"Bad Science" ... A Dentist Wants to Clone John Lennon from His (sic, Lennon's) Rotten Tooth

A dentist wants to clone John Lennon from his rotten tooth
All you need is DNA. A Canadian dentist says he's working with "American scientists" to clone John Lennon from a rotten molar the Beatles singer had extracted in the 1960s.
According to the press release (warning: it autoplays a weird parody song, "Love Me Tooth") dentist Michael Zuk bought the tooth at auction for $31,000 and now is working with an unspecified lab to see if they can clone him.
Says Zuk:
I am nervous and excited at the possibility that we will be able to fully sequence John Lennon's DNA, very soon I hope. With researchers working on ways to clone mammoths, the same technology certainly could make human cloning a reality.
Zuk has set up a website, JohnLennonDNA, where he also reveals a weird sculpture his sister made, combining Lennon and fellow Beatle Paul McCartney into a nightmarish conglomeration, called "McLennon."
I just hope the clone is evil. Really.
(Excerpt) Read more at io9.com ...

A dentist wants to clone John Lennon from his rotten tooth
All you need is DNA. A Canadian dentist says he's working with "American scientists" to clone John Lennon from a rotten molar the Beatles singer had extracted in the 1960s.
According to the press release (warning: it autoplays a weird parody song, "Love Me Tooth") dentist Michael Zuk bought the tooth at auction for $31,000 and now is working with an unspecified lab to see if they can clone him.
Says Zuk:
I am nervous and excited at the possibility that we will be able to fully sequence John Lennon's DNA, very soon I hope. With researchers working on ways to clone mammoths, the same technology certainly could make human cloning a reality.
Zuk has set up a website, JohnLennonDNA, where he also reveals a weird sculpture his sister made, combining Lennon and fellow Beatle Paul McCartney into a nightmarish conglomeration, called "McLennon."
I just hope the clone is evil. Really.
(Excerpt) Read more at io9.com ...