Forensic expert: Trayvon Martin shot leaning over George Zimmerman

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  • Crow
    • Oct 2010
    • 4312

    I wouldn't use the word agree... But I thought it was inevitable he would either be acquitted (based on shoddy evidence from both sides), or face a mistrial (based on legal maneuvering used by both sides).

    That's the legal aspect of it... The morality issue is a different ballgame, and I can't answer definitively on it (as I was not there, and there weren't any true witnesses to the incident who can testify as to what happened). All I know is, it was a tragic event that could have been avoided.
    Words of Wisdom

    Premium Parrots: only if the carpet matches the drapes.
    Crow: Of course, that's a given.
    Crow: Imagine a jet black 'raven' with a red bush?
    Crow: Hmm... You know, that actually sounds intriguing to me.
    Premium Parrots: sounds like a freak to me
    Premium Parrots: remember DO NOT TURN YOUR BACK ON CROW
    Premium Parrots: not that it would hurt one bit if he nailed you with his little pecker.
    Frosted: lucky twat
    Frosted: Aussie slags
    Frosted: Mind the STDs Crow


    • Mordred
      • Dec 2009
      • 342

      Originally posted by SnusoMatic
      He never intended to fight anyone because he is a *ussy. Again I say, he should have took his beating before he killed the very person.
      Not sure where you get this idea from. If he was such a despicable coward, as you presume, he wouldn't have been patrolling the streets at night, he would have been sitting at home playing Call of Duty.

      But I must ask, when, in your oppinion, is one justified in using his or her firearm? Because, here's the thing, you can be for the second ammendment all you want, but there's no point in carrying a gun if you can never use it.


      • devilock76
        • Aug 2010
        • 1737

        The real race issue in all this and the irony is the Anderson decision 2 months prior. Look up the case but she should have been acquitted as well and was not and that I the decision people should be protesting.



        • OregonNative
          • Aug 2009
          • 647

          Originally posted by Crow
          I wouldn't use the word agree... But I thought it was inevitable he would either be acquitted (based on shoddy evidence from both sides), or face a mistrial (based on legal maneuvering used by both sides).

          That's the legal aspect of it... The morality issue is a different ballgame, and I can't answer definitively on it (as I was not there, and there weren't any true witnesses to the incident who can testify as to what happened). All I know is, it was a tragic event that could have been avoided.
          Crow brother, I think you summarized the case as best as anyone possibly could.


          • truthwolf1
            • Oct 2008
            • 2696

            Originally posted by devilock76
            The real race issue in all this and the irony is the Anderson decision 2 months prior. Look up the case but she should have been acquitted as well and was not and that I the decision people should be protesting.

            I cannot find it? Anderson Cooper CNN/Zimmerman is popping up!
            You are not talking about the woman who fired warning shots and recieved a 20 year sentence are you?


            • devilock76
              • Aug 2010
              • 1737

              Originally posted by truthwolf1
              I cannot find it? Anderson Cooper CNN/Zimmerman is popping up!
              You are not talking about the woman who fired warning shots and recieved a 20 year sentence are you?
              Crap my bad, the ALEXANDER case not Anderson...


              Yes that is the one, she should be acquitted... and she should be the verdict that people should be protesting.



              • Thunder_Snus
                • Oct 2011
                • 1316

                Originally posted by wa3zrm
                Don't know if it's practical; however, an interesting point of view!
                How would it not be practical? Look at the 40's-60's era of the KKK. They very rarely killed anyone but they definitely spoke of their views on the black community (and in most cases the non white community) People are rallying behind these leaders and posting threats on the internet. I know most of you guys on here are old farts. Theres this thing called twitter where people can follow other peoples lives. Go to it and search for all the threats on white people that were made because of this trial. Anything from rape to homicide are included in these threats. Best of all they are on WHITE people. Somehow the media has convinced people that there are "hispanic" people and "white hispanic" people. The undeducated people rallying behind these terrorist leaders are threatening a race that had no involvement in the case they only had involvement in what the media portrayed zimmerman as and deciding the race part would be better if they included "white" in it. I'm sure The martin family can find some descendant of white ancestry. Shouldn't he have been a "white african american?"

                These people like sharpton and jackson are quick to say their race is being held down and prejudiced because of one act of violence despite having incredibly unequal rights for suing for racial inequality in work-place hiring, and other work-place topics. There are places that only hire black people in more urban environments. These places openly admit to their practices and pay a TINY fine every year to have that right. Try saying your business only hires white people, you will be closed within the hour. As quick as all these "something happened to a black person so its racist" leaders were to demand protest of the verdict, they were just as quick to praise the jury that gave the same treatment to OJ.


                • wa3zrm
                  • May 2009
                  • 4436

                  Originally posted by Thunder_Snus
                  These people like Sharpton and Jackson are quick to say their race is being held down and prejudiced because of one act of violence despite having incredibly unequal rights for suing for racial inequality in work-place hiring, and other work-place topics.
                  You should know they (people like Sharpton & Jackson) have to be the way they are! Good God man, that's their way of earning a living!
                  If you have any problems with my posts or signature


                  • Thunder_Snus
                    • Oct 2011
                    • 1316

                    Originally posted by wa3zrm
                    You should know they (people like Sharpton & Jackson) have to be the way they are! Good God man, that's their way of earning a living!
                    There are also people that make a living being murderers for hire.
                    There are also people that make a living selling meth.
                    There are also people that make a living getting people to invest in ponzi/pyramid schemes.
                    What these men do is no better, they are like country singers trying to turn a profit from 9/11


                    • Riggins44
                      • May 2013
                      • 64

                      Originally posted by wa3zrm
                      You should know they (people like Sharpton & Jackson) have to be the way they are! Good God man, that's their way of earning a living!
                      Gosh is that ever true; meanwhile the damage they do to the black community is tragic. Sell outs of the highest magnitude, and when they compare themselves to MLK, I want to puke.


                      • wa3zrm
                        • May 2009
                        • 4436

                        Was Obama drunk or high in today's I am Trayvon "presser"?

                        I'm writing to see if anyone noticed what I did when I watched the recorded statement when Precious interrupted Weasel during the WH briefing. His eyes were half shut as if drowsy, or trying to keep them hidden and downcast (have seen this behavior to conceal dilated pupils)--I know he always mumbles but seemed much worse than usual. Anyone else? Stoned? Drunk? Manchurian medication?
                        If you have any problems with my posts or signature


                        • Thunder_Snus
                          • Oct 2011
                          • 1316

                          Originally posted by wa3zrm
                          Was Obama drunk or high in today's I am Trayvon "presser"?

                          I'm writing to see if anyone noticed what I did when I watched the recorded statement when Precious interrupted Weasel during the WH briefing. His eyes were half shut as if drowsy, or trying to keep them hidden and downcast (have seen this behavior to conceal dilated pupils)--I know he always mumbles but seemed much worse than usual. Anyone else? Stoned? Drunk? Manchurian medication?
                          Give him a break his fictional son's killer just got acquitted.


                          • sgreger1
                            • Mar 2009
                            • 9451

                            Originally posted by SnusoMatic
                            what makes this emotional is two things (in my mind).

                            1) How some people are willing to overlook what Zimmerman did.
                            2) How some people automatically think Zimmerman did it because Martin was black.

                            Both bother me a lot. It bothers me worse than there are many other murders each year. It bothers me that the day before the jury ruled in Zimmerman case in NY a man got 10 years for beating a 2 year old baby to death. There is no justice. What would be the proper justice for beating a two year old to death? out of ten years he will do maybe five.

                            Anyway, i understand why you feel the way that you do.

                            I guess I am just jaded after living in LA for so many years, where random people slaughter others just to get the $5 they were carrying on them and they'll break the window out of your car just to get some change you left on the seat. I don't see why this case has caused so much emotion as this kind of thing happens every day, I think the only reason it's news it because for once its a "white" person killing a black person, instead of the usual which is the other way around.

                            1) How some people are willing to overlook what Zimmerman did.

                            Look, I don't think what he did was right. I think the outrage here is that a grown man killed an unarmed teen and won't get so much as a slap on the wrist. I get that for sure. I think he is some weak dude who wanted to play policeman like you said, no doubt in my mind about that. The thing though is that when you start attacking someone you become the aggressor and unfortunately that's what this unarmed teen did, he took a risk knowing that Zimmerman could legally defend himself with deadly force and he came out on the wrong end of that decision.

                            How some people automatically think Zimmerman did it because Martin was black.
                            Yah, I don't think this is a race issue, but the media made it into one by editing the tapes to make zimmerman sound racist. They love a good hate story. Treyvon was a criminal who had guns, stole stuff, had a record, did drugs etc, but they make him out to be some little kid buying skittle.

                            That being said, that could have been me at 17, I was wild and I probably would have laid zimmerman out too. So I can empathize with the idea that when it comes to minors especially, we need to be really careful when we exercise our lawful right to self defense because they aren't old enough to really understand the gravity of their actions.

                            For me, escalation of force applies, he should have tried fighting treyvon first but forensics showed he didn't even land any punches. He basically went straight for the gun once treyvon started bashing his head on the concrete.


                            • sgreger1
                              • Mar 2009
                              • 9451

                              Originally posted by SnusoMatic
                              Except, who Martin was has nothing to do with why Zimmerman followed him or why he killed him.
                              Um, Treyvon turned around and pursued Zimmerman and instigated a fight, then bashed his skull on the concrete and continued assualting him once he was down. I think it's safe to say he had a little something to do with why zimemrman killed him. I'll give you that he shouldn't have been following him, but it's like following a criminal in the alley next to your house, if they attack you they are fair game, it's not your fault for checking out what's going on. It's never okay to try to kill someone just because you think they were following you.

                              Also, how would you like a zimmermon living on every street in the country?

                              I wouldn't like it at all, he's too hyper vigilant, but it's not really an issue as he's just one idiot out of 300 million other idiots.

                              If martin would have been doing anything wrong that day Zimmerman would have brought it up at his trial.

                              Again, martin started "doing something wrong" when he assaulted Zimmeran with a deadly weapon, which was brought up in the trial if you followed it.

                              Morally Zimmerman caused this who situation himself.

                              Nah can't agree with that in good conscience. Sure, he went to investigate someone who looked suspicious, but that doesn't warrant being assaulted with a deadly weapon, Treyvon had way more to do with starting this than anyone. Zimmerman shouldn't have pursued him in hindsight, but he was within his rights to. We can't go allowing assault witha deadly weapon every time you think someone is following you, that would lead to chaos. But I hear what you are saying, morally Zimmerman didn't really do the right thing here.


                              • Thunder_Snus
                                • Oct 2011
                                • 1316

                                Great piece Sgreger1.
                                Something noone mentions even though it was stated during the trail was that Martin was ALMOST HOME. Like within a few feet before he TURNED BACK and went to attack Zimmerman. If Martin felt he was in danger he could have taken a few more steps then gone inside and called the police. Zimmerman wasnt 2 feet behind him he was still on the road where he stopped. Martin was far away and almost in a "safe" zone had he been in any real danger. He was not shot for being black he was shot because he isntigated a fight because someone kinda followed him because he was an uknown person in a small community that had increased thefts recently.

                                Hearing people speak out against this is ridiculous. They are never even aware of 90% of the facts in the case. They hold onto one piece that turned out to not be true as their basis for being right despite no knowledge of anything else. It's like people who claim they are incredibly knowledgeable and responsible with car insurance because they always have "full" coverage despite only carrying 15/30/5 liability limits. You can't claim to be insurance savvy while thinking that state minimum liability is adequate and you can't protest the verdict of this trail because you heard one thing about it that wasn't even true.


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