You thought the EU was bad ... it wants to outlaw heirloom seeds ... help!

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  • squeezyjohn
    • Jan 2008
    • 2497

    You thought the EU was bad ... it wants to outlaw heirloom seeds ... help!


    to ban all traditional vegetable varieties unless registered and licenced!

    Hello everyone who cares about our seeds and our freedom to use, exchange and sell them.
    There is urgent action needed against the upcoming EU seed marketing law. The new regulation will de facto ban old and rare varieties and farmers varieties and stop the exchange and selling of traditional seeds.DG SANCO (the Directorate General of the EU for Sanitary and Consumer affairs) has been working on a proposal for a new regulation for years, driven by lobbying of the globalised agricultural seed industry .The seed industry is pushing the legislation hard, they've spent a lot of money on it.
    However, two other EU directorates, DG AGRI (agricultural affairs) and DG ENVI (environmental affairs) both oppose the proposal because it is so bad for agriculture and biodiversity! So DG SANCO is pushing ahead with the new law anyways by putting it directly to the Commission this week.
    There is only a little chance to get a majority of commissioners to vote against the current proposal, but we still should try.
    Each country of the EU has one commissioner in Brussels, so we need 14 votes against the proposal. The commissioners of DG AGRI and DG ENVI should vote against, so we need 12 more.
    Please write to at least the commissioner of your country and convince him/her to vote "NO" on the proposal of DG SANCO on 6th of May.
    Try to make a link from his/her department to the seed issue, and try to make clear to him/her that the proposal for a new EU seed legislation will affect the cultural and biodiversity heritage of your country and the freedom of farmers to use the seeds and the varieties they want to.
    By forcing registration of all varieties of all crop species , the new law will prohibit old, rare and traditional public-domain farm varieties. This will guarantee huge profits for the seed industry but will be a terrible loss to the people of Europe as our agricultural heritage is outlawed overnight!
    Please write to your commissioner in Brussels no later than the 28th. He/she has to make a statement on the proposal from 24th of April on, the sooner, the better. On the 6th of May, we must obtain at least 14 objections, otherwise this proposal will become the official proposal.
    For background, here are the objections of the european seed-soverignty movement to this stupid new law:

    You can find the members of the EU Commission listed here
    Choose one or more and email them! Each commissioners email will be
    Please ask all or any of them to vote against the new Seed Law when it comes before them on May 6th.
    Your email can be very simple. Keep it very short and very polite for most effect. Remember these people are busy running the EU and have not been involved in drafting the law - the situation is not their fault - they just get to vote on it when it is laid before them.

    Sourced from

    This is some of the most crazy and short-sighted legislation I have ever seen - please - if you are in the EU then help us stop this by contacting your EU commissioner.

    Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!
  • GoVegan
    • Oct 2009
    • 5603

    WTF? Really? This is worse than Monsanto with their GMO crap.


    • Premium Parrots
      Super Moderators
      • Feb 2008
      • 9759

      man....I'll be glad when I'm dead. The world is getting so ****ed up. I can't believe this shit.

      I feel real bad for my kids and grand kids.....and my soon to be a great-grandkids. What kind of life will they have as a result of our governments?
      Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

      I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


      • squeezyjohn
        • Jan 2008
        • 2497

        The ridiculous thing is that absolutely no good can come of this except for temporarily increasing the profits of the seed companies.

        And that should be obvious to absolutely anyone who knows anything about growing stuff. It's the most simple genetics - diversity and gene pool is always a good thing.

        I will go so far as to say that whenever companies with an interest have any kind of power over politicians then IT IS A BAD THING ... doesn't matter if your politics are right or left-wing ... the two things should be kept apart at all costs. Otherwise we get things like this happening which are against every bit of common sense in the world.

        The EU will continue to pass legislation like this unchallenged until it falls to pieces or the majority believe that they have some kind of engagement with it and hold it accountable.

        Personally I think it will fall apart long before the dumb electorate ever get their arses in gear.

        Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


        • Zimobog
          • Jan 2013
          • 585

          [Case for Anarchism]
          the end.


          • CzechCzar
            • Jun 2010
            • 1144


            Originally posted by Zimobog
            [Case for Anarchism]
            the end.


            • Snusdog
              • Jun 2008
              • 6752

              Man........the Brits need to pull out now...for no other reason than this
              When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


              • Bigblue1
                Banned Users
                • Dec 2008
                • 3923

                Mansanto has been doing this for years here in the states, Not thru Legislation but by bullying Farmers that don't buy their seed and then when another farmer down the road plants mansanto seed and it cross pollinates with the farmer 1's seed they take them to court for copyright infringement. I know it sounds like it can't be true but it is. Every one should watch the movie Food inc. It is eye opening too say the least.....

                Here's a good part of it:


                • GoVegan
                  • Oct 2009
                  • 5603

                  I saw that movie - sad.


                  • Skell18
                    • May 2012
                    • 7067

                    Originally posted by Snusdog
                    Man........the Brits need to pull out now...for no other reason than this
                    This and about a million other reasons!


                    • lxskllr
                      • Sep 2007
                      • 13435

                      I can't think of much worse than proprietary food. Nothing good will come from it, and smart countries will avoid it. I know India is starting to back peddle from being beholden to corporations for their food.


                      • hokiehi82
                        • Jul 2012
                        • 227

                        Originally posted by squeezyjohn
                        The ridiculous thing is that absolutely no good can come of this except for temporarily increasing the profits of the seed companies.

                        And that should be obvious to absolutely anyone who knows anything about growing stuff. It's the most simple genetics - diversity and gene pool is always a good thing.

                        I will go so far as to say that whenever companies with an interest have any kind of power over politicians then IT IS A BAD THING ... doesn't matter if your politics are right or left-wing ... the two things should be kept apart at all costs. Otherwise we get things like this happening which are against every bit of common sense in the world.

                        The EU will continue to pass legislation like this unchallenged until it falls to pieces or the majority believe that they have some kind of engagement with it and hold it accountable.

                        Personally I think it will fall apart long before the dumb electorate ever get their arses in gear.
                        Power over politicians is bad. Power over food is worse. When you let corporations actually control something you need to survive it leaves no room for dissent.


                        • spinyeel
                          • Aug 2009
                          • 175

                          I'm beginning to think that the Nazi's developed Human cloning technology during WW2 and this current crop of E.U. politicians is a direct result of their efforts.


                          • truthwolf1
                            • Oct 2008
                            • 2696

                            Originally posted by hokiehi82
                            Power over politicians is bad. Power over food is worse. When you let corporations actually control something you need to survive it leaves no room for dissent.
                            I have been following a little the water war of Nestle that is going on.

                            Sounds similar to a something I heard from the movie There Will be Blood. THe land might belong to you but what is below it belongs to me.


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