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  • Zero
    • May 2006
    • 1522

    who knows, i don't make the rules, man :lol:


    • think
      • Aug 2007
      • 21

      Southern Mississippi, the Deep South.


      • Dementis
        New Member
        • Sep 2007
        • 13

        Sweden, Örnsköldsvik, now that´s a place I bet you don´t know where it is, a hint for you sport guys: Peter Forsberg.......


        • BriarCub
          New Member
          • Sep 2007
          • 7

          I'm in the cornfields of central Illinois here :-)

          At long last, we have a local source for General loose, yay!


          • jqlynch
            • Sep 2007
            • 132

            North-Central Indiana reporting for duty.


            • slatter
              • Sep 2007
              • 84

              plano, texas here. just tried some of the camel snus and quickly moved onto the stuff from sweden and i'am loving it. what would be a good first loose to try. i am using general white portions right now.


              • The Cook
                • Aug 2007
                • 166

                You can't go wrong with General loose. It's a smooth, mellow snus, small wonder that it is a market leader in Sweden.


                • priit26
                  • Sep 2007
                  • 15

                  Estonia, Tallinn


                  • PseudoSwede
                    • Sep 2007
                    • 71

                    I don't know, Zero!

                    The Wings have 9 Canadians, 3 Americans, 2 Russians, and 2 Czechs, 1 Finn, 1 Slovakian, and 7 Swedes. I often wonder what kind of snus the Swedes and Finn use!!



                    • Master Chief
                      • May 2007
                      • 46

                      Haha, the make up of the Wings is very balanced from a North American/European point of view...no wonder they win so much
                      But yes, it is interesting to know what kinds of snus they use...I'm a hockey player myself, and am well connected with the DEG Metro Stars club (I don't play for them, but I used to play with the junior teams).
                      I practiced with their second team, and there were a bunch of snus users there, even if they were entirely German (if I stayed on the team I would have been the only foreign play there, im from the States by the way )
                      So...they use mostly Skruf Stark, Goteborgs Rape and Ettan, all in portions, as the loose wouldn't hold up if you put a mouthguard in :P
                      I'm not sure about the professional hockey players using snus though, because with them being PRO athletes and all...I just can't imagine them using it to be honest
                      Just incase you were wondering, I started playing hockey in Detroit when I was 7, and ever since then have been a big Red Wings fan, despite being born in Pittsburgh, which is also a big hockey town now.
                      I got to play in the Joe Louis Arena as well, TWICE actually, and even practiced there once and got to see the Red Wings locker room!!! (Being on the team of the grandson of the owner of the Wings has its benefits )
                      I get my number from Brendan Shanahan, as he's my favorite player...we even share the same first name
                      He even played with DEG once, scoring 9 points in 4 games


                      • Zero
                        • May 2006
                        • 1522

                        Originally posted by PseudoSwede
                        I don't know, Zero!

                        The Wings have 9 Canadians, 3 Americans, 2 Russians, and 2 Czechs, 1 Finn, 1 Slovakian, and 7 Swedes. I often wonder what kind of snus the Swedes and Finn use!!

                        ah, well... they to be half canadians and half russians. :lol:


                        • PseudoSwede
                          • Sep 2007
                          • 71

                          Hey Master...

                          I still live and play hockey in the Detroit area. I used to coach the Honeybaked '92 team for 4 years. I played as high as Junior B hockey in Ontario....Stratford. I had a coach who was tight with King Clancey who helped get me into the Leafs training camp back in '79. Three days in I realized I wasn't going to make my living playing hockey so I decided to go to school. Good luck with your hockey career!!

                          Don't kid yourself about professional hockey players. I think of all the professional sports (at least in the U.S.), hockey players are the most extreme. I played in a golf outing with a bunch of Red Wings and most of them dipped. Joe Kocur was in my four-some and he went through about five tins of Skoal during our round. He would load, it seemed, a half a tin every time he took a "pinch"...which was more like a fistful. I believe that alot more players dip than you think. In fact, some even smoke believe it or not. Vladdy K. used to smoke like a chimney...so did Probie.


                          • Master Chief
                            • May 2007
                            • 46

                            Damn...most of the guys I know from the DEG Metro Stars pro team don't dip, smoke or do anything...
                            My parents are actually close with Andrej Trefilov (the backup goalie for the Russian team when they won the Olympics, he also played in the NHL, and he even played for the Detriot Vipers while I was living in Detroit ) and his family, and i talked with him about (dipping, smoking and other tobacco usage) and he said it was a good way to screw up your game, since it makes you weak if you dont have your daily portion of nicotine..
                            It clearly affects me if I dont have a snus in for at least a day, but after that one day I feel fine on the ice, just as new actually

                            And to be honest, I never new Vlad Konstantinov smoked at all, or Probert!!! :?
                            But hey, they were still great players that were part of a great team...


                            • The Wolf
                              • Oct 2007
                              • 132

                              From Finland. Snus is, as has been said, illegal here but it is quite easy to get the stuff from our dear neighbour for good price. It costs nowadays 2,5€ per can in the Sweden-Finland ships.


                              • steve155
                                New Member
                                • Oct 2007
                                • 12

                                from toledo, ohio usa. read about snus in new york times so i decided to try it and now i love it! so far i tried general and lucky strike and camel (us snus) which is garbage


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