Anyone here trying to buy Obamacare?

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  • wa3zrm
    • May 2009
    • 4436

    Anyone here trying to buy Obamacare?

    Anyone here trying to buy Obamacare?

    In Obamacare speech, Obama makes a desperate sales pitch...

    Not since the Ginsu knife cut through an aluminum can and still sliced a tomato has America seen a pitch quite like the one President Obama delivered in the Rose Garden on Monday.
    “The product is good. The health insurance that’s being provided is good. It’s high quality, and it’s affordable,” the president announced. “People can save money — significant money — by getting insurance that’s being provided through these marketplaces.”
    How much would you pay for a health plan like this? Before you answer, listen to this:
    “No one who decides to purchase a plan has to pay their first premium until December 15th. And unlike the day after Thanksgiving sales for the latest PlayStation or flat-screen TVs, the insurance plans don’t run out.”
    Wait! That’s not all.
    “The Affordable Care Act is not just a Web site. It’s much more,” Obama said. “Billions of dollars have been saved by seniors already. That’s part of the law. It’s already in place. It’s happening right now.”
    Now how much would you pay?
    “Nearly six in 10 uninsured Americans will find that they can get coverage for less than $100 a month,” the president went on. “Through the marketplaces, you can get health insurance for what may be the equivalent of your cellphone bill. Or your cable bill. And that’s a good deal. . . . And that product is working. It’s really good.”

    (Excerpt) Read more at ...
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  • Thunder_Snus
    • Oct 2011
    • 1316

    I'm pretty sure there were plenty of "low cost" health plans for the poor before. We are taking a country that is used to calling anything resembling socialism "one of those pussy european ideas" and turning it into a socialist country. We are already providing the poor with free homes to live in, free cell phones, free internet, free college tuition, free food, and free money, what's the point of being employed? The answer is the employed are the ones paying for all of this.


    • LincolnSnuff
      • May 2010
      • 676

      Originally posted by wa3zrm View Post
      “Nearly six in 10 uninsured Americans will find that they can get coverage for less than $100 a month,” the president went on. “Through the marketplaces, you can get health insurance for what may be the equivalent of your cellphone bill. Or your cable bill. And that’s a good deal. . . . And that product is working. It’s really good.”
      $100/month premium with a $15,000 annual deductible. Yeah, that sounds like a great deal.

      At least the president is acknowledging that these unfortunate poor people still manage to have smart phones and cable for their flat-screens.


      • GoVegan
        • Oct 2009
        • 5603

        I have insurance but I took a look at it through and it seems OK. The rates are only slightly lower than what I have seen but they wont deny you for pre existing conditions and you can get everything from cheap insurance with high deductibles to expensive insurance that covers everything for a small co pay. The website itself is fairly easy to use and it will give you a ball park figure without having to register.


        • Thunder_Snus
          • Oct 2011
          • 1316

          I think in the future America will look back and have the same views on Obama that the Germans have on was a strange time where we really f**ked up TWICE and let shit get out of hand. Of course there will always be a small group that admire him and wish to continue what he started.


          • Burnsey
            • Jan 2013
            • 2572

            I went to the fed site last night and was redirected to the Nevada exchange. Both sites worked correctly as far as I can tell. There was plenty to choose from but none of the available plans came close to the price and coverage I have now.....just an exercise in shopping.

            The one thing I did notice when supplying my personal info was the question about tobacco use, I'm glad I don't use it. Would it come to blood testing for N to get coverage as a non-tobacco user? Is tobacco use not a preexisting condition?

            I should add: there was an income qualification question which I found annoying, but it does make sense as the plans aim to cover everybody.
            Last edited by Burnsey; 22-10-13, 06:47 PM.


            • squeezyjohn
              • Jan 2008
              • 2497

              Don't bring Hitler into this

              Attempting to help people ... no matter how flawed the method ... is a very different thing to ethnic cleansing and trying to take over the world.

              Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


              • wa3zrm
                • May 2009
                • 4436

                Originally posted by squeezyjohn View Post
                Don't bring Hitler into this
                I really wonder if he will be remembered like FDR? Over time people forget things...

                Originally posted by Burnsey View Post
                ...available plans came close to the price and coverage I have now.....

                The one thing I did notice when supplying my personal info was the question about tobacco use, I'm glad I don't use it.
                Not for me, what I have now is BETTER than their Platinum Plan and more than half the price! Of course it's through a state employees union pension fund... I really think I'll be getting screwed in 2015.

                LMAO... how much do you want to bet snus is considered tobacco? Every time I complete a form with the "tobacco question," I answer NO; however, many doc's don't see it that way. And, when I try to explain the difference of pasteurization over fermentation all I ever hear is, "tobacco is tobacco, it's still gonna kill you!"
                Last edited by wa3zrm; 22-10-13, 07:44 PM.
                If you have any problems with my posts or signature


                • LincolnSnuff
                  • May 2010
                  • 676

                  Originally posted by Burnsey View Post
                  I should add: there was an income qualification question which I found annoying, but it does make sense as the plans aim to cover everybody.
                  Actually, you must make over 133% of the poverty line in your state to qualify for federal subsidies to cover your premium. This means that unemployed or very poor folks will either have to pay the full premium, enroll in Medicaid or a state equivalent, or pay the penalty. This is the primary failure of Obamacare, IMHO.


                  • Thunder_Snus
                    • Oct 2011
                    • 1316

                    Originally posted by squeezyjohn View Post
                    Don't bring Hitler into this

                    Attempting to help people ... no matter how flawed the method ... is a very different thing to ethnic cleansing and trying to take over the world.
                    Ethnic cleansing is what hitler thought would help the people. It was time for them to "take back Deutschland, und schlagen dem Jews." Look at it however you want, all Obama is trying to do is make people dependent on Government. Hell he has a good start, 50% of americans receive some kind of public assistance benefit. What is to stop me from getting some form of welfare? I certainly would qualify with my income because i work part time, and am a full time student. Hell i could probably get Obama to make my car payment every month if i asked. But I don't need it, I am getting by fine and I understand that every dollar i get from the government is another dollar out of another persons pocket. It would be a lot easier for me to just get by on my own than to depend on others.


                    • squeezyjohn
                      • Jan 2008
                      • 2497

                      Sorry Thunder_Snus ... I am obviously a moron.

                      From your eloquent, considered argument I can now see that everything that Obama is doing is as dangerous as anything that was perpetrated by Hitler during the 3rd Reich. And also that everyone apart from a small minority will look back on this dark period of history you are living in with just as much shame as post-war Germans do towards Hitler because your president is trying to set up a social security program.

                      How could I have got it so wrong?

                      Squeezy (aka Euro-pussy)

                      Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


                      • truthwolf1
                        • Oct 2008
                        • 2696

                        Cant wait til they start the Red Cheka style neighborhood government interogations for signing up all those healthy Generation Y'ers who voted for the black, freebies messiah!


                        • squeezyjohn
                          • Jan 2008
                          • 2497

                          See - I'm a moron ... I don't even understand a word of that post ^^

                          Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


                          • truthwolf1
                            • Oct 2008
                            • 2696

                            Originally posted by squeezyjohn View Post
                            See - I'm a moron ... I don't even understand a word of that post ^^
                            Obamacare is going to be a rude awakening for the young and people already on tight budgets


                            • truthwolf1
                              • Oct 2008
                              • 2696

                              This explains the Red Cheka. It will start with it's for the children but will end rounding up everyone into the system. Anything and everything will be observed and documented.


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