Squeezyjohn sees the light .. guns for everyone except gay husbands and social health

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  • squeezyjohn
    • Jan 2008
    • 2497

    Squeezyjohn sees the light .. guns for everyone except gay husbands and social health

    No - seriously ... I have seen the light!


    From now on I want to stand up for the following values and rights as a man:

    Guns for everyone who wants them who's not a pussy or any of the people below I wish did not exist - the more the better. If you disagree with me I will shoot you.

    All tax is bad ... we should all pay no tax and no money should go in to any national infrastructure - we should buy it all ourselves no matter where our money comes from (crime/inheritence/honest-to-goodness dang hard-work)

    I demand the right to use all the fossil-fuels at my disposal at the minimum cost to myself - there is no evidence for any damage to the planet from this until something awful happens to us ... and anyway if I don't do it, the Chinese will do it first ... burn, baby, burn!

    All the gays should be banned from my world entirely so I don't have to worry about their rights or freedoms which I deeply believe in.

    All the people who don't look like me or from a country I don't understand should be banned from my world entirely so I don't have to worry about their rights or freedoms which I deeply believe in.

    All the women
    should be banned from my world entirely so I don't have to worry about their rights or freedoms which I deeply believe in (except I can't do that because I really love tits - but ya gotta admit - they dam annoyin'!) .... help me out on this one.



    Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!
  • CoderGuy
    • Jul 2009
    • 2679

    Valiant attempt at sounding like an American Republican, but as with all things, not ALL Republicans are as extreme, only about 75% of them.


    • squeezyjohn
      • Jan 2008
      • 2497

      What? are you sayin' that 25% of all republicans are pussies then?

      Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


      • CoderGuy
        • Jul 2009
        • 2679

        Originally posted by squeezyjohn
        What? are you sayin' that 25% of all republicans are pussies then?
        Well if by pussy you mean someone that cares for others and believes in live and let live but also cares about the security of our country, then yes, and proud of it.


        • squeezyjohn
          • Jan 2008
          • 2497


          I just can't comprehend how you can possibly want our dream-world with never-ending energy and wealth based on nothing but debt without getting rid of the faggots and invading any country that threatens the status quo ideologically or has some oil we can steal.

          You guys make me sick!

          Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


          • squeezyjohn
            • Jan 2008
            • 2497

            I'm so patriotic that I only work on GMT by the way!

            Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


            • CoderGuy
              • Jul 2009
              • 2679

              Originally posted by squeezyjohn

              I just can't comprehend how you can possibly want our dream-world with never-ending energy and wealth based on nothing but debt without getting rid of the faggots and invading any country that threatens the status quo ideologically or has some oil we can steal.

              You guys make me sick!
              LOL Well happily England has you

              In all seriousness though, you did an excellent job of showing how ridiculous some people are, I just wish they would see it. I know you aren't that way of course, as no one that plays the squeezbox as you do could be evil.


              • squeezyjohn
                • Jan 2008
                • 2497

                Originally posted by CoderGuy
                LOL Well happily England has you

                In all seriousness though, you did an excellent job of showing how ridiculous some people are, I just wish they would see it. I know you aren't that way of course, as no one that plays the squeezbox as you do could be evil.
                That sounds like terrorist talk to me!

                Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


                • squeezyjohn
                  • Jan 2008
                  • 2497

                  You don't even know me ffs!

                  Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


                  • squeezyjohn
                    • Jan 2008
                    • 2497

                    I mean - are you lot saying by not agreeing with me that you think that it's OK for gay people to exist and do their sex with eachother even though I am not gay and the thought of a man with a beard kissing my scrotum makes me feel sick?

                    Is that what you people are saying?

                    I mean - when people made God up - they made him say that it was wrong ... so we could scare people in to not being gay by the threat of supernatural intervention ... are you saying this was all in vain?

                    It makes me feel so confused!

                    Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


                    • CoderGuy
                      • Jul 2009
                      • 2679

                      Originally posted by squeezyjohn
                      I mean - are you lot saying by not agreeing with me that you think that it's OK for gay people to exist and do their sex with eachother even though I am not gay and the thought of a man with a beard kissing my scrotum makes me feel sick?

                      Is that what you people are saying?

                      I mean - when people made God up - they made him say that it was wrong ... so we could scare people in to not being gay by the threat of supernatural intervention ... are you saying this was all in vain?

                      It makes me feel so confused!


                      • squeezyjohn
                        • Jan 2008
                        • 2497

                        Don't even get me started on communists.

                        I have read up on communism - and it means this:

                        Communism is being all shit and like a Russian, it's all bad and against everything we stand for!!! Like, they don't let people vote for the people who make all the rules of the country - can you imagine that????? A country where the people who actually make the important decisions aren't actually the ones you vote for!!!! If that happened here - I feel lucky that I have my guns to shoot them all dead if they tried to enforce a law on me when I didn't actually have the chance to vote for the people who made the law happen!!!

                        I sure am glad that we here in my country wouldn't ever let that happen - we sure would be pussies if we let that happen and didn't shoot those guys dead!

                        Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


                        • Skell18
                          • May 2012
                          • 7067

                          Originally posted by squeezyjohn
                          the thought of a man with a beard kissing my scrotum makes me feel so horny
                          There, fixed that for you


                          • whalen
                            • May 2009
                            • 6593

                            Didn't Jimmy Seville start out saying just about the same thing?
                            wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


                            • squeezyjohn
                              • Jan 2008
                              • 2497

                              Oh God! Skell - that is disgusting.

                              While I believe wholeheartedly in your God give right to the freedom of speech to think that thing - you are a complete dirty degenerate mother****er and I can't believe they haven't banned that kind of filthy liberal commie estate-agent blasphemy on this honest-to-goodness down-to-earth forum for honest Joe Uncle Sams

                              Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


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