...to sign up for my FREE health care tomorrow? I also recall the government is suppose to be paying my mortgage and buy gas for my car. Could I have been lied too?
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I believe that if you want FREE health care you will need to quit your job. But then you can sit at home, get an Obamaphone, sign up for food stamps, and also begin receiving government assistance. Stop paying your mortgage because once foreclosure is imminent, you can simply get a government subsidized modification. You won't get free gas for your car, but you don't need it anyway. If you have enough savings, just buy a smart-car and get the tax incentives.
You should also move to California, and begin growing and selling "medical" marijuana. No need to claim this income on your tax return, of course.
I believe that if you want FREE health care you will need to quit your job. But then you can sit at home, get an Obamaphone, sign up for food stamps, and also begin receiving government assistance. Stop paying your mortgage because once foreclosure is imminent, you can simply get a government subsidized modification. You won't get free gas for your car, but you don't need it anyway. If you have enough savings, just buy a smart-car and get the tax incentives.
You should also move to California, and begin growing and selling "medical" marijuana. No need to claim this income on your tax return, of course.
It remains to be seen that if you get everyone to the doctor the cost's will eventually go down. How long is eventually?
and was not the point of Hillary care back in the day trying to bring down the high cost of healthcare? Treatments and deductibles continue to rise and nobody ever talked about that.
Pre-existing conditions sounds good but you are still in the same system if your kid breaks a leg and it takes you two years to pay off the $3-$5000 dollar deductible.
What if you cannot pay that? I guess they will come after your house and car as usual. So, you end up in poverty on the bronze exchange which does not cover everything so you wind up
bajeebus.....I saw the title of this thread and the perfect answer......until I found out what this thread was really about.
I'll say it anyway.....hell.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
I will never understand why a country like the U.S always claims it rewards the hard-working and business savvy unlike "those socialist pussies" yet everything that is done only rewards those that are lazy. I understand and support welfare programs, I would hate to get laid off and have no income coming in, but there has to be a limit.
We keep spoon feeding these people an easy life because they refuse to work, and noone ever steps in and says wait a minute look at everything this guy has. I talk to atleast 10 people every day that have a new 30k car and try to pay the 800$ a month insurance premium on it with some kind of welfare debit card. He is calling me from his free iphone, from his paid for apartment/house, watching the nfl red zone ticket pass package. Now its "affordable" health care.
I grew up with the education system teaching me about american capitalism. If you were that guy that took that risk or worked hard at this particular job you would be far and above the people that refused to. Some people would be better off some would be worse off but that was how capitalism and the american economy worked. Except that is the complete opposite of what it is. I give up 33.3% of my paycheck so 100% of people who refuse to work can live the same life as me.
It's simple, my brothers, and Americans in particular!
Just follow the British 7 point plan of how to run a fair country for all instigated in the post 1945 peacetime.
1. Give the government most of your money - keeping only just enough for yourself to slowly kill yourself with snus and alcohol and unhealthy food so you won't be a burden on the healthcare system by living too long.
2. The government will take care of all the things you need to stay alive, be virtuous in the way that the government thinks you should be (libraries etc.) and for the country to stumble along with basic infrastructure. And they will waste approximately all of the money that would have gone to shareholders if the aforementioned was in private hands with excessive bureaucracy and red tape. But it will employ far more people in the process.
3. As a consequence of a well-meaning social security system - many of the people at the bottom of the pile will receive more money from the tax revenues paid for by the achievers in society in order that they can be supported. This means that people who milk the system will be allowed to do so ... and in effect, the stupid, ugly, socially awkward bully you went to school with and hit you every day ends up with you supporting them and their stupid, ugly, socially awkward large families that will end up bullying your kids too. But it's OK because it will also save some people who are genuine cases.
4. The achievers in the society, the majority (but not all) of which will come from privileged backgrounds with well educated parents with a lot of money will still continue to get richer still while moaning about scroungers. These will insist on paying huge sums of money for their own education systems, private health systems, and in some cases private libraries ... the rest of us will all laugh at them for paying so much money for something adequately provided to the rest of us in tax revenues by the government. And then we will get very angry indeed because these rich achievers, who believe that they are above the laws, spend even more of their money on expensive lawyers and accountants to make sure that they move all their money to tax havens and don't pay the fair amount of tax.
5. It turns out that these rich achievers have decided to end up conning the rest of us in to voting them in to government! And they begin dismantling the social system around us without a mandate or consultation.
6. Several years of the rest of the country just open-mouthed wondering what happened to our imperfect but well-meaning system.
Change must come through the barrel of of a gun - Mao
And you thought Americans were gun nuts......
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
Kinda ridiculous. We can fly drones around and kill people willy nilly but can't figure out how to make the new law of the land fly at launch. Pretty sure this shit will get blamed on the debt ceiling. I swear we are crossing the Rubicon at this point....
BigBlue, it's working fine for me. Kinda confusing. I think it's on a state-by-state basis. It asks what state I'm in, and then redirects me to their application page.
Originally posted by Frosted
I knew he was committed as an actor but I think he went too far in his latest role as Princess Diana
BigBlue, it's working fine for me. Kinda confusing. I think it's on a state-by-state basis. It asks what state I'm in, and then redirects me to their application page.
Yep, it's probably just tmy state of Illinois. But still I don't understand how it's divied up by state yet it's a Federal law. Guess the insurance companies who drafted the legislation had something to do with that.
I guess Nancy Pelosi was right when she said "We need to pass the bill to see what's in it"
Each state was mandated to establish their own exchanges. This essentially made the participants of each state one large group plan. This geographic division explains why premiums vary widely for the same insured person depending on which state they live in. Bear in mind that the coverage is still provided by private insurance companies - not the government (unless you qualify for Medicaid).
A main failure of Obamacare is that there are no federal subsidies provided for people making less than 133% of the poverty line. This means unemployed or very poor folks will have to pay full price for insurance coverage or face fines. This is a disaster.
I keep seeing Joe's posts regarding Olberman or some other blowhard talking shit about Rand Paul. For those with the time, read this and tell me what...
Good article if you have time to read it. I agree with most of it except that I think that conservatives in power use issues like abortion, gay marriage,...