Originally posted by Zero
Where u from?
Re: India
Originally posted by fatehbajwaIndia where I think I'm the only snus user!!!!!!!!!
There is some snuslike products in India (http://www.amarpouches.com/City_Filter_Khaini_Snus.htm).
Maybe you know some online tobbacco shop in India where one can order City Filter Khaini? I'm just interested in taste of that stuff
Hiya, I'm in Wales (UK). As others have said it is illegal to retail snus in the UK, but it is lawful to use and import it for personal use.
I found snus (again) by people mentioning it on dry snuff forums.
A member of parliament of ours (paul flynn - newport) has campaigned for it to be made available for sale here, but, has so far been thwarted by a bunch of selfish arseholes who are obviously happy to see smokers kill themselves with the legal means currently on sale at every shop in the land. I guess they are all getting "sponsored" by these large firms!!!
Unfortunately, the world, or the EU at least, is run by a bunch of w4nkers.
The only other Snus users I know, have been introduced to this ambrosia, by myself.
Good health to you all.
Hiya, I'm in Wales (UK). As others have said it is illegal to retail snus in the UK, but it is lawful to use and import it for personal use.
I found snus (again) by people mentioning it on dry snuff forums.
A member of parliament of ours (paul flynn - newport) has campaigned for it to be made available for sale here, but, has so far been thwarted by a bunch of selfish arseholes who are obviously happy to see smokers kill themselves with the legal means currently on sale at every shop in the land. I guess they are all getting "sponsored" by these large firms!!!
Unfortunately, the world, or the EU at least, is run by a bunch of w4nkers.
The only other Snus users I know(apart from my dentist, who must have tried it he said he "loves the tingling on the gums"!!), have been introduced to this ambrosia, by myself.
Good health to you all.
We are not alone
I was just writing my blog today on the subject of snus when I thought I'd do a spot of research - you know, catch up on the trends, see what's new and happening on the retailer's website that I wont mention (seems to be a bad word around here), see if the European Union bods have finally seen sense and lifted the ban - when I found SnusOn.com. Nice to know this exists.
For twelve years I thought I was a blissful island in an ocean of ignorance. I relished this idea, but alas it turns out I am not the only one in England who regularly enjoys the habit - there are loads of you! Don't you just love it when unsuspecting strangers look at you in shocked disbelief when they see you scooping the brown stuff up and shoving it under your lip? I must admit I am a bit of a pusher (never been successful at this skill) and gloat whenever possible (much better at this) especially on the many long-haul flights I take to America or China. What's more, with the smoking ban introduced on 1 July I am having a gloatfest! :P
By the way, never try to import snus into China - I tried it in 2005 and it took three months to get it classified at customs. Man, that was a low point - not a good place to run out of snus. Although having just written this it occurred to me that now they have a classification it should be understood and recognised.
South East Michigan.
I have smoked since I was 9, and now make my own, but do not smoke very much right now.
I have dipped American dip since bout 13 or so.
Since last year it is illegal to smoke in public places other than bars or restaurants. This includes my place of work, so since then I have greatly increased my Skoal Long Cut Straight usage.
Recently learned about Snus, ordered 10 tins, and am really enjoying myself!
I would like some recommendations for my next order, but I will do that in another thread, as it would be a little off topic here.
Other than one co-worker / co-dipper that I introduced to snus last week, I don't know any other Snusers around here.
Relaxing with a large N&J
Hey, I've never been in Darmstadt. But I was in Frankfurt a few times and - more often - in Nierstein, where some extremely good wine is made. The climate in the region is fascinating. BTW, you won't find a crappier climate, than in Dortmund, anyway.
Welcome to the forum. It's nice, not to be the only German around.
Cheers und Beste Grüße!
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