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  • bruno
    • Feb 2008
    • 18

    Brussels. Capital of the flemish part of Belgium, Capital of Belgium, Capital of Europa, and believe me, Capital of "going down the bloody toilet", to borrow Zero's direct way to say it.

    Sweedish Snus cannot been sold here (what a shame! what a pity!), and at the same time Belgium produces and sell in France, Belgium and North-Africa the divine (yes yes yes) MAKLA IFRIKIA (but no one knows here, except the Algerians and the Tunisians, and me, and two ladies, now).

    Morocans used dry snuff. To be sure the two belgian ladies snus only the sweedish one. They appreciate very much the taste and the flavours and get still sick when their noze get at three inches of the ifrikia thing ...

    Despite my craving for the ifrikia makla, I like to taste each of the sweedish snus between two maklas, like a sort of dessert. I like Kronan, the stark Skruff, but also the Nick and J, and the "cuban" Romeo y Julieta.

    When I make my portion of snus (I am an ex-roller of cigarettes, and I keep the ritual by making my portion myself) people fake seeing nothing, and the most courageous ask me if it is hashish. When I say it is tobacco, they look with compassion like if I was so much intoxicated. Yet they smoke!...

    I have stop smoking since fourth month. Once I get the snus, I have switch from smoking to snusing without any problem. On the contrary I enjoy tobacco much more through gums than through lungs. Got the feeling I switch from bicycle to plane. I wish I knew early!


    • DukeofPrunes
      New Member
      • May 2008
      • 7

      Bruno, can I come visiit? Your lovely country has the best beer in the world!


      • sagedil
        • Nov 2007
        • 7077

        Originally posted by qpzil
        Well, um, I'm from Greensboro, North Carolina, USA. But don't mind me, continue with the debate, haha.
        Another North Carolinian. I live in Raleigh. Grew up in California, went to Berkeley. My soon to be ex-wife transfered to Berkeley from NC State. 5 years after we met, right before we married, I convinced her to move back to Raleigh. been here 13 years, and it is my home now.


        • sagedil
          • Nov 2007
          • 7077

          Originally posted by Zero

          Well, to be fair, as an outsider who has lived over the past three years in the UK, one whom finds the BNP and UKIP equally distasteful, I have to say that Craig's summary isn't really that far off. Whomever the blame may rest on, the UK is going down the bloody toilet. There's lots to love about her, no doubt, but, there's also no escaping the fact that there is a serious devolution of social and moral stature going on here. The BNP would simply blame foreigners for everything while the reality is probably something more...systemic. :?
          Just curious about what you think of the direction of the Conservative Party.

          I am an outsider, and have little context, but what I have seen lately, they have been impressing me. I have read Andrew Sullivan for 4 years now, and I know he is very favorable about the direction they are taking. Just curious as to your reaction.


          • bruno
            • Feb 2008
            • 18

            Originally posted by DukeofPrunes
            Bruno, can I come visiit? Your lovely country has the best beer in the world!
            You are welcome. We have good beers, and we have *many* sort of beer. If only we could have as much sort of snus ...


            • bruno
              • Feb 2008
              • 18

              Originally posted by phish
              Originally posted by Zero
              Well, to be fair, as an outsider who has lived over the past three years in the UK, one whom finds the BNP and UKIP equally distasteful, I have to say that Craig's summary isn't really that far off. Whomever the blame may rest on, the UK is going down the bloody toilet. There's lots to love about her, no doubt, but, there's also no escaping the fact that there is a serious devolution of social and moral stature going on here. The BNP would simply blame foreigners for everything while the reality is probably something more...systemic. :?
              Well aren't you both rays of sunshine Maybe I'm just an optimist but every generation says 'society is going down the toilet' so much so its become cliché.
              Yes that true, every generation says that. But this does not mean it is always false. Look at any big empire of the past ... Now I don't want make down your optimism. The situation is different: mondialisation, the rise of internet, the spreading of snus ...

              Talking about "snus" ... I'm not so sure we can be so optimistic right now. It is obvious that snus is a successful harm reduction product. Even if snusing was as dangerous as smoking for the consumer, it would be an harm reduction for the neighborhood of the consumer, and should be encouraged on that base alone. But the available evidences are that snusing is already a powerful harm reduction for the consumer.
              How could we be against harm reduction? It is like forbidden security belts in cars because a security belt does not guaranty 100% security. It is weird.
              I'm afraid that those who are against all form of tobacco consumption are a bit of a fundamentalist. Quit or die. By definition, for them, tobacco is bad. So if you find a way to consume tobacco without dying, it means you are cheating. If you like tobacco, you deserve to die, apparently, for them. Many says it could also be a strategy developed by the big pharmaceutical industry. After all most pharmaceutical nicotine products are more expensive than snus. Gosh! An objective alliance between big money and fundamentalism ... Brrrr ...
              Got nervous ... about time to take a good snus under the lip :wink:


              • Sjulimann
                New Member
                • May 2008
                • 10

                Norway here, and its ****ing hot around the capital theese days...


                • Svarthvitt
                  • Jun 2008
                  • 97

                  Norway, of course.


                  • Knoxboxen
                    New Member
                    • May 2008
                    • 12



                    • Umran
                      • Jun 2008
                      • 47

                      Wales ... where the men are men and the sheep are nervous, eh boyo?


                      • Schweinebub
                        New Member
                        • May 2008
                        • 12

                        I am from Germany originally and lived there the first 25 years of my life. About one and a half years ago I moved to California. Winter without having to worry about snow or ice is great. :wink:


                        • Zero
                          • May 2006
                          • 1522

                          Wales ... where the men are men and the sheep are nervous, eh boyo?
                          :lol: love your av, man - Hobgoblin is a delicious ale 8)


                          • Starcadia
                            • May 2008
                            • 646

                            Born in Sweden, grew up in the USA, currently in Maryland, just north of Washington, D.C.


                            • jamesstew
                              • May 2008
                              • 1440

                              Originally from the UK (county Kent), moved to Houston, Texas at 10 years old, moved to California (OC) at 12, settled in the Twin Cities (Minnesota) a couple of years back. I go back to the UK every couple of years, have to take advantage of my dual-citizenship, and agree with Zero; Hobgoblin is lovely stuff. However I'm more partial to Spitfire (Kentish prejudice), but also really love TT's Landlord, Fuller's ESB (my first taste of beer, sips from my Dad's as a child) and others to numerous to mention.


                              • MN_Snuser
                                • May 2008
                                • 354

                                Originally posted by jamesstew
                                Originally from the UK (county Kent), moved to Houston, Texas at 10 years old, moved to California (OC) at 12, settled in the Twin Cities (Minnesota) a couple of years back. I go back to the UK every couple of years, have to take advantage of my dual-citizenship, and agree with Zero; Hobgoblin is lovely stuff. However I'm more partial to Spitfire (Kentish prejudice), but also really love TT's Landlord, Fuller's ESB (my first taste of beer, sips from my Dad's as a child) and others to numerous to mention.
                                Minneapolis, Minnesota here. Good to know you James.


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