Originally posted by Crow
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Anyone here trying to buy Obamacare?
Could we just cut our losses with this project already? It's getting more pitiful every day. The site doesn't work, promises have been broken, and signups are at a fraction of the expected. Can't there be another way? Couldnt we just take away the free cellphone people get while on welfare and instead give them health insurance in its place. Thus encouraging them to be employed. On top of that or instead of that couldn't the government just supplement health insurance where they cover a portion of your premiums with an existing policy that doesn't have to be cancelled because of this? Let's be honest...this health care is more expensive than what people already have....so if people have to pay for something like this if they don't already have their own insurance, then who is it helping?
CNN source: If White House has no solution by Friday, Dems may vote for “Keep Your Plan Act”
Hotair ^
Amazing stuff via Mediaite. The “Keep Your Plan Act” is Fred Upton’s bill, which Jay Carney spent a few minutes attacking at today’s press briefing because it would make canceled plans available to all consumers, not just the ones who’d been enrolled in those plans before. That would be a disaster for the insurance industry. Healthy people would flee the new, more expensive plans for the resurrected cheaper ones, leaving no one in the new risk pool except sick people with very expensive treatments. That means either heavy losses for insurers, steep premium hikes next year to make up the difference, or some sort of federal bailout (congrats, red-state Democrats!) — or maybe a little of all three. You’ll have the same problem, though, albeit to a lesser extent, even if Upton’s bill is amended so that it applies only to people who’d been enrolled in a particular plan before it was cancelled. You can’t run a two-tiered healthy/sick insurance system. If the risk pools aren’t merged, replete with higher rates for the former, you can’t pay for the latter.
I understand why the GOP would back Upton’s bill. It’s a slam dunk politically, grinding Obama’s face in the consequences of his lie. This is the Democrats’ mess; Reid and the Senate can/will kill the bill if they like. I can’t understand why House Democrats, aware of the adverse selection problem that’s lurking here — and the political humiliation for the White House — would sign on, unless they’ve already reached a point of such pure terror over the “if you like your plan” backlash that they’re willing to kneecap ObamaCare six weeks out of the gate. Did they … not understand that millions of people were going to face cancellations and higher premiums under the law’s redistributive scheme? Of course they did. Steny Hoyer, number two in the Democratic caucus admitted it on October 29th. Fast forward two weeks and here’s where Hoyer is now:“I don’t know what I’m gonna do on the Upton bill,” the Maryland Democrat said at a Tuesday briefing with reporters when discussing legislation sponsored by Energy and Commerce Chairman Fred Upton, R-Mich.If he agrees that they should be able to keep their policies, why did he vote for ObamaCare? The whole point of the law is that healthy middle-class people shouldn’t be allowed to keep policies that have relatively low premiums. We need to gouge those suckers with higher premiums for new “comprehensive” plans so that we can pay for the preexisting conditions of the sick. It’s like voting for immigration reform and then feigning surprise in five years when the newly “secure” border hasn’t halted illegal immigration. It’s not supposed to do that. That’s something you tell the hoi polloi in order to give Congress enough cover to vote for it.
Hoyer noted that he was “inclined not to be for the Upton bill at this time,” but he emphasized that he was “not closed to the option,” and would “reserve judgment” until he had seen the legislative text, which is reportedly undergoing some tweaks.
“I agree that people who purchased their policies prior to [the law's enactment date] ought to be able to keep their policies,” he said.
The vote on Upton’s bill is set for Friday, which, per CNN’s source on the Hill, means the White House has 48 hours or so to come up with its own proposal for letting people keep their plans — adverse selection problem or not — before Democrats head for the lifeboats. Greg Sargent claims that the Democratic leadership is now warning the rank and file that rich liberal donors won’t look kindly at them if they abandon The One on his big “accomplishment.” I’ll leave you with this, just to show that the fear isn’t limited to Dems in red states. After a million cancellations, even DiFi’s nervous:
Feinstein: "I have decided to cosponsor Senator Mary Landrieu’s (D-La.) legislation: Keeping the Affordable Care Act Promise Act."If you have any problems with my posts or signature
Under Health Care Act, Millions Eligible for Free Policies
Millions of people could qualify for federal subsidies that will pay the entire monthly cost of some health care plans being offered in the online marketplaces set up under President Obama’s health care law, a surprising figure that has not garnered much attention, ---snip-- Independence Blue Cross in Philadelphia has four plans that are free to some customers. But the company, along with other insurers, has been careful not to publicize its free coverage for fear of alienating customers who will need to pay more.
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White House Officials Get Earful From Democrats On Obamacare
Washington (CNN) -- A private meeting on Capitol Hill with House Democrats and White House officials on Wednesday became heated when rank-and-file members expressed frustration about continued Obamacare problems, according to multiple sources in the room.
One congressional Democrat who attended the meeting said senior Obama administration officials Mike Hash and David Simas really "got hit" by House Democrats about everything from the troubled website to the broken presidential promise that people can keep the insurance plans they like.
The most pressing political challenge for House Democrats will come this Friday when they will have to vote on a House Republican plan by Rep. Fred Upton of Michigan that allows people to keep their policies if they want to.
Insurance companies have begun canceling certain individual plans mainly due to Obamacare, creating an unexpected hardship for many who could soon find themselves without coverage or wind up facing higher costs for new plans they may not want.
In California alone, more than 1 million people have received policy termination notices from several insurers because their plans do not meet minimum requirements under the Affordable Care Act, the state's insurance commissioner said this week. Insurers have, in a large number of cases, temporarily extended the time frame for ending those agreements.
Several lawmakers -- even liberals who adamantly support Obamacare -- stood and warned the officials that the White House must come up with a solution before the vote.
(Excerpt) Read more at cnn.com .If you have any problems with my posts or signature
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
Civil war: MSNBC attacks Bill Clinton over Obamacare comments
Hot Air ^ |
It’s ugly behind the scenes, and it’s ugly on the air. Krystal Ball:
“If there was a way under the law that you could make this work so that people could keep the thing that they wanted to keep, he would do it,” she continued. “The problem is this whole law was designed to have as little disruption as possible. This was the minimum amount of disruption possible…Bill Clinton is basically engaging in magical thinking here,” Ball declared. “That you can just snap your fingers and say, ‘Go ahead guys. Keep what you got.’ It doesn’t work that way.”
Ah, but that’s what people were repeatedly promised — and Senate Democrats unanimously refused to address this inevitable problem in 2010. Lots and lots of “magical thinking” going on these days, it would seem. Ed Schultz got in on the Bubba-bashing action, too. Delicious:
Noah Rothman @NoahCRothman
Now Ed going after Clinton. Also, civil war.
4:03 PM - 13 Nov 2013
1 Retweet 2 favorites
Clinton’s ‘permission slip’ interview led to the dam bursting. Screaming about it may be cathartic for Big Ed, but it changes nothing. Rant away, bro.If you have any problems with my posts or signature
So we have same sex marriages passing all over the union by the states. We have the liberalization of Marijauna in many states. And we have many more people getting into Obamacare in states that defied the federal government and ran their own exchanges. Why is this you ask? It's because federalism works. When I say federalism I am talking about the federalist papers, not the current federal/fascist government.
In a nation with 317 million people reaching from sea to sea, there are many differences in culture wealth politics and views. What is it that allows us to be united, is a common bond. That my friends is a good thing. But just because I like this snus and you hate that snus, Well we can agree to disagree. I mean I would never want to have to use your preferred snus all the time just like you would not mine.
You see real federalism is /should be welcomed by all. Federalism allows the states to be individuals and represent their people. If Colorado wants to be the first to enjoy recreational marijauna so be it. If Texas believes more guns the safer they are so be it. If Alaska don't give a F*ck so be it. Point being is that we are a huge and diverse nation that cannot really be controlled by one law.
Well Obamacare was really ill conceived. It Basically got the insurance companies together and said "hey how do we get everyone covered?" They said "Well you have to bring everyone in to the pool let us figure that out with ya" Now we have what we have now. It's a terrible outcome and the only ones that will win are the insurance companies. You see when someone can't afford their plan they will either be subsidized or go on the dole (by the government). Believe you me there are a lot of people out there who never realized they already could see a doctor for nearly nothing and it would be covered. Now they are the only ones on the "exchanges" getting on Medicaid. It's ridiculous. I've heard so much how our system was broken yet healthcare and pharmaceutical companies have always been huge earners. No one who didn't have the means to get to a doctor or hospital were refused. This thing just reeks of fascism. You can't try to overhaul a 6th of the economy like this. The only winners are going to be the insurance companies. And Obama supporters of course. No offense guys….Last edited by Bigblue1; 15-11-13, 09:39 AM.
Insurers Angrily Attack Obama's Health Care 'fix' To Reinstate Canceled Policies
Health insurance companies are crying foul over new measures President Obama announced Thursday as a political tweak to his fast-disintegrating Affordable Care Act, making the fix potentially worse than the problem.
'This whole thing – it's a mess,' an insurance company official told MailOnline, speaking on background. 'With six weeks left before New Year's, I don't know how the White House expects us to fix what's already happened.'
Obama 'kind of threw us under the bus today,' one of the regulators told The New York Times.
'The president’s "administrative fix" is an attempt to create a lifeboat for ObamaCare to get his party through the 2014-midterm elections,' said South Carolina Republican Rep. Jeff Duncan. 'The president’s actions appear to be unconstitutional.'
Obama's new plan, the insurance companies fret, won't magically fix things for the estimated 5 million people who are already affected.
And some in the industry believe that Obama is setting them up to be the fall guys if the latest flavor-of-the-month tweak to Obamacare sours.
(Excerpt) Read more at dailymail.co.uk ...If you have any problems with my posts or signature
The Titanic failure of Affordable Health Care as the Obamacare ship sinks
All of this scrambling by President Barack Obama and Congress to reinstate cancelled insurance policies is nothing more than rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.
It may look better, but the ship is still going down. It is just a matter of when.
We are watching as rats — the Congressional Democrats — quickly swim away from the damage they have caused. The people in steerage — the individuals who lost their insurance policies — are drowning in the wreckage. The first class passengers — the well-off who can afford to pay higher premiums — are heading for the few available life boats.
There is nothing romantic about this Titanic; it is a real-life tragedy happening to Americans who can ill afford it.
(Excerpt) Read more at communities.washingtontimes.com ...If you have any problems with my posts or signature
Nancy Pelosi tries to spin her way out of her Obamacare broken promise
Pelosi tries desperately to spin her way out of her broken Obamacare promise, even saying stuff Democrats were saying two weeks before Obama finally came out and admitted it was a broken promise:
(Excerpt) Read more at therightscoop.com ...If you have any problems with my posts or signature
Is the Affordable Care Act in serious jeopardy?
With an eye on the 2014 midterm elections, a growing number of Democrats are voicing concerns about the insurance cancellations and website problems that have plagued the debut of the Affordable Care Act's insurance exchanges - a phenomenon highlighted Friday when 39 House Democrats broke ranks to support a GOP-authored bill that the White House said would undermine a "central premise" of the healthcare law.
It was a remarkable show of disunity from Democrats, who have splintered every which way in reaction to the Obamacare's rocky debut. And it raises an uncomfortable question for congressional Democrats who voted overwhelmingly in 2010 to approve the Affordable Care Act without any Republicans in tow: Will they have the political fortitude to stick to their guns and fend off changes to the law, or will a vulnerable caucus begin to accept alterations to a bill they've steadfastly safeguarded for years?
Despite the anxiety among her troops, the top Democrat in the House of Representatives insisted Sunday she isn't fretting about the law's future.
"I don't think it's in trouble," House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., told reporters. "I think we just have to remain calm, get through the website getting fixed, clarify some misrepresentations about it."
"It's the law of the land," she added. "It's an important health, stability issue, security issue for the American people, and I believe that in a matter of months many more people will see that."
She dismissed the 39 Democratic votes for the GOP's proposal to prevent insurance cancellations by extending 2013 plans through 2014 as a "political" maneuver, noting that a similar number of Democrats joined Republicans on dozens of earlier votes to repeal or alter the law....
(Excerpt) Read more at cbsnews.com ...
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As much as i know it has hurt others....i just love seeing this things fail. All those people with their Obama bob the builder attitude about everything the man said, are seeing just how wrong and mislead they were. Would the republican pesidential candidates have done much better? Definitely not. Every election is you making a choice whether you want a douche or a turd sandwich for dinner, but the "Affordable healthcare Act" Which made health more more expensive or more (un)affordable and it hasn't "acted" as in "worked" for quite some time now, definitely could have been avoided. Taking the American society and way of life and saying we are going to socialize healthcare would be like suggesting ideas for changes to baseball until it became football.
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