Thanks but shes wayyyyy too old from most of the snusers on here.
bring Triumph
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
I will be in Ohio the end of April-beginning of may on business. I plan on hunting down some triumph original portions while im there.
If you are offering your wife for two rolls, me being only 29, would a daughter between the ages of 21-35 for an equal or greater number of rolls be in the mix?
Seroiusly, though... PM me your contact info, and I will get with you while im up in OH and see if you still need this stuff (assuming I can find it). We're still 1.5 months away from that, so I hope you can find something to your liking in the time being.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
East Anglia, UK. Married to an american gal, Lived in Cincinnati for a few years and might be moving back, this place is getting too damn expensive!
If you mean you're going back to the UK, you might be trading one inconvenience for another.
I mean, it's not like the UK is such a wonderful place ATM considering all the bad news coming from the place.
If you mean you're going back to the UK, you might be trading one inconvenience for another.
I mean, it's not like the UK is such a wonderful place ATM considering all the bad news coming from the place.
Badly worded on my part, I'm in the UK atm, previously lived in cinci for a bit and am wondering about going back there. House prices are so high here I can't move houses within the country to somewhere with more jobs.
Doesn't seem to matter where you go though, everywhere has it's problems.
Snus makes anywhere better though, it takes the edge off :lol:
If you mean you're going back to the UK, you might be trading one inconvenience for another.
I mean, it's not like the UK is such a wonderful place ATM considering all the bad news coming from the place.
Badly worded on my part, I'm in the UK atm, previously lived in cinci for a bit and am wondering about going back there. House prices are so high here I can't move houses within the country to somewhere with more jobs.
Doesn't seem to matter where you go though, everywhere has it's problems.
Snus makes anywhere better though, it takes the edge off :lol:
Right. Undestood.
I'd be doing the same thing if I were you (going from the UK to the US) if only for the fact that -as an outsider- the UK seems to be collapsing for entirely other reasons than for monetary reasons like the US. And still, you have a chance the US$ will not collapse* while the rest of the UK-common society devolves into a morass of languages, cultures, and parent-unattended yobs.[edit] and a government which cares more about their standing with "Brussels" than with national voters. (Just like the rest of the EU-15. Dare to ask.).
(* according to an economist's blurb I read this morning via
UK-common society devolves into a morass of languages, cultures, and parent-unattended yobs and a government which cares more about their standing with "Brussels"....
UK-common society devolves into a morass of languages, cultures, and parent-unattended yobs and a government which cares more about their standing with "Brussels"....
For what it's worth, I did NOT intend this thread to become a virtual-verbal battleground. Phish, if I have offended you then I'm honestly sorry for it.
UK-common society devolves into a morass of languages, cultures, and parent-unattended yobs and a government which cares more about their standing with "Brussels"....
Well, to be fair, as an outsider who has lived over the past three years in the UK, one whom finds the BNP and UKIP equally distasteful, I have to say that Craig's summary isn't really that far off. Whomever the blame may rest on, the UK is going down the bloody toilet. There's lots to love about her, no doubt, but, there's also no escaping the fact that there is a serious devolution of social and moral stature going on here. The BNP would simply blame foreigners for everything while the reality is probably something more...systemic. :?
Well, to be fair, as an outsider who has lived over the past three years in the UK, one whom finds the BNP and UKIP equally distasteful, I have to say that Craig's summary isn't really that far off. Whomever the blame may rest on, the UK is going down the bloody toilet. There's lots to love about her, no doubt, but, there's also no escaping the fact that there is a serious devolution of social and moral stature going on here. The BNP would simply blame foreigners for everything while the reality is probably something more...systemic. :?
Well aren't you both rays of sunshine Maybe I'm just an optimist but every generation says 'society is going down the toilet' so much so its become cliché.
I'm from germany (near Leipzig). But i moved to Stockholm, Sweden last summer. That's how i found out about snus. I'm a regular user for about 5 months now. Still got dozens of brands to try out before being a real expert. But it certainly helps to live in sweden. 8)
For those intirested in what exactly the allegations against Goldman Sachs are, and a laymens explanation of what happened during the crisis, including...
Sweden has shown its helpful side to the refugees travelling to the North through numerous peaceful countries during their quest to find the best welfare....