Obesity now declared “disease”

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  • heders
    • Jan 2011
    • 2227

    I don't agree that it's a disease. It's pure laziness and a disrespect of the body. I think there are a few 'real' diseases though that can cause people to gain weight, but to my recollection, nothing that cannot be fixed with proper exercise and diet.

    Child obesity is the parents responsibility as they are in pretty much full control of what the kids eat. After that it is up to the individual themselves to make good, healthy choices in life.

    To battle this problem the main vision would be to tax the crappier food and promote organic, healthy food. We also have to get rid of the notion that food has to be an enjoyment and pleasurable ritual every time. Eating is simply fueling up, just like putting gas in your car. Put it with the wrong fuel and the car will probably break or not function properly. Don't get me wrong, I like a good tasting meal, but if you eat vegetables and healthy stuff for a while, you feel a huge difference in your energy levels. Then you don't really want to eat junk food anymore since you know that there is no point in doing it. Today's crap food has so many flavor additives it's ridiculous, so what you are doing is that you are numbing and adjusting your taste buds to the point where "real" healthy food tastes like pure shit.


    • CoderGuy
      • Jul 2009
      • 2679

      Originally posted by heders
      I don't agree that it's a disease. It's pure laziness and a disrespect of the body. I think there are a few 'real' diseases though that can cause people to gain weight, but to my recollection, nothing that cannot be fixed with proper exercise and diet.

      Child obesity is the parents responsibility as they are in pretty much full control of what the kids eat. After that it is up to the individual themselves to make good, healthy choices in life.

      To battle this problem the main vision would be to tax the crappier food and promote organic, healthy food. We also have to get rid of the notion that food has to be an enjoyment and pleasurable ritual every time. Eating is simply fueling up, just like putting gas in your car. Put it with the wrong fuel and the car will probably break or not function properly. Don't get me wrong, I like a good tasting meal, but if you eat vegetables and healthy stuff for a while, you feel a huge difference in your energy levels. Then you don't really want to eat junk food anymore since you know that there is no point in doing it. Today's crap food has so many flavor additives it's ridiculous, so what you are doing is that you are numbing and adjusting your taste buds to the point where "real" healthy food tastes like pure shit.
      They tried that here in the US with cigarettes, didn't really work, just costs us more to buy tobacco. The funny thing is, if you change a few words in your last paragraph, it would sound very much like an anti-tobacco argument against tobacco use (the same sentiment at least).


      • Riggins44
        • May 2013
        • 64

        Originally posted by Burnsey
        Right, I'm sure the medical community and pharma will see this an opportunity to create a new market to go along with the new disease..
        and Medicare and Medicaid will be the first ones to pay for it.

        Where bad habits are classified as diseases I see no end. internet porn, picking your nose ...


        • Skell18
          • May 2012
          • 7067

          Disease my arse! Put the ****ing big mac down you fat khunts! No one forced you to eat the shit you do, exercise some self restraint ffs! It is always someone or something else fault and never theirs, take some bloody responsibility for a change and sort yourself out!


          • OregonNative
            • Aug 2009
            • 647

            Originally posted by Skell18
            Disease my arse! Put the ****ing big mac down you fat khunts! No one forced you to eat the shit you do, exercise some self restraint ffs! It is always someone or something else fault and never theirs, take some bloody responsibility for a change and sort yourself out!
            Damn Skell, I couldn't agree more mate! Being a lazy fat bastard shouldn't be considered a disease. Society is in dire need of some will power.


            • spirit72
              • Apr 2008
              • 1013

              Originally posted by Skell18
              No one forced you to eat the shit you do, exercise some self restraint ffs!
              Self-restraint is not a virtue that Americans have ever really been famous for.


              • Ainkor
                • Sep 2008
                • 1144

                Originally posted by Thunder_Snus
                If you eat 3000 calories a day and then go down to only eating 2000 a day the extra fat will disapear until your body has the fat reserves for its intake of 2000 calories a day.
                Losing weight is not a drag. Incredibly obese people can lose upwards of 10 pounds of weight weekly if they make incredibly miniscule changes like standing during commercials. Obesity is not a disease. The black death was a disease. Cancer is a disease. All that happens from saying things like alcoholism and obesity are diseases is people will settle for it. "oh you have cancer? Yeah i've got a disease too....obesity." I hate to break the bad news to everyone but you have a CHOICE when you are obese or an alcoholic or a drug addict. You can stop. It's not easy but it is a choice you can make. I made a choice everytime i decided to stop using tobacco and didnt. It was not a disease. You can't decide to not have cancer. You CAN decide to take 10 minutes to prepare a healthy meal instead of driving down to a fast food joint or eating shit food. "how'd you get that disease bill?" "Well i just couldn't stop ****ing eating yeah it was so sudden" I don't care how much you weigh its a choice you make and if you're happy im happy but saying it is a disease is complete bullshit and is just a piss poor excuse. I always wondered why other countries made fun of my country. I can't wait til tomorrow when we decide being stupid is a disease so our shitty school teachers and dumb shit "yolo swag" children can have something to blame.
                As a formally obese person, I'm not so sure it's as easy as that. Once I started to change my lifestyle, of course my weight changed but there are things that prevent a certain percent of the population from exercising good judgment when it comes to nutrition. I'd bet that it would better fit as a classification of a mental problem than a disease though.


                • Ansel
                  • Feb 2011
                  • 3696

                  You can get weight gain through having an illness and having to take medication with side effects.


                  • chainsnuser
                    Senior Member
                    • Jan 2007
                    • 1388

                    The mindset to despise obese people is not any different from the mindset to loathe tobacco users.

                    To use tobacco only requires that one gets benefits from that plant and it's main ingredient. To become obese only requires to eat one slice of bread or 100 calories too much per day for some years or to do one rather small footwalk per day by car instead.

                    Nothing spectacular is needed to get obese, just a slightly elevated sensitivity for hunger or a slightly higher appetite than normal-weight people have, a slightly lesser inclination to move or to exercise, or a slight miseducation, e.g., the wide-held belief that it's dangerous to feel hunger and that it's "healthy" to feel sated all the time (propagated by people from the medical profession, the same people who now declare obesity a disease).

                    Due to the history of our species we human beings are able to "run on so little fuel" that the feeling of hunger and the need to constantly work, move and exercise is our normal state of being. Some people just have difficulties to accept that.

                    McDonald's meals are not unhealthy at all and they aren't junk food. I think McDonald meals have quite perfect nutritional values with their combination of carbon hydrates, fat, protein and salt. Some people just need to be educated that one big meal at McDonald's at midday is enough for the whole day and that it's normal to feel a little hungry some hours later and that it's not unhealthy to resist that feeling.

                    We should be lucky that there are obese people. It's by any means better than the situation only 100 years ago, when it was normal that many people starved to death in a year with a bad harvest.

                    BTW, we tobacco users should be lucky anyway that the health Nazis now begin to target other "diseases", presumably because there is no longer more money to be made with anti-tobacco propaganda. The sooner a bigger portion of the population begins to realise that most health related propaganda is a hoax and most "concern for human well-being" is just a money-making-scheme by some second or third class (self-proclaimed) "medics", the sooner society will get back to normal.



                    • Premium Parrots
                      Super Moderators
                      • Feb 2008
                      • 9758

                      well....my take on it, if anyone is interested is..........We need fat people. When the world goes to shit, ie;natural or human caused disaster, and most of the population is starving if humans get hungary enough many will start to eat their neighbor to survive. It happens is other parts of the world that are not as "civilized" as most. Having fat neighbors would be a distinct advantage since they can't run away as fast and they provide more calories and protein.

                      Just wait till that time comes and you will see that humans will do whatever they need to do to survive.....That includes eating others and kissing ugly women.

                      To answer the question tho.....most people CAN control their weight and in most cases a change in lifestyle can prevent obesity. In some cases it is a medical issue or side effect from taking certain meds but that's way more rare than people simply wanting to pig out on unhealthy foods.

                      I don't think its proper to lump both groups together on this point. But at first glance I did laff at the title of this thread and thought the idea was a bit wacko. But the truth is there are people that can't lose the weight for medical reasons.
                      Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                      I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                      • wa3zrm
                        • May 2009
                        • 4436

                        Originally posted by Premium Parrots
                        We need fat people... Having fat neighbors would be a distinct advantage since they can't run away as fast and they provide more calories and protein.
                        Just wait till that time comes and you will see that humans will do whatever they need to do to survive.....That includes eating others...
                        Seems you've given this plenty of thought. Do you have any cooking suggestions? Would we cook them like traditional pig's or go the New England route of a traditional boil?
                        If you have any problems with my posts or signature


                        • Premium Parrots
                          Super Moderators
                          • Feb 2008
                          • 9758

                          Originally posted by wa3zrm
                          Seems you've given this plenty of thought. Do you have any cooking suggestions? Would we cook them like traditional pig's or go the New England route of a traditional boil?
                          Like with any meat...sausage is the easiest to prepare while using all the parts with no waste. Of course there are certain parts that are more tender and/or tasty that you might want to consume first or on special occasions. Grilling is the best imo. The head would be best boiled tho. Need to get those dirty thoughts boiled out before consuming it.

                          Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                          I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                          • Treath
                            • Jul 2009
                            • 90

                            Oh no! Watch out for people who want to infect you with Obesity Disease!!

                            I swear, this is ridiculous. Less food and some exercise goes a long way.


                            • OregonNative
                              • Aug 2009
                              • 647

                              Originally posted by Treath
                              Oh no! Watch out for people who want to infect you with Obesity Disease!!

                              I swear, this is ridiculous. Less food and some exercise goes a long way.
                              Agreed! Although... they do say stupidity is contagious. Just what we as a society needs, an excuse for being fat & lazy.

                              I'll say from personal experience, I was once 300 lbs/136 kg, and I managed to get off my lazy ass and do something about it. Disease my ass, it's all willpower. I dropped to 168 lbs/76kg and started weight lifting from there back up to 205 lbs/92kg. I'll be the first to say, it was pure laziness when I was fat. I have no one/nothing to blame but myself for that.

                              For the rare few that gain weight from surgery/medication, that's a different story. However, the number of people that gain weight from surgery/disease/medication make up a fraction of a percent of those who are seriously overweight from CHOICE.


                              • Nuusku
                                • Aug 2011
                                • 993

                                Originally posted by Premium Parrots

                                That's a good album

