So I lost my job today...

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  • Wulfensteinsson
    • Mar 2013
    • 37

    Sorry to hear that Snotgiff... sincerely, as we use to say in Spain “When a door closes a window opens” stay strong and keep searching for your opportunity!

    This Motherf$&€g crisis can´t go on forever, damn it! BTW hope that your recovery goes well.


    • Burnsey
      • Jan 2013
      • 2572

      Sorry to hear it Snotgiff. When one door closes, others are open, Good Luck.


      • BadAxe
        • Jan 2010
        • 631

        Originally posted by Premium Parrots
        Aww Snotty, sorry to hear that. Something will come along and it will lead to better things for you and your family. The church may have left you in the lurch but the God that resides there will provide.
        Is that the same god that allows children to be born with defects, that allows children to be molested and raped and murdered? The same god that allows religion to murder in his name? The same god that allows human beings, created in his image, to starve when there is food to be had? That god? Yep, I am sure he will provide as well.


        • truthwolf1
          • Oct 2008
          • 2696


          Please though do not walk out. Let them officially let you go in a downsize. This way you will be able to at least collect unemployment if needed. Not sure about health insurance but there usually is sometype of 3 month extension.

          I would also let them know you would do contract work if needed (1099). We just had one guy leave for a new job and they still call him up once a week to come in to fix stuff.


          • Humey
            • Feb 2013
            • 16

            That sucks man, hopefully you will find something soon. Its something that is out of your control so dont let it get you down matey, and good luck with your recovery. Keeping my fingers crossed for you Onwards and upwards


            • Skell18
              • May 2012
              • 7067

              Originally posted by BadAxe
              Is that the same god that allows children to be born with defects, that allows children to be molested and raped and murdered? The same god that allows religion to murder in his name? The same god that allows human beings, created in his image, to starve when there is food to be had? That god? Yep, I am sure he will provide as well.
              Not the appropriate thread to be discussing those issues mate, just try and keep it positive for snotgiff, plenty of other threads to dicuss those issues


              • Snotgifff
                • Sep 2012
                • 517

                I knew someone was gonna go there...let's not.

                Thanks for all your kind words guys! I'm just going to keep my head up here at work, not burn any bridges and start sending out my resume! I'm sure something will come along for me, and I'll be much happier than I am here.

                Someone asked what I do here: I'm the IT guy, do all the PC and Mac support for staff and maintain the server and network. I also get things ready for the worship services. I definitely won't miss working weekends! We have a full band so I do the live audio mixing, lighting show, graphics and all the stuff that goes along with it.

                I'm not real sure what I'm going to do about health insurance. So for now I'm scheduling all my tests and Dr. visits this month before it's gone...

                Originally posted by BadAxe
                Is that the same god that allows children to be born with defects, that allows children to be molested and raped and murdered? The same god that allows religion to murder in his name? The same god that allows human beings, created in his image, to starve when there is food to be had? That god? Yep, I am sure he will provide as well.


                • Burnsey
                  • Jan 2013
                  • 2572

                  Originally posted by truthwolf1
                  SORRY IT ALWAYS SUCKS.

                  Please though do not walk out. Let them officially let you go in a downsize. This way you will be able to at least collect unemployment if needed. Not sure about health insurance but there usually is sometype of 3 month extension.

                  I would also let them know you would do contract work if needed (1099). We just had one guy leave for a new job and they still call him up once a week to come in to fix stuff.
                  Beware the 1099 route. I know more people than I can remember that have worked as subcontractors and had a major problem with not having their income taxes deducted from their pay. Also, any income from pt work will be figured into and deducted from your unemployment benefits. I would look for a new job. It seems the job market is improving, imo.


                  • Snotgifff
                    • Sep 2012
                    • 517

                    Originally posted by Burnsey
                    Beware the 1099 route. I know more people than I can remember that have worked as subcontractors and had a major problem with not having their income taxes deducted from their pay. Also, any income from pt work will be figured into and deducted from your unemployment benefits. I would look for a new job. It seems the job market is improving, imo.
                    I'm not even considering working here part time anymore than I have to. And definitley not as a 1099 contractor. The way they've treated staff is appalling. I'm not the only one this has happened too. New job is my only choice in my eyes.


                    • tattooer601
                      • Jun 2010
                      • 942

                      Sorry to hear about man...
                      Churches are buildings the God
                      That's worshipped there is what they seem to be there for.
                      Then they become a monster that becomes focused on MONEY then, keeping up with the next church that has a Gymnasium ..
                      This is from a real life experience over 10-15 years of growing up in church ..
                      Small Churches always have less $ making ideas, More talk/study of the purpose of being there...
                      Like a popularity contest it seems....
                      Sorry to offend this bugs me..


                      • Snotgifff
                        • Sep 2012
                        • 517

                        Originally posted by tattooer601
                        Sorry to hear about man...
                        Churches are buildings the God
                        That's worshipped there is what they seem to be there for.
                        Then they become a monster that becomes focused on MONEY then, keeping up with the next church that has a Gymnasium ..
                        This is from a real life experience over 10-15 years of growing up in church ..
                        Small Churches always have less $ making ideas, More talk/study of the purpose of being there...
                        Like a popularity contest it seems....
                        Sorry to offend this bugs me..
                        This is exactly what's happening here. They spent millions of dollars on the building to bring more people and money in and it's not working. They want to keep up with 20+ more popular churches around here...Not sure how cutting staff is going to do that. Now they've managed to piss off all the employees and the members will not be happy either. Myself and the others getting cut to part time help members as part of our job and out of kindness. I was editing a video for a lady that's member here on the side. Not gonna happen now.


                        • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
                          • Mar 2011
                          • 7035

                          I also lost power today I am not deciding any longer on financial issues at Gajane ....


                          • lxskllr
                            • Sep 2007
                            • 13435

                            Originally posted by GN Tobacco Sweden AB
                            I also lost power today I am not deciding any longer on financial issues at Gajane ....
                            Is this bad?


                            • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
                              • Mar 2011
                              • 7035

                              Originally posted by lxskllr
                              Is this bad?
                              Somehow yes It's like this my father and on Persian guy thought I am bed at economy so they asked me to get out of Gajanes Finencial decisions ..... Now i can nog decide Amy thing Over there ..... But snus hell yes its My division all the way


                              • whalen
                                • May 2009
                                • 6593

                                Originally posted by GN Tobacco Sweden AB
                                Somehow yes It's like this my father and on Persian guy thought I am bed at economy so they asked me to get out of Gajanes Finencial decisions ..... Now i can nog decide Amy thing Over there ..... But snus hell yes its My division all the way
                                wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


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