would be expected.
I can agree, FrankieReloaded, that supression of Christianity is wrong. People have every right to express their religion. Even on "public" property so long as it is peaceful. Including natvity scenes, praying, preaching, parading, whatever really.
But can you really think as a Christian that marriage contracts began with that religion? Marriages were happening thousands of years before anyone ever concieved of a Judaism/Christianity/Islam. If anything, it is these religions that have "twisted" social events to their agendas.
If people find bible talk offensive than they shouldn't listen and if bible folk find queer folk offensive than they shouldn't listen.
On private property, the property owner gets to say what speech is allowed etc.
And people who are self-owning get to decide what contracts they will enter into.
I am fully aware that marriage is not exclusively Christian concept. That is why I said that these fiends are trying to steal a religious concept and use it for their twisted agenda, e.g. persecution of religious people. They can copulate/live with who/what/ever they wish, but they demand to enter religion-based bond of marriage as one of the steps in their plans. The other is persecuting priests/pastors/preachers. Then they can safely go on to persecuting common believers. Even the Communists did not dare to arrest a priest in the middle of a sermon. The homosexuals do.
On the other, more cheerful hand, if they win against Christianity, they will just leave more room to Sharia. Then the phrase "hanging out with my gay friends" will get a completely new meaning... Because they can corrupt the society as they are trying so much now, but when the culture is corrupted enough, it just succumbs to a strong, purer one. Happened many times before; does not even necessarily require war.
In my lifetime I saw people´s minds being conditioned to believe that homosexuality is no longer a disease and that marijuana users should be jailed even if they only grow/possess for their own use. Maybe in my children´s lifetime the hangings will be believed to be just a common social event. People will still pray to the same God, but will have to use slightly different words.
I am fully aware that marriage is not exclusively Christian concept. That is why I said that these fiends are trying to steal a religious concept and use it for their twisted agenda, e.g. persecution of religious people. They can copulate/live with who/what/ever they wish, but they demand to enter religion-based bond of marriage as one of the steps in their plans. The other is persecuting priests/pastors/preachers. Then they can safely go on to persecuting common believers. Even the Communists did not dare to arrest a priest in the middle of a sermon. The homosexuals do.
You're confused. It doesn't have a thing to do with religion. It has to do government granted rights that only apply to part of the population. Personally, I'd like to see the government out of the whole process, but if they're gonna be in it, it has to apply to everyone, or it's discrimination. Churches don't have to, and will never have to marry queers if they don't want to(in the USA).
Once the homosexual marriage mission is accomplished, there will be a flood of court trials of priests who refused to marry these people and thus committed the crime of discrimination. The groundwork for this has already been laid by all the laws which make discrimination illegal. They are already in place and waiting for the next step in homosexual agenda
Really, why don´t you just live and let us live? We do not push ourselves in your bedrooms, why do you push yourself into our churches?
BTW, marriage was here long before governments. It is not a government "thing". The right to marry was usurped by modern rules, and still only to certain extend: I believe priests still can wed couples without asking the FBI permission (even though they already cannot preach without the fear of four FBI agents jumping up from the pews and leading them handcuffed to a jail because they said homosexuality is a sin...).
Don't worry, if a Christian is persecuted for discrimination I will be here in opposition to that as well. Noone should force you to accept it, but we shouldn't be able to decide what is allowed in other peoples lives. My rights end where another's begin.
Saying it should be "voted" on it is just fancy talk for "I'm gonna ask some armed thugs to make you do what I want".
I don't think discrimination ought to be illegal (but it might make you loose money or make you lonley), but we can't deny free people their right to enter into contracts. Wasnt there something about "as you have done to the least of them"?
It would be just as wrong to force people together as it would be to force them apart.
After witnessing a very close game, I could use a little pick-me-up.
I've posted this one before, but some of you probably haven't seen it yet....
Premium Parrots: only if the carpet matches the drapes.
Crow: Of course, that's a given.
Crow: Imagine a jet black 'raven' with a red bush?
Crow: Hmm... You know, that actually sounds intriguing to me. Premium Parrots: sounds like a freak to me
Premium Parrots: remember DO NOT TURN YOUR BACK ON CROW Premium Parrots: not that it would hurt one bit if he nailed you with his little pecker.
Frosted: lucky twat Frosted: Aussie slags Frosted: Mind the STDs Crow
Dear brothers we can not talk on subject like this just from personal point of view , Becouse we live in society where we have children and have rase them , if you look what governments do is taking in to concidaration the society , now when you say somebody's right then why you do not talk about murders right or pedofils rights ??? Becouse we live In society and we can not live other way - now what I am saying is that whatever happens in western world is a danger for our future - c' mon you can not disagree on this vivid fact that - we just transforming in something that 10 years ago was not even thinkable ...
In Germany it's a shame to talk about they're culture , in France cars are burning if somebody is tough to certain group of people , America in war for not understandable reasons , why kill Muamar Kadafi ? Why start war against Irak which had nothing to do with Osama , why destabilise situation in Syria ??? Where in fact Christian under Bashar felt like kings ?
I mean do you guys understand what waiting your children ??? Total chaos or change of way of living . Now main point why I am against advertising homosexuality, have you ever seen lately any movie about family like in 50 ? Where it is propaganda good and strong family with lots of children and respect for our values ??? I haven't - what I have seen drugs , homosexuality , devorced family's killings , foreign languages and so on ... If we want to live DEMOCRATIC now it's time to become AUTOCRATIC a little
c' mon you can not disagree on this vivid fact that - we just transforming in something that 10 years ago was not even thinkable ...
Same thing could be sayed aboat the legalisation of the mariana... But you know what? We changed that!
The Grape States of Washington and Colarado making the herstory for the rest of the worlds!!
Premium Parrots: only if the carpet matches the drapes.
Crow: Of course, that's a given.
Crow: Imagine a jet black 'raven' with a red bush?
Crow: Hmm... You know, that actually sounds intriguing to me. Premium Parrots: sounds like a freak to me
Premium Parrots: remember DO NOT TURN YOUR BACK ON CROW Premium Parrots: not that it would hurt one bit if he nailed you with his little pecker.
Frosted: lucky twat Frosted: Aussie slags Frosted: Mind the STDs Crow
i think God handles marriage. Government is involved for two reasons, money and control. A marriage license is a legal contract between two people. Personally, I don't think homosexuality is right but i could care less if two people go into a legal binding contact together. I treat everyone the same regardless of how they live as long as it don't involve me. In my life i've had two best friends who were gay. I did not know one was before we became friends but one I knew about. In the whole time I knew them neither ever did anything to me that made me feel uncomfortable. I am not one who goes around talking about who I had sex with and stuff like that. They never talked about stuff like that to me either. Well except a few times when it was someone I knew and that person went around putting down gays. I always found it interesting how many guys who talked about *ueer this and *ag that were on the down low.
I am bothered by gays who need to rub it in my face. I am also bothered by guys who feel the need to talk about all the sex they get or who with.
You know when gay rights protesting first started they tried to get protesters to act straight. That way they would be taken more seriously. It did not work out because people act the way they are. I can't remember names or places right now. If I need to back that up with fact and sources but I have a headache and too lazy. It's on the record history though and I am sure it could be googled and found.
Oh and to be clear I also believe The Constitution applies to everyone. I just wish everyone else believed the whole constitution applied to everyone (think 2ed amendment). Wonder how many gays believe gun control is a good thing but they should have their rights?
Premium Parrots: only if the carpet matches the drapes.
Crow: Of course, that's a given.
Crow: Imagine a jet black 'raven' with a red bush?
Crow: Hmm... You know, that actually sounds intriguing to me. Premium Parrots: sounds like a freak to me
Premium Parrots: remember DO NOT TURN YOUR BACK ON CROW Premium Parrots: not that it would hurt one bit if he nailed you with his little pecker.
Frosted: lucky twat Frosted: Aussie slags Frosted: Mind the STDs Crow
As county offices across the state prepare to issue marriage-license applications to same-sex couples when the state's gay-marriage law takes effect Thursday,...
As predicted by many, it has happened, the world's first three-way gay marriage. In Thailand, three gay men, known only as Art, Bell and Joke, exchanged...