Anyone here trying to buy Obamacare?

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  • Thunder_Snus
    • Oct 2011
    • 1316

    Originally posted by Bigblue1 View Post
    we are living in strange times. When the President of the once greatest nation in the world can spin what was a most declarative statement to this shit and people cheer. My god where are we headed...
    Only 3 more years until we are forced to pick between a douche and a turd sandwich again. That is only if Obama does not try to declare himself king.

    I wonder how Obama will look 50 years and so on into the future in history books. Will he be praised? I'm starting to think he will be portrayed like Hitler or Mussolini. Something stupid that happened that should never be allowed to happen again. Now I'm in no way saying he is starting mass genocide like the others but he should still be portrayed as a huge mistake that this country has hopefully learned from.


    • gd3
      New Member
      • Nov 2013
      • 10

      I agree with you, I think right the same way


      • wa3zrm
        • May 2009
        • 4436

        For consumers whose health premiums will go up under new law, sticker shock leads to anger

        Americans who face higher *insurance costs under President Obama’s health-care law are angrily complaining about “sticker shock,” threatening to become a new political force opposing the law even as the White House struggles to convince other consumers that they will benefit from it.
        The growing backlash involves people whose plans are being discontinued because the policies don’t meet the law’s more-stringent standards. They’re finding that many alternative policies come with higher premiums and deductibles.
        After receiving a letter from her insurer that her plan was being discontinued, Deborah Persico, a 58-year-old lawyer in the District, found a comparable plan on the city’s new health insurance exchange. But her monthly premium, now $297, would be $165 higher, and her maximum out-of-pocket costs would double.
        That means she could end up paying at least $5,000 more a year than she does now. “That’s just not fair,” said Persico, who represents indigent criminal defendants. “This is ridiculous.”

        (Excerpt) Read more at ...
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        • wa3zrm
          • May 2009
          • 4436

          1000's Of Small Businesses'll Also Start Losing Current Health Policies Under O-Care. Here's Why

          President Obama’s simple line “If you like your current health plan you can keep it” is haunting him amidst reports that 3.5 million Americans who purchase health plans on their own, in the “individual” market, have lost that coverage as a result of Obamacare.
          Very soon, small businesses will be faced with a similar fate.
          They will also see their health plans canceled as a result of Obamacare.
          Small businesses, with fewer than 50 employees, are not forced to provide coverage under Obamacare.
          But when they do, policies sold in the small group market are subject to the same regulations now forcing the termination of millions of health plans sold directly to consumers....

          (Excerpt) Read more at ...
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          • wa3zrm
            • May 2009
            • 4436

            Obama: I’d like to apologize for lying to your faces several thousand times about keeping...

            He tried to spin away the Big Lie with another Big Lie, but when that didn’t work, he was left at a crossroads. Triple down with a Big Lie about the Big Lie about the Big Lie, or bite his lip and apologize? The quote: “I am sorry that [people who've lost their insurance] are finding themselves in this situation based on assurances they got from me.” I’m actually not sure what that means. It’s not his assurances that have put them in this situation, it’s the law he signed and the regulations he approved that sandbagged them. Or is he suggesting — not incorrectly, mind you — that maybe he and his pet boondoggle wouldn’t have gotten quite as many votes if he’d been honest?
            Conn Carroll asks an excellent question:

            (Excerpt) Read more at ...

            Last edited by wa3zrm; 08-11-13, 04:17 AM.
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            • wa3zrm
              • May 2009
              • 4436

              If you have any problems with my posts or signature


              • Frankie Reloaded
                Banned Users
                • Jan 2011
                • 541

                OTT! Off Topic Time!

                Originally posted by wa3zrm View Post
                A Mississippi law that took effect in July 2009 made it a crime to sell or buy a child or offer to buy or sell a child. A conviction is punishable by up to 10 years in prison and a $20,000 fine.
                I have two questions:
                1, Was is legal to sell and/or buy kids in Mississippi before 2009?
                2, Is it still legal for adults?
                3, How much does a well-developed Mississippi adult female cost in average? Please include shipping&handling, too


                • wa3zrm
                  • May 2009
                  • 4436

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                  • wa3zrm
                    • May 2009
                    • 4436

                    So Far… More Americans Lose Health Care Than the Population of 24 States
                    Gateway Pundit ^ |

                    So far, more Americans have lost their health care plans thanks to Obamacare than the population of 24 states.

                    According to FOX News more than 4.2 million Americans have now seen their health insurance policies canceled due to the new regulations.
                    That’s more people than the population of 24 states.
                    Related… In North Dakota only 35 people have signed up for O-Care while 35,000 have lost their insurance.
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                    • Thunder_Snus
                      • Oct 2011
                      • 1316

                      Originally posted by Frankie Reloaded View Post
                      I have two questions:
                      1, Was is legal to sell and/or buy kids in Mississippi before 2009?
                      2, Is it still legal for adults?
                      3, How much does a well-developed Mississippi adult female cost in average? Please include shipping&handling, too
                      I wouldn't consider Mississippi to be the greatest place to buy your females.

                      As for the legal stance on if it was legal before 2009....probably...its Mississippi
                      Last edited by Thunder_Snus; 09-11-13, 04:00 PM. Reason: added


                      • wa3zrm
                        • May 2009
                        • 4436

                        Americans Deserve Real Obama Apology Tour
               ^ |

                        President Obama began his first term in office with a worldwide apology tour. In a visit to Strasbourg, France, the President claimed that the United States of America had shown “arrogance, been dismissive, even derisive” in dealing with Europe. In a speech to the Turkish Parliament, Obama said, “The United States is still working through some of our own darker periods in our history.” At the Summit of the Americas, the President remarked that his country has “at times been disengaged, and at times we sought to dictate our terms.”
                        This apology tour was unprecedented as no other President had been so critical of his country on foreign soil. It was an odd way for President Obama to begin his term as he upset millions of Americans who see this nation not as arrogant, but as a beacon of hope and freedom for the oppressed around the world.
                        While the President is obviously comfortable issuing questionable apologies in foreign countries, he has been reluctant to express contrition to the American people, who actually are the only ones deserving of an apology.
                        The President should have apologized for the lies about “shovel ready” stimulus jobs, the gun running Fast and Furious operation, the Solyndra scandal, and the Benghazi terror attack cover-up. Not surprisingly, this arrogant President never expressed remorse for these mistakes, always blaming others. However, in the case of Obamacare, it is impossible for President Obama to hide.
                        There are at least 29 different occasions, in speeches and interviews, in which President Obama made false promises about his cherished healthcare program, Obamacare.
                        These are documented cases in which the President claimed that people would be able to keep their doctors and their health insurance. He also promised Americans that Obamacare would not include tax increases and that insurance premiums would decrease in cost, all lies.
                        In the wake of the passage of Obamacare, millions of Americans have not seen relief. Instead, they have lost their health insurance and faced mounting frustrations dealing with an Obamacare website that does not work.
                        It has been a brewing political nightmare for President Obama, leading to falling poll numbers. In the latest Gallup poll, the President has a mere 39% approval rating, the lowest of his presidency. It is even lower than George W. Bush’s rating at this time in his presidency.
                        It became too much of a problem for the President to ignore, so he had to face the music this week and actually apologize for his lies.
                        In a NBC interview this week, President Obama said, “I am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based on assurances they got from me. We've got to work hard to make sure that they know we hear them and that we're going to do everything we can to deal with folks who find themselves in a tough position as a consequence of this.”
                        It was a half hearted apology at best, a case of offering too little, too late. At this point, millions of Americans have already received their insurance cancellation notices. Obama’s apology is little solace to Americans worried about how they can afford skyrocketing insurance costs, driven higher because of Obamacare.
                        As bad as the situation is today with Obamacare, it will only get worse when the employer mandate kicks in next year. When employers face the additional expenses of mandatory health insurance coverage, massive layoffs will ensue. Other Americans will have to accept jobs that have been transitioned to part-time status.
                        With such a disaster of his own making, President Obama owes every American an apology. Instead, today, he visited the Port of New Orleans to change the subject. He discussed ways to boost exports. While this is undoubtedly an important issue, it is a diversion from the main issue occupying the minds of most Americans, healthcare.
                        It is no surprise that vulnerable U.S. Senator Mary Landrieu (D-LA) did not appear with the President at the Port. In previous years, Senator Landrieu never missed an opportunity to meet with President Obama and tout his policies as she has voted with the President an astounding 97% of the time.
                        Today, she knows that the President is “toxic” and appearing with him will only harm her chances of winning re-election next year. In fact, the President is “toxic” in much of the country, except in the dark blue liberal enclaves which are hopelessly aligned with the Democrat Party.
                        If the President had any decency, he would start a nationwide apology tour, visiting every corner of the country to express his sorrow for the disastrous rollout of the Obamacare website and the numerous lies about his program. It would be the least he can do in light of the pain and suffering he has caused for millions of Americans.
                        Sadly, we will never witness genuine remorse from President Obama, only phony apologies in TV interviews. President Obama will not offer authentic apologies, as he will never deviate from his liberal agenda, despite the political pressure.
                        Obamacare is the centerpiece of his agenda and his administration. He will never admit failure or sacrifice that program; it would be too devastating to his ambitious goals.
                        For the President, Obamacare must be protected at all costs, so an apology tour will never occur, at least not one on American soil.
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                        • wa3zrm
                          • May 2009
                          • 4436

                          If We Don’t Like Our Criminal President, We Don’t Have To Keep Him–Period
                 ^ |

                          What’s it going to take? I just finished reading Andrew C. McCarthy’s excellent article appearing in today’s National Review Online, titled “Obama’s Massive Fraud.” McCarthy points out that Martha Stewart was sent to federal prison for doing essentially the same thing Obama has done on a vastly larger scale, with his fraudulent sales pitch of Obamacare–intentionally misrepresenting a situation, knowing that the lie would harm others financially.
                          McCarthy also describes how CEOs of various firms are routinely dragged into court, sued and prosecuted, even jailed for decades, by Obama’s own administration, for frauds based on omissions of information that utterly pale in comparison to the devastating proportions of the socialist Obamacare scam.
                          Obama and his abettors have destroyed far more than the private health insurance market. He and his agents have destroyed what remnants existed of the public morale, and trust in our institutions of government. There’s just not much left to believe in, where it comes to public office. The sense of betrayal and demoralization among the citizenry is palpable.
                          That brings us to exactly why Obama must be forced out. I don’t care that he’s our first black president; if we tolerate this level of high crime, we as a nation don’t even deserve to have a dead raccoon in the Oval Office. For that matter, a dead raccoon would be relatively benevolent (by its mere moot ineffectiveness) in contrast to the Marxist destroyer in there now.
                          Obama tricked millions of people into voting for him and supporting his plans by telling them blatant lies, over and over and over again. Those of us (such as Sarah Palin) who tried to warn everyone about the scam were smeared and ridiculed, or ignored.
                          What Obama has done, and who he is, in no real way differs from Bernie Madoff, Richard Scrushy, Ivan Boesky, Michael Milken, Jeffrey Skilling, or Bernie Ebbers. All of them and countless others have gone to federal prison, for their swindling of others in order to gain personally. That’s exactly what Obama did.
                          Screeching voices on the Left are of course braying that old nonsense about Bush and Iraq, as if Bush and Cheney deliberately did something equivalent to what Obama has done. Please. Bush relied on the same intelligence about WMD that our allies and others at the UN did, and in the final analysis it turned out to be not only fairly accurate (despite enduring myths about the entire affair) but only a part of the multi-faceted rationale for using force to remove Saddam Hussein.
                          In his article, McCarthy (who happens to be a former top federal prosecutor) lays out the case, and point-blank accuses Obama of criminal fraud, of which Obama is unquestionably guilty. But McCarthy seems almost as convinced that Obama will not be impeached for his high crimes as he is that Obama has deliberately committed them. Although I tend to agree that the situation looks rather hopeless, The Constitution says otherwise.
                          Refreshingly the opposite of Obama, our Constitution is something we can actually rely on. It says, if we don’t like our president’s high crimes and misdemeanors, we can get rid of him. I, for one, say we must remove Barack Hussein Obama. We have to insist that our representatives bring Articles of Impeachment against this criminal. Taking action is the only way to prove that we deserve better.
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                          • Thunder_Snus
                            • Oct 2011
                            • 1316

                            Originally posted by wa3zrm View Post
                            If We Don’t Like Our Criminal President, We Don’t Have To Keep Him–Period
                   ^ |

                            That big long thing i posted.

                            If not for commiting high treason and fraud we should be impeaching this man for our own safety at home. How has everyone except Canada, Iceland, and Greenland not attacked us yet? The U.S as it stands right now is just that childhood kid that tormented everyone and was surprised when everyone got together and attacked. I always looked down on those hippies/hipsters/weird people that always talked about "totally leaving the U.S to go live (some foreign place)" and now I feel the same. I'm trying to learn as many languages as possible so I can leave if things continue to go this way. It's pretty pitiful that the once greatest nation in the world is at the top of almost everyone's shit list.


                            • lostramair
                              • Nov 2013
                              • 18

                              I really doubt that Obama will face any charges. I even doubt that most of the people that voted for him, AGAIN, understand any of the problems this man has brought upon our country. I would bet, that if Obama could be elected again, he would be. I imagine that Obama will find a way to remain in office. If Michelle ran, she would probably be elected as (a) the first female president, (b) be the first ~100% black president. I truly have no problems having a black president.

                              If anyone is offended by me saying "black" as opposed to "African-American" or "African-whatever," you should understand that it is more incorrect, and should be more offensive, to assume a person is of African decent because they have darker colored skin. It would be just as correct to call every American "African-American," because all humans originated in Africa. Then there are people like Charlize Theron, who is African, and American, and Caucasian. Anyway, I do not to discriminate, nor do I pretend to "not see people's skin color." That said, I will not vote for a man, out of reverse racism, or guilt.

                              As for the original post's question, no, I am not trying to buy Obamacare. When it comes down to it though, most Americans do not have a choice in the matter. If you do not have healthcare, you WILL buy Obamacare. You live, you pay.


                              • wa3zrm
                                • May 2009
                                • 4436

                                Originally posted by lostramair View Post
                                If you do not have healthcare, you WILL buy Obamacare. You live, you pay.
                                Or, you can move move to Canada and become a dual national!
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