Seattle Bans Words 'Citizen' and 'Brown Bag'

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  • wa3zrm
    • May 2009
    • 4436

    Seattle Bans Words 'Citizen' and 'Brown Bag'

    A memo which was circulated within local government in Washington state, before being leaked to local TV station KOMO News, advised state workers that they should refrain from using such phrases in official business.
    According to the memo, the word ‘citizen’ is offensive to those Seattlelites who are residents in the city, but not US citizens.
    The phrase ‘brown bag’ is offensive for its having been used as a verb during racial segregation in the United States. When deciding whether or not a black person was light-skinned enough to enter a private residence, servants would ‘brown bag’ them: using a paper grocery bag to gauge their skin tone.
    The memo’s author Elliott Bronstein, who works in the city’s Office for Civil Rights, wrote: "Luckily we’ve got options. For ‘citizens’, how about ‘residents’?”.
    “To replace ‘brown bag’”, he continued, tackling the offensive phrase that employees use to describe their packed lunches, “we can go with ‘lunch-and-learn’ or ‘sack lunch’”.
    The news has gone viral in the United States, receiving more than 5,000 shares on Facebook and as many related tweets. One Twitter user described the news as “unreal”, while another points out that “our constitution uses the word ‘citizen’ 17 times”.

    (Excerpt) Read more at ...
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  • Thunder_Snus
    • Oct 2011
    • 1316

    I heard someone say something once. I'm not sure who he was. I heard it on tv while i was trying to sleep. I'm pretty sure the guy had a British accent. It went something like this "Just because you say you're offended doesn't mean you are in the right"
    If people are offended by the terms "citizen" and "brown bag" they need to get over it or get ready for a life of people not giving a shit about what they think. I work in near proximity to two african-american gents named George. This used to be an offensive term (thats what im told but then again im not from the 40s). Obviously the parents naming them no longer found that offensive.
    It amazes me how many people roll over because one person says they are offended. When people try to tell me they are offended by something. I tell them I am offended that they are offended. When they point out I'm just looking for attention and to spoil something I politely point out that is exactly what they are doing. If you say something is offensive and have to explain're claim should be immediately dismissed.


    • sirloot
      Senior Member
      • Mar 2011
      • 2607

      Id like my Citizen malt liquor in a Brown Bag please


      • hokiehi82
        • Jul 2012
        • 227

        Originally posted by Thunder_Snus
        If you say something is offensive and have to explain're claim should be immediately dismissed.
        Exactly. This reminds me of a segment comedian John Mulaney did. He was talking about how his boss on a tv show had said that using the word "midget" was just as offensive as the "n-word". He explained it couldn't be because they were actually saying the word "midget" and had to abbreviate "n-word".


        • Thunder_Snus
          • Oct 2011
          • 1316

          Originally posted by hokiehi82
          Exactly. This reminds me of a segment comedian John Mulaney did. He was talking about how his boss on a tv show had said that using the word "midget" was just as offensive as the "n-word". He explained it couldn't be because they were actually saying the word "midget" and had to abbreviate "n-word".
          I was taking a tour of Thomas jefferson's house one day and someone decided the word slave was offensive and asked the tour guide to call it something else. She started calling them unpaid servants. The person didn't like that either, so the tour guide asked her to leave because her rudeness was offending people. Was quite nice. House was shitty though


          • Snusdog
            • Jun 2008
            • 6752

            Originally posted by sirloot
            Id like my Citizen malt liquor in a Brown Bag please
            Oooooo.....I'm telling

            When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


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