Obama finally seeks professional psychological help!

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  • wa3zrm
    • May 2009
    • 4436

    Obama finally seeks professional psychological help!

    White House Schedule's an Off-the-Record Meeting Between Obama and a Psychiatrist

    According to liberal source "Politico", President Obama held a meeting on October 8, with "conservative journalists" Charles Krauthammer, Paul Gigot, Kathleen Parker, Byron York, and Robert Costa. The meeting was described as "off-the-record". When questioned about that meeting the next evening by Bret Baier of Fox News, Krauthammer gave no real information.
    This is worrisome news because Krauthammer graduated from Harvard Medical School in 1975 with his MD and was board certified in psychiatry by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology in 1984. As recently as 2009, President Obama called upon Krauthammer's medical stature, inviting Krauthammer to a signing ceremony involving bioethics. Krauthammer, who has in the past given his medical support for euthanasia, declined the invitation citing differences on cloning.
    The president has displayed alarmingly bad judgment in recent months. Bizarre equivocation is the only way to describe Obama's disastrous approach to Syria after reports of WMDs atrocities. Saving face through the intervention of Vladimir Putin, the President afterwards pushed his media teams to retell the actual events of his Syrian embarrassment in larger than life, self-congratulatory terms.
    The list of unusual decisions involving the so-called, government shutdown continues to grow. He has ordered WWII vets barricaded out of their Washington DC memorial. He has ordered the Vietnam Wall barricaded to prevent Vietnam Vets from visiting. He has allowed illegal aliens to use the very locations he has forbidden the veterans to use. He has ordered no benefits be paid for heroes killed overseas, and just today had to reverse that position following a huge, public outcry. The timing of these horrendous, public relations stumbles amidst a shutdown debate has pro-Obama pundits sprinting to cover for him, and even has his friends scratching their heads over his bizarre decision making. A plunging approval rating suggests the American people are beginning to see the unusual behavior on the part of the president.
    Petulance describes the Obama refusal to recognize that the House of Representatives, also an elected body in the American governmental system, is only doing its job when it says they do not want to increase his credit card limit. Slinging charges of extortion and blackmail at a governmental body doing its job of controlling his exploding credit card spending, the president again is alarmingly petty, overwrought, isolated, and ominously excitable .
    These are just a few of the oddities making one wonder why, under cover of "conservative journalism", the White House invited a psychiatrist to an "off-the-record" meeting. Such a meeting allows both plausible deniability, and the reliability of medical confidentiality. Even if leaked, the decision to use "conservative journalists" as the cover would provide an immediate counter to what Obama’s inner circle could call an attack by political enemies. Since the meeting was "off-the-record", there is also no means of verifying any "off-the-record" private sessions with the president.
    In short, the White House invited a brilliant psychiatrist. The president has been making odd, obstinate, embarrassing, and unfathomable decisions.
    The Constitution provides in the 25th Amendment, Section. 4. "Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President."
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