Living In Pittsburgh, Pa
We have all of your immigrants if you want to see them. Every turn of the corner there is a different neighborhood, custom, and mix of people. Pittsburgh is strong and full of German, Irish, Italian, Serb, Croat, Polish, Slovak etc. your ancestors moved here, now we are one. And there were four Swedes and we stole their snus and put it in our lower lip. Just kidding, Snusburgh.
We have all of your immigrants if you want to see them. Every turn of the corner there is a different neighborhood, custom, and mix of people. Pittsburgh is strong and full of German, Irish, Italian, Serb, Croat, Polish, Slovak etc. your ancestors moved here, now we are one. And there were four Swedes and we stole their snus and put it in our lower lip. Just kidding, Snusburgh.