I agree with sagedil, lös is not for everyone. In another thread I likened it to the fact that some people drive stick, some automatic. Neither is better, just different.
OTOH, as a lös convert, I will always tell people to try it before they push it aside. Yes, when you first start, it will get in your teeth. Yes, it's annoying and even a little frustrating. However, when you find your technique, you'll realize how different it is than portions, and you may even find that you like it better. I can tell you I can definitely get the nicotine faster from a pris than a portion. Also, I've started taking my pris' out sooner. I read in another thread that Swedes only leave theirs in for 15-20 minutes. I thought about that and tried just waiting until my pris went flat (like 35 or 40 minutes). I like it. My gums aren't irritated, and I don't end up with a flat lump of tasteless tobacco in my mouth just because I feel like I haven't "done my time" with it yet.
OTOH, as a lös convert, I will always tell people to try it before they push it aside. Yes, when you first start, it will get in your teeth. Yes, it's annoying and even a little frustrating. However, when you find your technique, you'll realize how different it is than portions, and you may even find that you like it better. I can tell you I can definitely get the nicotine faster from a pris than a portion. Also, I've started taking my pris' out sooner. I read in another thread that Swedes only leave theirs in for 15-20 minutes. I thought about that and tried just waiting until my pris went flat (like 35 or 40 minutes). I like it. My gums aren't irritated, and I don't end up with a flat lump of tasteless tobacco in my mouth just because I feel like I haven't "done my time" with it yet.