Loss of words...

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  • wa3zrm
    • May 2009
    • 4436

    Loss of words...

    Yob Who BIT OFF Victim's Tongue Is Spared Jail Then Pokes Out His Own Tongue in Celebration

    Mirror UK ^ |

    The judge said the attack – which left his victim with a speech impediment – was “truly horrific” but she “trusted him not to be violent again”
    A yob who bit off a man’s tongue taunts his victim as he walks free from court – by sticking his tongue out.
    After the case yesterday David Greaves lifted his arms in the air, smiled and yelled: “I’m tongue-twisted.”
    Judge Gillian Matthews QC said the attack on John Dufton – which left him with a speech impediment – was “truly horrific”.
    But she refused to jail Greaves, 49, saying she “trusted him not to be violent again”.
    Last year she refused to cage a paedophile who claimed his seven-year-old victim “came on to him”.
    A furious Mr Dufton was considering an appeal against the leniency of Greaves’ two-year suspended sentence.
    He said: “How can you not be sent to jail for biting someone’s tongue off?
    “The fact he celebrated outside court by sticking his tongue out, shows what kind of man he is.
    "I wish the judge had seen that before she let him go. But I doubt it would have changed things. She let off a paedophile last year.”
    David Greaves who has a history of violence
    Mr Dufton, 33, said Greaves began hurling abuse in a pub in Chester-le-Street, Co Durham, as part of a bitter feud.
    He went on: “I shouted back. He head butted and punched me and I punched him back.
    "We ended up outside and he shoved his thumbs into my eyes.
    “I felt him suck my tongue into his mouth and then he bit down on it. When he let go I realised I had blood all round my mouth.
    “Then I realised a big chunk of tongue was missing. The pain was unbearable, the worst I have ever known.
    "My brother put the chunk of tongue in a jar of ice but they could not reattach it.”
    Shaven-headed Greaves, of Pelton, near Chester-le-Street, pleaded guilty at Teesside crown court to grievous bodily harm.
    In addition to the suspended jail term he was ordered to pay £2,000 to Mr Greaves who lost 3cms of his tongue.
    Mr Greaves has since had an operation but he will have a speech impediment ‘for life’.
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  • Ansel
    • Feb 2011
    • 3696

    nice guy!


    • spinyeel
      • Aug 2009
      • 175

      Gives me faith in our legal system. NOT!


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