Bulletproof Diet?

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  • devilock76
    • Aug 2010
    • 1737

    Originally posted by truthwolf1
    Congrats Roo!

    I have found distilled spirits do not mess with my digestion like Beer or Wine does so have been sticking to that. Pre all of this I would have a Zantac and tums in my pocket everytime I went out for Beers. Have not had a Zantac in years.

    Devilock- yes many distilled spirits are grain based but seem safe enough for people avoiding gluten like myself. For people with celiac disease they might be wise to stick with non-gluten grain mashes. I drank a lot on this diet and still lost weight.
    I was being more semantic, I don't think much of the gluten makes it through the process, but I am not a distiller. Besides I don't drink anymore.



    • devilock76
      • Aug 2010
      • 1737

      Originally posted by rickcharles606
      I'm seriously considering this diet, and once I speak to my doctor about it and get his take on it, I'll take the plunge. It just goes against everything I've ever been taught about fitness and nutrition. The science seems to make sense though, and I'm presenting it to my doc for an opinion as to how it will affect my vascular health, etc.
      For the most part all low carb diets are pretty darn similar. The key to any of them is in the long run finding a sustainable balance. And keep in mind not everyone does well on them.

      If there is any suggestion I can make about them I make the following.

      1. Go nuts on green leafy veggies, I am particularly fond of fresh spinach.
      2. LOTS OF WATER. If you are not drinking water you better be getting more to drink.
      3. There are good low carb fiber sources. Since we are all here for a Swedish product, snus, I will mention another, knackerbrod. Similar to hardtack you can find knackerbrod in the states in the form of Wasa brand crispbread. We have it around all the time. Works great for sardines as well as a salmon cream cheese spread we make. Heck even just plain cream cheese or peanut butter is excellent on it. Lots of dietary fiber and low carb per serving, well low carb relative to other choices.



      • truthwolf1
        • Oct 2008
        • 2696

        Originally posted by CzechCzar
        Good to know because I am meeting a friend at a bar tomorrow...

        Which hard alcohols are best?
        Like Devil said.. Gluten does gets broken down in the distilling process and sugar mixers, beer/wine carbs is your big worry with booze.

        Jameson soda, Vodka soda with a lime, Tequila shots, Martini, Bourbon Manhatten on the rocks, Cognac in a sifter are low carb.

        Second choice would be diet coke as a mixer but I do not drink the stuff.


        • devilock76
          • Aug 2010
          • 1737

          Originally posted by truthwolf1
          Like Devil said.. Gluten does gets broken down in the distilling process and sugar mixers, beer/wine carbs is your big worry with booze.

          Jameson soda, Vodka soda with a lime, Tequila shots, Martini, Bourbon Manhatten on the rocks, Cognac in a sifter are low carb.

          Second choice would be diet coke as a mixer but I do not drink the stuff.
          I may not drink anymore, but when I would buy Jameson (1780 blend) there were only three things that were allowed to touch it, glass, ice, and lips...



          • Zimobog
            • Jan 2013
            • 585

            So I monitor my metabolism with ketostiks. Last night in Texas I had three Makers Mark straight up and two Gentleman Jack straight up. At bedtime, i was out of ketosis. By this morning, I was back to deep purple and heavy keto readings.

            So burbon seems ok, but drink water alot and expect to loose a few hours of fat burning.


            • devilock76
              • Aug 2010
              • 1737

              Originally posted by Zimobog
              So I monitor my metabolism with ketostiks. Last night in Texas I had three Makers Mark straight up and two Gentleman Jack straight up. At bedtime, i was out of ketosis. By this morning, I was back to deep purple and heavy keto readings.

              So burbon seems ok, but drink water alot and expect to loose a few hours of fat burning.
              Bottom line is all alcohol metabolizes to sugar in the body. Atkins specifically forbid alcohol in the induction phase.



              • Roo
                • Jun 2008
                • 3446

                Fk Atkins. Yeah I know Scotch is grain based... it's a type of whiskey. The point of my post was supposed to be that I find much more pleasure in not adhering to any one person's magic diet, or hardline regulations on what one can and cannot ingest, but just making choices that feel good and yield positive results. Having said that, I am buying my first bottle of Hennessey today to give that a whirl. Czech Czar -- it's a cognac made from grapes so it's "paleo-friendly". Cirac Vodka is also non-grain based, can't recall at the moment what it's made from, and also tequila is, other than evil, non-grain based as well.


                • CzechCzar
                  • Jun 2010
                  • 1144

                  Technically, the liver metabolizes alcohol into aldehyde, a toxin, then breaks it down further into acetate, and finally CO2 and water.

                  Originally posted by devilock76
                  Bottom line is all alcohol metabolizes to sugar in the body. Atkins specifically forbid alcohol in the induction phase.



                  • CzechCzar
                    • Jun 2010
                    • 1144

                    According to this at least:


                    • devilock76
                      • Aug 2010
                      • 1737

                      Originally posted by CzechCzar
                      Technically, the liver metabolizes alcohol into aldehyde, a toxin, then breaks it down further into acetate, and finally CO2 and water.
                      It seems you are correct. Now I am trying to remember where I got that information from years ago and apparently it was a bad source... always check your sources...



                      • devilock76
                        • Aug 2010
                        • 1737

                        Originally posted by Roo
                        Fk Atkins. Yeah I know Scotch is grain based... it's a type of whiskey. The point of my post was supposed to be that I find much more pleasure in not adhering to any one person's magic diet, or hardline regulations on what one can and cannot ingest, but just making choices that feel good and yield positive results. Having said that, I am buying my first bottle of Hennessey today to give that a whirl. Czech Czar -- it's a cognac made from grapes so it's "paleo-friendly". Cirac Vodka is also non-grain based, can't recall at the moment what it's made from, and also tequila is, other than evil, non-grain based as well.
                        Really paleo, atkins, and this new "thing" are all cut from the same cloth. Debating between them is like debating between Coke and Pepsi, which is ironic when you think about it.



                        • CzechCzar
                          • Jun 2010
                          • 1144

                          Take the dive, you won't regret it. I just weighed in and I lost 2.8 pounds since last week. I am never hungry, and I always have loads of energy.

                          I started incrementally. First, I did the BP coffee, grassfed butter, and MCT oil. Then, I eliminated carbs, and started caring about mycotoxins in my food. Then I started the intermittent fasting. Finally, I started the supplements. The guy's website has a TON of information, all with sources backing it up. Each change I made left me feeling so much better that it was easy to keep up.

                          The coffee, butter, and MCT oil will set you back $40, which is nothing compared to the amount of energy you gain. Be sure to get fully grassfed butter - grainfed butter isn't really healthy.

                          Originally posted by rickcharles606
                          I'm seriously considering this diet, and once I speak to my doctor about it and get his take on it, I'll take the plunge. It just goes against everything I've ever been taught about fitness and nutrition. The science seems to make sense though, and I'm presenting it to my doc for an opinion as to how it will affect my vascular health, etc.


                          • devilock76
                            • Aug 2010
                            • 1737

                            Losing weight does not have to cost a dime.....



                            • CzechCzar
                              • Jun 2010
                              • 1144

                              Well, yeah. But for some of us, without some program, it's difficult to self-regulate


                              • Roo
                                • Jun 2008
                                • 3446

                                Originally posted by devilock76
                                Really paleo, atkins, and this new "thing" are all cut from the same cloth. Debating between them is like debating between Coke and Pepsi, which is ironic when you think about it.

                                Why did you direct that comment at me? I am not debating between any diets, nor am I following any diet. I am not eating grains, starches and sugars. That's all. If you want to call that Atkins, or Paleo, or whatever, I don't give a shit. I don't call it anything. I am not buying any special products, just cooking and eating good healthy food and skipping the carbs. Down 17 lbs in 30 days. Why are you shitting on everyone's diet regimens, no matter what they decide to do or whose advise to follow? I'm not going to read the thread again, but I don't recall anyone advising anyone else on how or what to eat, just discussing personal experiences.

                                And what is ironic about debating between Coke and Pepsi?


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