I'm not really an icehockey-fan, but I know the club.
BTW, I always wondered, what kind of tobacco the icehockey-players in North America use. Dip or chew could be uncomfartable, I guess, because of the spitting!?
thx chainsnuser
im gona try and sign a contract maybe next year...a forderlizenz thing or whatever its called
maybe u should come and watch one of our games? 8) :P
Im from Northern Minnesota where hockey is "THE" sport. I learned of Snus from some Ski Jumping friends who go to tournaments in Europe occasionally. One was actually on the U.S. Olympic team in the last winter olympics. They discovered snus over there and started ordering it over the net and that is where i learned of it. There are not many snus users around here but we are growing. I have been trying to get all my friends to take it in to consideration and so far most enjoy it.
thx chainsnuser
im gona try and sign a contract maybe next year...a forderlizenz thing or whatever its called
maybe u should come and watch one of our games? 8) :P
A Förderlizenz means, you can play for 2 teams (e.g., the Jugend and the DEL-team). Hopefully more often in the DEL-team. This is certainly a good contract-concept for young players to approach a professional career.
Well, It's quite unlikely that i drive to Düsseldorf to watch an icehockey match, since I'm really no fan (have seen icehockey only on TV until now and very sporadically), but I'm sure, it would be interesting. 8)
haha, ok, i thought it might have been something like that...as only really young players have a forderlizenz
but its really unlikely i would get one, since i am an 'auslander' and there are only 14 auslander spots on one team, and i dont think DEG will waste a spot on a kid like me
but ill still try
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