Originally posted by jagmanss
Forensic expert: Trayvon Martin shot leaning over George Zimmerman
The media coverage that is still continuing on this is ridiculous. On top of the fact that they are still using it as a racial trial. If he should have been guilty or not is totally up to everyone's interpretation. Based on the facts his motives and everything else Zimmerman would have shot anybody, it was not because he was black, it is clearly evident he did not do this because the kid was black.
Everyone calls for an end to racism but everytime someone is killed by someone of another race that is all anyone wants it to be. Zimmerman was crazy but i saw absolutely no evidence of this being racially motivated. As soon as we can see a trial like this played out as a person who killed another person instead of "white" hispanic man kills black man is when racism will stop. White people are killed by black, asians are killed by hispanics, and so on and so forth but you never see any kind of racial outcry with a bunch of self appointed important men like you do in this trial. 2 black men kill 2 white babies and their mother in chicago....they were misguided and burdened with prejudice....a hispanic man kills a black man....he is clearly racist this is something that all black people should be mad at and be mad at all "white" hispanic people for.
Think I may just try to work 80 hours a week for the next 40 years so i can buy my own private island and noone is allowed.
i think legally he was not guilty. morally he is guilty. they did not prove their case because under fla law he did not break a law. i don't think it was ever a racial issue at all. i think Zimmerman is one of those people who wants to play policeman. he is/was a scared weenie who needs to carry a gun around in order to feel like a real man.
Martin was a young man. One thing about most young men is they don't know when to leave well enough along. i put myself when i was that age in that category as well. Zimmerman put himself out there where something could go wrong and it did. He was not physically able to defend himself when this 17 year old stood up to him. So like most scared *ussies do, he pulled out a gun and shot Martin.
Was Martin a pot smoker? Looks that way. Did Martin like to talk big about guns? Yea and so did Zimmerman.
In my book both should have acted differently. But if Zimmerman was going to put himself out there where things can happen he should have either
A) Been able to take care of himself without a gun.
B) Been willing to take his butt kickin like a man.
C) Acted like an adult and talked his way out of the situation.
Martin was minding his own business when Zimmerman decided he was 'up to no good'. That started the ball rolling. Martin acted like MANY young men would have (white/black/yellow) 'he was not going to be followed around'.
If you are over 25 years old and have been around a little you would know most 17 year old young men ain't gonna act nice when cornered. Far as him smoking pot goes.... pleeeeeease..... how many people on here smoke pot? How many of you did when you were 17 years old. I am in that group.
More times than I like to remember I got in someones face over something stupider than stupid. if they would have been Zimmerman i would have not made it to 18. One time I got like that with a man over how much transmission fluid a mustang holds. He was a fireman and he kicked my butt but he could have beat me worse than he did. Zimmerman would have pulled out his gun and shot me dead.
Did the legal system work? Sure did. Will Zimmerman pay for what he did? He sure will. In many ways and for a long time. I don't advocate violence but if someone kicks his butt over this I won't be crying for him. I am just glad most people do not act like Zimmerman did.
Had it not been for Zimmerman, Martin would have grown up, learned how how to really be a man, had kids, a wife and worked a normal job. A *ussy killed him legally and the system worked the way it was designed to. Those who want to express their displease with this whole rotten situation should vote in law makers who will change the laws to suit the way they like.
When you physically attack somebody smaller your size and then do not stop attacking like the witness testimony detailed you are no longer the victim. People do die all the time from fights.
My guess is that the women on this jury might of also put themselves into the situation of what they would do if suddenly a questionable character in the neighborhood they were pursuing attacked them and was slamming their head on the sidewalk.
Maybe or most certainly they would of pulled out a right to carry pistol from their purse in self defense for fear of death.
I do not think this case was as fishy as the media has glorified it to be with the whole Obama son baloney from the beginning.
Maybe the more people look at the facts in the trial they will understand that. I admit this has even surprised the hell out of me.
Originally posted by SnusoMatici think legally he was not guilty. morally he is guilty. they did not prove their case because under fla law he did not break a law. i don't think it was ever a racial issue at all. i think Zimmerman is one of those people who wants to play policeman. he is/was a scared weenie who needs to carry a gun around in order to feel like a real man.
Martin was a young man. One thing about most young men is they don't know when to leave well enough along. i put myself when i was that age in that category as well. Zimmerman put himself out there where something could go wrong and it did. He was not physically able to defend himself when this 17 year old stood up to him. So like most scared *ussies do, he pulled out a gun and shot Martin.
Was Martin a pot smoker? Looks that way. Did Martin like to talk big about guns? Yea and so did Zimmerman.
In my book both should have acted differently. But if Zimmerman was going to put himself out there where things can happen he should have either
A) Been able to take care of himself without a gun.
B) Been willing to take his butt kickin like a man.
C) Acted like an adult and talked his way out of the situation.
Martin was minding his own business when Zimmerman decided he was 'up to no good'. That started the ball rolling. Martin acted like MANY young men would have (white/black/yellow) 'he was not going to be followed around'.
If you are over 25 years old and have been around a little you would know most 17 year old young men ain't gonna act nice when cornered. Far as him smoking pot goes.... pleeeeeease..... how many people on here smoke pot? How many of you did when you were 17 years old. I am in that group.
More times than I like to remember I got in someones face over something stupider than stupid. if they would have been Zimmerman i would have not made it to 18. One time I got like that with a man over how much transmission fluid a mustang holds. He was a fireman and he kicked my butt but he could have beat me worse than he did. Zimmerman would have pulled out his gun and shot me dead.
Did the legal system work? Sure did. Will Zimmerman pay for what he did? He sure will. In many ways and for a long time. I don't advocate violence but if someone kicks his butt over this I won't be crying for him. I am just glad most people do not act like Zimmerman did.
Had it not been for Zimmerman, Martin would have grown up, learned how how to really be a man, had kids, a wife and worked a normal job. A *ussy killed him legally and the system worked the way it was designed to. Those who want to express their displease with this whole rotten situation should vote in law makers who will change the laws to suit the way they like.
A random elderly couple were almost killed after Jamie Foxx tweeted the wrong address for Zimmerman a few days after the incident happened, and not a single arrest was made for people posting threats online about killing or raping white people if he was found not guilty, although people get arrested for threatening to beat up a person at school over Xbox Live. There was no media coverage of the white guy that got killed on 55th street a few hours after the verdict. The media brainwashed everyone into thinking that Trayvon was walking in his valedictorian cap and gown helping girl scouts raise money when this evil skin head unleashed his automatic assault rifle on him. He was portrayed as a defenseless 12 year old despite being 17 and 3 inches taller than Zimmerman. You can note the weight difference but Zimmerman appears to be quite fat, he isn't exactly jacked with muscle. From pictures alone I'd pick Trayvon in a fight over him. On top of the media coverage being incredibly wrong Trayvons mother did nothing but try to make a profit off of her sons death. The whole year of this ordeal made me sick with how much bullshit people will eat up so they can join a new bandwagon.
Originally posted by Thunder_SnusI remember being a little shit head 14 year old going around town lighting off fireworks/knocking on peoples doors and running etc.If you have any problems with my posts or signature
Originally posted by wa3zrmWhen I was a kid, if the neighbor caught me he or she would beat my ass and call my parents. Then when I got home, I was in for a second beating. Nowadays you can't touch a kid or you will have the police and CYS all over you.
We will never know who started the fight. So any speculation about it is pointless. Maybe Martin thought he was "gansta" and attacked Zimmerman. Maybe Zimmerman thought he was a cop and tried to manhandle Martin. Regardless, what we do know from the evidence is that Martin ended up beating Zimmerman and that Zimmerman was on the ground with Martin on top of him when Zimmerman fired the gun. The only question then is, was Zimmerman justified in using lethal force to defend himself? Imho, yes, he was. If somebody punching you while you're down isn't a reason to use lethal force, then what is?
Snusomatic brings forth two arguments commonly heard:
1) Zimmerman put himself in that situation, therefore he's to blame.
I strongly disagree. He volunteered to help keep his neighbourhood safe. That seems to me like a noble pursuit. To say that it was wrong to do that is to say that we shouldn't be allowed to defend ourselves and our property. That only the police may do so. Newsflash, the police only shows up after the burglaries, robberies and murders have been committed. Neighbourhood watches actually do prevent them.
2) Zimmerman should have let Martin beat him and/or should have learned to fight without a gun.
This is completely preposterous. You cannot ask somebody to "take a beating". Notwithstanding the risk of life-threatening injuries from punches and kicks, it should be obvious that nobody should be precluded from defending themselves against physical violence. As for "fighting like a man", well, even professional martial artists, boxers and kickboxers have been killed in random street fights.
Awww Lord we have new info on Zimmermans lawyer trying to take legal action because of with held evidence
"Kruidbos testified last month that he found embarrassing photos on Martin's phone that included pictures of a clump of jewelry on a bed, underage nude females, marijuana plants and a hand holding a semi-automatic pistol."
Anyone and everyone you talk to though will tell you how Martin was handing out puppies and delivering hot meals to the elderly when this happened. For how happy the leaders of the "black" community were with the OJ verdict they seem to be taking a complete 180 approach to this because someone of their own race died. 3 African-American individuals killed a white waitress a few days ago for her tip money.....haven't seen that in the news.
You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.
Rahm Emanuel
I am afraid this was not the perfect scenario to achieve this and they are realizing it now.
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