Brussels. Capital of the flemish part of Belgium, Capital of Belgium, Capital of Europa, and believe me, Capital of "going down the bloody toilet", to borrow Zero's direct way to say it.
Sweedish Snus cannot been sold here (what a shame! what a pity!), and at the same time Belgium produces and sell in France, Belgium and North-Africa the divine (yes yes yes) MAKLA IFRIKIA (but no one knows here, except the Algerians and the Tunisians, and me, and two ladies, now).
Morocans used dry snuff. To be sure the two belgian ladies snus only the sweedish one. They appreciate very much the taste and the flavours and get still sick when their noze get at three inches of the ifrikia thing ...
Despite my craving for the ifrikia makla, I like to taste each of the sweedish snus between two maklas, like a sort of dessert. I like Kronan, the stark Skruff, but also the Nick and J, and the "cuban" Romeo y Julieta.
When I make my portion of snus (I am an ex-roller of cigarettes, and I keep the ritual by making my portion myself) people fake seeing nothing, and the most courageous ask me if it is hashish. When I say it is tobacco, they look with compassion like if I was so much intoxicated. Yet they smoke!...
I have stop smoking since fourth month. Once I get the snus, I have switch from smoking to snusing without any problem. On the contrary I enjoy tobacco much more through gums than through lungs. Got the feeling I switch from bicycle to plane. I wish I knew early!
Sweedish Snus cannot been sold here (what a shame! what a pity!), and at the same time Belgium produces and sell in France, Belgium and North-Africa the divine (yes yes yes) MAKLA IFRIKIA (but no one knows here, except the Algerians and the Tunisians, and me, and two ladies, now).
Morocans used dry snuff. To be sure the two belgian ladies snus only the sweedish one. They appreciate very much the taste and the flavours and get still sick when their noze get at three inches of the ifrikia thing ...
Despite my craving for the ifrikia makla, I like to taste each of the sweedish snus between two maklas, like a sort of dessert. I like Kronan, the stark Skruff, but also the Nick and J, and the "cuban" Romeo y Julieta.
When I make my portion of snus (I am an ex-roller of cigarettes, and I keep the ritual by making my portion myself) people fake seeing nothing, and the most courageous ask me if it is hashish. When I say it is tobacco, they look with compassion like if I was so much intoxicated. Yet they smoke!...
I have stop smoking since fourth month. Once I get the snus, I have switch from smoking to snusing without any problem. On the contrary I enjoy tobacco much more through gums than through lungs. Got the feeling I switch from bicycle to plane. I wish I knew early!