...fear left-pawed dogs

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  • wa3zrm
    • May 2009
    • 4436

    ...fear left-pawed dogs

    They are more likely to be aggressive to strangers

    If your otherwise well-behaved dog barks at the postman, the reason could well be in its feet.
    Scientists have found that 'left-pawed' canines are more aggressive towards strangers than their 'right-pawed' counterparts.
    They tested dozens of pets with a special toy to find out which side they favoured and then analysed their behaviour.

    (Excerpt) Read more at dailymail.co.uk ...

    TAKE THE TEST: FIND OUT IF YOUR PET IS A 'LEFTIE' OR A 'RIGHTIE' If you teach a dog to shake, which paw does it offer you first and most often?
    Fill a toy with something delicious and put it in the center of the dog's visual field. Which paw does it use to touch the toy first? Which paw does the dog use to hold the toy?
    Put something sticky on a dog or cat's nose. Which paw does the animal use to remove it?
    Place a treat or a piece of cheese under a sofa, just beyond a dog or cat's reach. Which paw does it use to try and get it out?
    Dangle a toy over a cat's head. Which paw does it lift to bat it?
    Put a treat under a bowl. Which paw does the cat or dog use to move it?
    When a dog wants in the backdoor, which paw does it 'knock' with?
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