Knife control...........Always cut away from yourself.........
American gun control debate.
Guns Need bullets!
Lawmakers are asking more and more questions about the massive ammo purchases being made by the Department of Homeland Security. For instance, a recent report says the government is on its way to amassing 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition over the next five years.
To put that into perspective, it would be enough to sustain the equivalent of the Iraq war for 24 years! The purchases have sparked conspiracy theories on the internet that the government is readying for a domestic conflict or trying to buy up bullets as a form of gun control.
Originally posted by whalenI forgot to add that part for our foreign friends! Around here that part is pretty much understood!
Some of your foreign friends from gun-free countries shot this: and their first and foremost problem at the time was to keep their right hand close to the torso because the darned loading tech was ill-known to tear limbs which got entangled in its metal arms in the confined space for shooter-operator
Originally posted by bpc720More people get stabbed each year in the UK than people get shot in US. When are you guys going to make knives illegal?
Originally posted by Frankie ReloadedWhat I really liked was the last item in the Knives that Are Illegal list: "weight attached to a rope, cord or wire" That must be a really bad-ass knife the Brits decided to ban
Originally posted by Frankie ReloadedWhat I really liked was the last item in the Knives that Are Illegal list: "weight attached to a rope, cord or wire" That must be a really bad-ass knife the Brits decided to ban
It's funny really, my new "hobby" has been stropping knives. Art and a science really. There is sharp, and there is "scary" sharp. I am a collector by nature, and knives have always been an affordable hobby, with some quality knives having achieved collector status. I had two Gerber "boot" knives designed by Allen Elishewitz. I just liked his designs, and twenty years later I found a famous knife collector stating in an article, that the only knife he wanted to round out his collection was that very knife. I about fell out of my chair, and he has one of them now, mine, and I have about a half dozen of his in trade. That was nice! It was originally a twenty dollar "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!
Originally posted by Skell18Its a huge knife with a chain attached and the chain has a weight on it, a Japanese ninja weapon, like the rest its listed with. You didn't put the name of the weapon in that the blurb describes, it makes more sense that way.
Attached it looks like a chain on a sickle but then I suppose the weapon would be the sickle. Badass criminals might even carry a...
Anyway, in this hole over here the laws are not much better, so do not be sad Americans are just lucky to have the right to own all those guns... even though I would not like certain ethnic groups to be armed over here...
Originally posted by Frankie ReloadedActually I looked at the pictures first because the cited law seemed stupid. Kusari means chain in Japanese... And the weapon may or may nor be attached to a sickle. Unattached it lookes like this: [ATTACH=CONFIG]2970[/ATTACH]
Attached it looks like a chain on a sickle but then I suppose the weapon would be the sickle. Badass criminals might even carry a... [ATTACH=CONFIG]2971[/ATTACH]
Anyway, in this hole over here the laws are not much better, so do not be sad Americans are just lucky to have the right to own all those guns... even though I would not like certain ethnic groups to be armed over here...