Going cold turkey on Saturday

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  • Frankie Reloaded
    Banned Users
    • Jan 2011
    • 541

    I will be finishing http://www.amazon.com/Ice-Fire-Jock-.../dp/1451629303 followed by http://www.amazon.com/books/dp/0764229893. Very different, but that is what I need to keep going. The same genre tends to make me bored. So it´s eko-thriller followed by a Christian sword-and-magic fantasy this summer

    But mostly I will be swimming with my girl, BB shooting with the boys, hiking Click image for larger version

Name:	18670998_10154484306356232_4199085794049796597_n.jpg
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ID:	599857 and doing things one does with ones wife

    And when I get Web-cravings I will think of all the fleshlights waiting for me at home.


    • Frankie Reloaded
      Banned Users
      • Jan 2011
      • 541

      Back too soon The youngest one got smallpox...


      • lxskllr
        • Sep 2007
        • 13435

        Originally posted by Frankie Reloaded
        Back too soon The youngest one got smallpox...
        Shite! They gonna be ok? All the best for your family.


        • muddyfunkstar
          • Aug 2010
          • 967

          Smallpox, really? I thought that was eradicated in the 70s?


          • Faylool
            • Dec 2012
            • 496

            I'm literally selling my iPad Friday so I only have my iPhone for browsing. Partly because my roommate is getting Internet wifi and has a resource for a free computer and partly because I'm addicted to browsing too I could be getting a lot more done every day and spending more time with my dogs and horses. It's an avoidance enabler for me. It's not particularly restful either. So until I get the other stuff, and that's not soon because he's low on funds ATM ill be more free. Your vacation sounds awesome! BREATHE!
            Originally posted by Frankie Reloaded
            This Saturday I am leaving a city to start summer holidays. The real difference apart from more physical exercise, better air, translating books in the greenery of a semi-forested area above a God-forgotten old spa village and lots of fun for the kids is that I will have no Internet connection of my own for some 6 weeks. This usually boosts my productivity in an unusual way (I do about the same amount of work as usual, but spend most of the days with kids, friends, redneck relatives, etc.) and helps me kick some of my worst habits like browsing all day instead of working

            I wish you all a nice summer. Feel free to hijack this thread with talk about other addictions and, eventually, the unavoidable fleshlights.


            • Frankie Reloaded
              Banned Users
              • Jan 2011
              • 541

              Sorry, my bad. I never had any adequate knowledge of English terms of diseases and so I used a dictionary Its chickenpox. Just a nuisance... but very annoying for the kid.


              • lxskllr
                • Sep 2007
                • 13435

                Originally posted by Frankie Reloaded
                Sorry, my bad. I never had any adequate knowledge of English terms of diseases and so I used a dictionary Its chickenpox. Just a nuisance... but very annoying for the kid.
                Chickenpox sucks, but much better than smallpox. Hope your kid gets better without too much misery. I had it as a kid. No fun :^(


                • Frankie Reloaded
                  Banned Users
                  • Jan 2011
                  • 541

                  I thought pox was the real thing and smallpox is the light contemporary version

                  The main problem was the only fun for kids at the holiday cottage was playing outdoors, hiking and swimming. And with chickenpox you cannot expose the kid to sunlight and water...* So we packed up and returned home where there are electronic playthings which can be used from bed. Still, it was a nice month. I even got used to licorice snus I hated before. I took it there on purpose: there was a chance it would go bad without proper refrigeration/freezing and I did not want to spoil my better snuses. Now I am not afraid of lakrits any more: It´s amazing how body learns to like something if it has no alternative

                  * you wouldn´t believe how a beautiful 5-y-o girl smells when not properly bathed for a few weeks

                  BTW, my middle son plays World of Tanks at home. So we did a small outing: 12 hours, few hundred kilometers by car and then... Click image for larger version

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                  • lxskllr
                    • Sep 2007
                    • 13435

                    Congratulations on capturing the German tank!


                    • Frankie Reloaded
                      Banned Users
                      • Jan 2011
                      • 541


                      He also got 30 (he kept count) T-34s, one ISU-122, several mortars, howitzers, Katyusha rocket launcher, Sdkfz-250, a collection of AA guns... and a Dakota

                      The landmine was just a bonus.


                      • Snusdog
                        • Jun 2008
                        • 6752

                        Man.....I'm so sorry to hear about the chickenpox and that the vacation got cut short........I hope you guys were at least able to enjoy some of it and that everyone is better by now........the pics look like a great day.........thanks for posting them!!!

                        Good to have ya back.....even if a bit early
                        When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


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