Anyone else do this?

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  • Grim
    • Jun 2008
    • 850

    Anyone else do this?

    Ugh, its 315 am here and I am still doing school work. Accounting 1101, and I have no idea what the hell I am doing.

    Anyways, I find when the site is slow and not many ppl are posting I go look at my old threads from when I first joined.

    Beside the fact I was a drunk pompous A-hole, I realized I miss a great deal of those ppl who used to frequent here a good bit.

    I remember the days when this place was lit up 24/7 by the likes of sgregor, xobeloot, sagedil and a few others.

    It is also interesting reading the threads when one could order any brand of snus before all the PACT crap and when you could still order Onyx and Lucky Strike and a few others.

    Man the good ol days. Some of you new guys seriously missed out.

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