In Australia we have a yeast extract spread called Vegemite. Admittedly it requires an acquired taste to appreciate the subtle flavors.
Aussies treat it as a national icon but most foreigners would rather eat Dung Beetles.
I first heard the phrase, "Vegemite sandwich" on a pop song that was wildly popular in the 1980's.
I never knew what it was until the internet came along. Still haven't tried it.
What about Sweden? They have a real treat called "Surströmming"
Its fish they let rot in a barrel for a few months. After that they throw it in a tin can and let it rot for another year.
Smells and tastes the same that Mämmi looks
In Australia we have a yeast extract spread called Vegemite. Admittedly it requires an acquired taste to appreciate the subtle flavors.
Aussies treat it as a national icon but most foreigners would rather eat Dung Beetles.
Same as marmite and I love both, but marmite is better odc
What about Sweden? They have a real treat called "Surströmming"
Its fish they let rot in a barrel for a few months. After that they throw it in a tin can and let it rot for another year.
Smells and tastes the same that Mämmi looks
I like Surströmming, it smells a bit bad but tastes lovely.
You're probably confusing German with Bavarian food!
I have visited some foreign restaurants that I wouldn't visit a second time, but I wouldn't generalise a single meal, which probably just was poor choice by myself, with a general downgrading of a nation's cusine.
Shortly said, I cannot add much to the threat. I've tried some traditional German meals BTW that I would only touch a second time if I was close to starvation, but luckily that was in other regions of the country. The traditional Westphalian cusine, which probably is pretty much unknown outside of Germany, is tasty as hell.
I love proper german food, always eat it when in Berlin and Cologne.
In my limited experience of eating abroad ... I would say Dutch food is the worst (or should I say wurst?)
Very little vegetable content - tons of massively processed meat. What vegetables you do get in Holland are smothered in cream, butter and other greasy sauces. Their cakes and puddings are deliciously sweet - but from what I've seen it's a pretty appalling diet.
My only disclaimer is that when you visit a country you very rarely get anything like the local home cooking - if you judge a country on what you can buy in hotels or cafés then Holland definitely loses.
Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!
I haven't really found a country where I disliked the food in particular. Don't hate me please, but I'm voting for Iceland. It's a great country, but I haven't found many decent edibles from there.
In my limited experience of eating abroad ... I would say Dutch food is the worst (or should I say wurst?)
Very little vegetable content - tons of massively processed meat. What vegetables you do get in Holland are smothered in cream, butter and other greasy sauces. Their cakes and puddings are deliciously sweet - but from what I've seen it's a pretty appalling diet.
My only disclaimer is that when you visit a country you very rarely get anything like the local home cooking - if you judge a country on what you can buy in hotels or cafés then Holland definitely loses.
True. In Netherlands better stick to Indonesian food, there are plenty Indonesian restaurants there due colonial history, like UK has curry houses everywhere, which is grand.