Anyone here trying to buy Obamacare?

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  • wa3zrm
    • May 2009
    • 4436

    Face Off: Girl Replacement Contest (pics!)

    The young lady known variously as the face of, the Obamacare girl, or glitch girl, has been replaced in the wake of a massive internet and cable news effort to uncover her true identity. The speculation as to the reason behind taking her face off the site has run rampant, but we here at RedState have the answer. It's a simple matter of truth in advertising! And today is your chance to be a part of that glorious truth.
    The Official Face of the Site Face-Off!
    This is a Photoshop contest. Please submit your proposed replacement for the missing and missed Miss. Here are some examples from around the web, and below, some of our own examples. Put your skills to work in the pursuit of everlasting fame and glory!* Winners will not be selected and no prizes will be awarded.
    Examples from Caleb:
    The Scream:

    Click though for more and to enter your own.

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    • wa3zrm
      • May 2009
      • 4436


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      • wa3zrm
        • May 2009
        • 4436

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        • wa3zrm
          • May 2009
          • 4436

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          • wa3zrm
            • May 2009
            • 4436

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            • trebli
              • Mar 2010
              • 797

              Originally posted by wa3zrm View Post
              Face Off: Girl Replacement Contest (pics!)

              The young lady known variously as the face of, the Obamacare girl, or glitch girl, has been replaced in the wake of a massive internet and cable news effort to uncover her true identity. The speculation as to the reason behind taking her face off the site has run rampant, but we here at RedState have the answer. It's a simple matter of truth in advertising! And today is your chance to be a part of that glorious truth.
              The Official Face of the Site Face-Off!
              This is a Photoshop contest. Please submit your proposed replacement for the missing and missed Miss. Here are some examples from around the web, and below, some of our own examples. Put your skills to work in the pursuit of everlasting fame and glory!* Winners will not be selected and no prizes will be awarded.
              Examples from Caleb:
              The Scream:

              Click though for more and to enter your own.

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              She's probably in hiding and I couldn't blame her.


              • wa3zrm
                • May 2009
                • 4436

                Is this the new normal? Obama’s politics of oppression and lawlessness

                As pundits and politicians dissect the carnage of ObamaCare, a serious question demands an honest answer: At what point did the president know his plan to nationalize one-sixth of the national economy was not ready for the October 1 launch?
                If, as he pleads with every controversy swirling around his administration, he did not know, his incompetency demands his removal from office.

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                • wa3zrm
                  • May 2009
                  • 4436

                  Obamacare: More than 2 million people getting booted from existing health insurance plans

                  CBS News has learned more than two million Americans have been told they cannot renew their current insurance policies -- more than triple the number of people said to be buying insurance under the new Affordable Care Act, commonly known as Obamacare.
                  There have been estimates about hundreds of thousands of people losing coverage, CBS News' Jan Crawford reported on "CBS This Morning." CBS News has reached out to insurance companies across the country to determine some of the real numbers -- and this is just the tip of the iceberg, Crawford said. The people who are opening the letters are shocked to learn they can't keep their insurance policies despite President Obama's assurances to the contrary.
                  The White House is on the defensive trying to explain it, after Mr. Obama repeatedly said, "If you like your doctor or health care plan, you can keep it."

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                  • wa3zrm
                    • May 2009
                    • 4436

                    Security hole found in Obamacare website

                    Until the Department of Health fixed the security hole last week, anyone could easily reset your password........

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                    • wa3zrm
                      • May 2009
                      • 4436

                      The Obamacare Ripoff: More Money for Less Insurance (Look at the source!)

                      It's always exciting to be part of a chapter in American history. I happen to be one of the hundreds of thousands of people whose insurance coverage was canceled for not complying with the terms of the Affordable Care Act. As a result, not only will I pay more, but I have had to divert many otherwise useful hours to futzing around with websites and paperwork.
                      President Obama promised, "If you like your health insurance, you can keep it." It was a more ambiguous promise than it sounded. Who likes his or her health insurance? But it was there, and it did its job.
                      I probably need to be clear straight off that I am not presenting myself as any kind of hard-luck case. Maybe from some social justice perspective it's perfectly fair and reasonable to load all the costs of health reform onto people like me. The trouble is, this administration has been less than candid about what those costs would be.
                      As best I can tell, the ACA will require me to pay $200 a month more for a policy that is marginally worse than the one I have now.
                      Here's the before and after contrast:
                      My family was enrolled in a Carefirst high-deductible plan that cost $667.63 per month. In-network deductible, $5,400; out of network, $10,800. Out-of-pocket limit: $6,400 in-network; $12,800 out of network. The plan was joined to an HSA.....

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                      • SnusnPA
                        • Aug 2013
                        • 106

                        I got my notice in the mail a month ago that Coventry wasn't offering me plans, or re-upping my policy, but instead shoveling me to the exchange. Not liking this at all. I enjoyed my freedom of shopping around for my own health insurance directly.


                        • Thunder_Snus
                          • Oct 2011
                          • 1316

                          Everyone wants to complain about their insurance.....until the government makes it even worse.


                          • wa3zrm
                            • May 2009
                            • 4436

                            Obama: I take full responsibility for fixing health site (makes a full-throated defence)

                            US President Barack Obama has accepted "full responsibility" for ensuring the troubled healthcare website gets fixed.
                            Speaking in Boston, he said he was "not happy" about the glitch-laden project, but made a full-throated defence of the broader 2010 healthcare law.
                            Earlier, his embattled health secretary apologised to the American people over the botched website rollout.
                            The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is the largest overhaul of the US healthcare system since the 1960s.
                            Commonly known as Obamacare, it aims to extend health insurance coverage to the estimated 15% of the American population who lack it.
                            But a key element of the law, the federal website where consumers can shop for health insurance plans, has been plagued by errors since its launch on 1 October.
                            'The model works'
                            Mr Obama said in Wednesday's speech: "There's no denying it - right now the website is too slow. Too many people have gotten stuck. And I'm not happy it about it. And neither are a lot of Americans who need healthcare."
                            He added: "So there's no excuse for it. And I take full responsibility for making sure it gets fixed ASAP. We are working overtime to improve it every day."
                            He spoke in Boston, Massachusetts, a state that in 2006 introduced a groundbreaking healthcare law that inspired the Obama administration's own nationwide overhaul.
                            "Massachusetts has shown the model works," he said.

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                            • wa3zrm
                              • May 2009
                              • 4436

                              NBCUniversal’s Insurance Premiums to Rise Due to Obamacare

                              CNBC’s morning anchors were troubled by the news that their own insurance plans will become more costly under the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
                              On Oct. 30’s “Squawk Box,” CNBC Senior Correspondent Scott Cohn revealed details of NBC’s open enrollment, brandishing an official fact book outlining the process. He quoted the document, revealing that the ACA would increase employee premiums.

                              Cohn observed “Some of these costs, when you look at this, are way up -- double digits.”
                              Aetna Chairman and CEO, Mark Bertolini explained that “Aetna alone will pass through to its customers over a billion dollars of taxes and fees associated with the Affordable Care Act.”
                              Ironically, NBC has worked hard to promote Obamacare. In the week before the exchanges opened, NBC launched their own week-long campaign, to “help Americans get the most out of the Affordable Care Act.” NBC affiliate MSNBC was even more blatant in touting Obamacare.
                              According to the new health plan, “federally mandated health care changes will require Comcast-NBCUniversal to pay new fees and implement plan design changes that will contribute to the increased cost of our plans.”
                              These plan changes would also affect other NBCUniversal outlets like NBC and MSNBC.
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                              • trebli
                                • Mar 2010
                                • 797

                                President Obama's Approval Ratings Drop To An ALL-TIME Low Amid Obamacare Debacle


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