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  • Snusburgh
    • Oct 2007
    • 21

    Living In Pittsburgh, Pa

    We have all of your immigrants if you want to see them. Every turn of the corner there is a different neighborhood, custom, and mix of people. Pittsburgh is strong and full of German, Irish, Italian, Serb, Croat, Polish, Slovak etc. your ancestors moved here, now we are one. And there were four Swedes and we stole their snus and put it in our lower lip. Just kidding, Snusburgh.


    • troycook
      New Member
      • Nov 2007
      • 1

      Hobart, Tasmania, Australia


      • jeffster_uk
        • Nov 2007
        • 15

        Bristol, England....

        Where Snus is sadly illegal....Poxy UK Legislation ! :evil:


        • jeffster_uk
          • Nov 2007
          • 15

          Originally posted by PseudoSwede
          Hey Master...

          I still live and play hockey in the Detroit area. I used to coach the Honeybaked '92 team for 4 years. I played as high as Junior B hockey in Ontario....Stratford. I had a coach who was tight with King Clancey who helped get me into the Leafs training camp back in '79. Three days in I realized I wasn't going to make my living playing hockey so I decided to go to school. Good luck with your hockey career!!

          Don't kid yourself about professional hockey players. I think of all the professional sports (at least in the U.S.), hockey players are the most extreme. I played in a golf outing with a bunch of Red Wings and most of them dipped. Joe Kocur was in my four-some and he went through about five tins of Skoal during our round. He would load, it seemed, a half a tin every time he took a "pinch"...which was more like a fistful. I believe that alot more players dip than you think. In fact, some even smoke believe it or not. Vladdy K. used to smoke like a chimney...so did Probie.

          I dont know about Pro Hockey Players in the NHL, but a few of my mates play for the "Nationwide Nights" rec hockey team up the M4 in Swindon, and they use dip and snus, and I believe that, on occasion, supplies have been obtained from the Swedish and / or Canadian imports that have played for Swindon Wildcats, the town's pro team.

          Snus is also very popular with a lot of speedway riders, with many bringing back supplies from Sweden when they fly over to Sverige to race in the Swedish Elite League on a Tuesday, or AllSvenskan league on a Thursday...

          Quite a few of the Canucks in the Elite Ice Hockey League here have a penchant for Copenhagen. I have seen it mentioned in player profiles in hockey magazines a few times...

          Dont know many that smoke, but I think a lot of sportsmen get their nic fix through dip and / or snus


          • Since 1988
            • Nov 2007
            • 17

            Helsinki: capital city of Finland were you can buy snuus only from ugly smugglers or Helsinki-Stockholmn ships or Russia (black market etc.)

            I find this site by accident and it`s quate facinating to read peoples snuus passion over the sea.. I allso now have a change to practise my english writing (which is IMO kind harsh and full of mistakes right now)


            • TheInsulator
              • Oct 2007
              • 65

              Originally posted by Since 1988
              Helsinki: capital city of Finland were you can buy snuus only from ugly smugglers or Helsinki-Stockholmn ships or Russia (black market etc.)

              I find this site by accident and it`s quate facinating to read peoples snuus passion over the sea.. I allso now have a change to practise my english writing (which is IMO kind harsh and full of mistakes right now)
              English is a hard language to master. I'm just impressed that most europeans can not only speak english fluently but also speak multiple languages. You won't find many people from the states that can do that. I lived in the netherlands for 5 years when i was a kid and remember my mother always asking people to speak english when she took me shopping. lol


              • hunter7
                New Member
                • Dec 2007
                • 3

                Russia, Moscow
                You can hardly find snus-users here.
                Salespeople do not unerstand when you ask them "give me please this round black can")))


                • madridpris
                  New Member
                  • Dec 2007
                  • 9

                  Madrid, Spain.

                  People here freak when they see me snussing. Packing a pris in public puts me in touch with how an albino gorilla with two dicks would probably feel in zoo.


                  • Donmega
                    New Member
                    • Dec 2007
                    • 2

                    Helsinki, Finland

                    1.1.2008 - Washington D.C.


                    • perique
                      • Sep 2007
                      • 75

                      Chicago !



                      • Sacrilicious
                        • Nov 2007
                        • 118

                        Portland, Oregon, U.S.A.

                        Snus is pretty much either unknown or misunderstood here. Camel Snus is available here, but I don't think it's that popular. For the most part Americans equate tobacco use with cigarettes and chew.

                        btw I sort of stopped counting days, but it's about 3.5 weeks since I smoked a cigarette.. I was just a room full of people smoking, no urge. Portion of N & J, I'm cool.. 8)


                        • LyricalCancer
                          New Member
                          • Dec 2007
                          • 2

                          Beaverton, Oregon USA


                          • Sacrilicious
                            • Nov 2007
                            • 118

                            All right! Three Oregonians on here!


                            • Soft Morning, City!
                              • Sep 2007
                              • 772

                              It's spreading... muhahahaha.


                              • victoryredchevy
                                • Jan 2008
                                • 303

                                I guess I'm the only one from Arkansas on here. I live in a small rural town, Lavaca. It's your typical small town. We like muddin, trucks, hunting and fishing, football, 4 wheelers, farming and dippin' snuff. I'm probably the only person in this town who uses snus. American snuff is very popular here since we're all a bunch of rednecks, but I converted and boy am I glad I did. Snus is such a more high quality product. I discoverd snus while searching for some cheap snuff online and curiosity had me from that moment on. Now, snus is routine for me. I've been reading all the internet articles about snus making it's way over from Sweden into American smokeshops and that excites me. The closest shops to me that have it are in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area which is about a 4-6 hour drive and that sucks! At least I can order it, though. I usually use buysnus.com. They've been the cheapest and the fastest, so far. Anyway... I love snus and I'll never use American snuff again.


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