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  • Laersven
    New Member
    • Oct 2006
    • 2

    Hello everyone.

    I thought I would introduce myself on this section. I am from Melbourne Australia.

    I and a friend of mine who is an old Swede are the only Snus users I have even known of here. But thats ok. People here seem to be quite frightened of snus but I beieve this is due to ignorance of what it actually is. Many people are curious about it but their curiosity does not extend beyond looking at it or asking questions.

    Snus is illeagal to buy here for the same reasons as the ban in the EU so I regulary order form Sweden. It usually only takes 5 days to get here and is still very fresh on arrival.

    I usually prefer Grovsnus loose (while my friend prefers Goteborg Prima - guess where is Sweden he is from )

    Best Wishes.


    • FatLip
      • Oct 2006
      • 31

      Hi Folks

      Hey everyone, I am here in the U of K where snus is illegal under the (dumb) EU ban.
      Just began snussing about 6 weeks ago and am enjoying it more each week. Its helping me kick the fags a treat.
      Hardly anyone here knows anything about snus, because of the ban, so I am evangelising as I go along.
      I have only tried portion snus so far, from notherner.com - good service. Favourites so far are Ettan White and General, but I am trying them all in case I end up preferring Romeo y Julietta or Onyx or something. Once I have killed off the fags I reckon I'll settle down.

      Cheers for now!


      • Joe
        New Member
        • Sep 2006
        • 6


        I live in Bowie, Maryland, United States not far from the Chesapeake Bay. I am between Washington, D.C. and Annapolis, Maryland.

        I buy my snus online. I haven't seen it in any stores yet. I don't mind buying snus online from Northerner because they are very efficient and very nice.

        I'm sure I'm not the only one from this area who uses snus because Washington is a very international city.


        • Fefe
          New Member
          • Oct 2006
          • 1

          im from serbia...tried snus on iceland where they have their version which is a bit nasty but hey-when u dont have swedish stuff-it helps...

          here in serbia we have no snus so when i get a chance to go to denmark or sweden,i get some...but soon im gona be out and im getting scared

          so amigos...enjoy


          • deuratte
            New Member
            • Sep 2006
            • 4

            I am from Coatesville, Indiana (population: 544). A lot of people around here use American snuff but no one that I've ever met has heard of snus.
            I stumbled across them while on the internet last summer, ordered some ( General, Skruf Stark) and have been using them ever since.


            • StarWing
              • Aug 2006
              • 124

              Originally posted by Joe

              I live in Bowie, Maryland, United States not far from the Chesapeake Bay. I am between Washington, D.C. and Annapolis, Maryland.

              I buy my snus online. I haven't seen it in any stores yet. I don't mind buying snus online from Northerner because they are very efficient and very nice.

              I'm sure I'm not the only one from this area who uses snus because Washington is a very international city.
              If you like Swedish Match's General Snus, or CatchDry Peppermint, you can get it in Washington D.C. - but you can order any ROLLS of the Swedish Match brands (except for cheapy "Kronan") from their Web Site for North America and it will come to you UPS anywhere from only 1 to 4 days (Generally 3 where I am located, which is South Western Virginia). Of course, you can only order rolls from them, but they are at an excellent price (which INCLUDES shipping), generally around 30 to 35 U.S. dollars for most of them (General ONYX and Kardus are 40 and 50 dollars, respectfully). You need to set up an account first. Their Web Site address for North America is:


              Another good thing is that, while Snus should not go unrefrigerated more than 2 weeks, it only takes a small number of days to get to you (Northerner generally takes exactly one week to get to me, and I put it in the freezer right away which helps a lot).

              At the Web Site, Swedish Match sells 10 brands (with variations of many of them, e.g. Loose, Portions (Original and White): Large, Mini; etc.).

              At the Web Site, click on Store Locator to see the Store in D.C. selling a limited selection of Snus.

              W. Curtis Draper, 640 14th Street, NW Washington 20005

              Happy Snusing!


              • lofat
                • Sep 2006
                • 154

                Northern California. 8)


                • TBonehawk

                  Las Vegas, Nevada, but I study at University of Iowa in Iowa City.


                  • blizzardbeast
                    • Nov 2006
                    • 26

                    Tempe, Arizona, home of Arizona State University. Originally from central Pennsylvania.


                    • brendo20
                      • Mar 2007
                      • 46

                      From Tasmania, Australia. As another guy stated recently, snus here is banned and any form of yankee chew or dip is also. Nasal snuff was recently black listed, so no business is allowed to sell any form of tobacco other than smokable.

                      We can import it but we are stung heavily on tax if our orders are large. I ordered 12 tins and was taxed a further $55 AU, but my friend ordered just one tin of catch and heard nothing at all from customs. Maybe i will keep my orders small

                      I culd see brands like skruf getting popular with the nightclub set if it was legal.... beats having a smoke in the cold anyways...


                      • capkanada
                        • Mar 2007
                        • 29

                        Eastern Kentucky, USA

                        Land of growing tobacco, and having smoking bans in all places of business.

                        Confused yet?

                        ...Hm... maybe it's a plan to get all of KY to switch to snus? :twisted:
                        One could hope so, as soon as it is actually available in stores....


                        • carotevi
                          • Mar 2007
                          • 64

                          Northern Alabama USA. Where a lot of people dip but I don't know anyone else who uses snus.


                          • punkka
                            New Member
                            • Apr 2007
                            • 11

                            Ljubljana, Slovenia.
                            Where a can of Roda costs around 5E if you are lucky and know a guy who knows a guy- or under the counter of only ONE bar.


                            • jkou
                              New Member
                              • May 2007
                              • 4

                              Kankaanpää, Finland!


                              • KentuckySnusser
                                • May 2007
                                • 109

                                Louisville, Kentucky USA; Just started selling Snus here.


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