Read...What is your opinion???

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  • kidstaxi
    • Jul 2008
    • 91

    Read...What is your opinion???

    It is an article about spanking children in school.

    I am in favor of spanking children in school and at home. I was spanked as a child, and it did me loads of good.

    The one thing that kept me line (at times) was knowing that any family member, teacher, and a select few adults in the neighborhood would lite my ass up, if I got out of line.

    Being talked too, time outs, groundings ment nothing to me.

    I know spankings will not work for every child. Just like other punisments will work for the rest. I just feel like it is a tool in the shed, that should be used, if needed.
  • bakerbarber
    • Jun 2008
    • 1947

    They quoted the ACLU. L M F A O

    I'll keep it brief. I would only end up posting two pages explaining my opinions of the faults with the direction our school systems and family structures are going, all due to government intervention.

    The bottom line is our social programs currently reward absent fathers and facilitate ongoing participation in welfare and public assistance without offering any incentive or direction for personal accountability or self sufficient behaviour.

    As far as discipline along racial lines. The prison systems have a similar disproportion between percent in society and percent in prison. The reason in my thoughts would be the family structure and lack of a male role model. Which leads back to the problems caused by our social services programs encouraging broken homes before providing maximum benefits.

    I know my parents loved me enough to smack me around when I got out of line. I'm a better person because of it.


    • toekuttr
      • Jul 2008
      • 197

      Maybe I,m misunderstanding this, you mean by being in favor of "in school" spankings you wouldn't object to someone other than you touching your kid? Not on my watch, I think you'd be pretty sorry if you allow that to happen.


      • kidstaxi
        • Jul 2008
        • 91

        Originally posted by toekuttr
        Maybe I,m misunderstanding this, you mean by being in favor of "in school" spankings you wouldn't object to someone other than you touching your kid? Not on my watch, I think you'd be pretty sorry if you allow that to happen.
        I see where you are coming from. Do not really appreciate, saying I would be "sorry". That's OK, though.

        It must be a difference in opinion, mind-set, or culture. I just believe it takes a village to raise a child.

        I got spankings at school and from other people from outside the home. It done me well.

        If it was a complete stranger "off the streets", it definatly would ruffle my feathers.


        • toekuttr
          • Jul 2008
          • 197

          OK, I see that you took that to mean you would be a sorry person, not my intent at all. I just mean I think you would be sorry in the future to allow that to happen, as in regret. There's a fine line to that type of punishment, imo, it can be effective on some but on others it can be detrimental. It is always up to the parents to take on the responsibility of judging whether or not their child needs it, not an brother; perhaps, a teacher; never. I know this is a subject of much debate though, but I don't feel comfortable in letting someone else make such a rash decision on my child's welfare and potential response to punishment. I'm on my child's side, not always necessarily the schoolboards. ymmv


          • kidstaxi
            • Jul 2008
            • 91

            Originally posted by toekuttr
            OK, I see that you took that to mean you would be a sorry person, not my intent at all. I just mean I think you would be sorry in the future to allow that to happen, as in regret. There's a fine line to that type of punishment, imo, it can be effective on some but on others it can be detrimental. It is always up to the parents to take on the responsibility of judging whether or not their child needs it, not an brother; perhaps, a teacher; never. I know this is a subject of much debate though, but I don't feel comfortable in letting someone else make such a rash decision on my child's welfare and potential response to punishment. I'm on my child's side, not always necessarily the schoolboards. ymmv
            No problem...My mistake.

            I am not one who always takes the side of the school either. In my experiences, spankings are handed out for offenses, that would warrant detentions. ie talking, chewing gum, basically being a brat. They would always call my parents first, and ask for thier approval before carrying out the punishment too.


            • Steel Blue 91
              • May 2008
              • 163

              I can remember when I got into trouble in grade school I got a smack on the ass and a phone call to my mom and/or dad while sat in the office. I knew then that the trouble I got into at school was nothing compared to that I would face when I got home.

              I believe that many of the problems we face with kids now is because children have no adult at home willing to step up and punish "little Johnny" when he screws up because it is not fashionable nor (God forbid) politically correct to discipline your child.


              • rr0
                • Jun 2008
                • 41

                Re: Read...What is your opinion???

                Originally posted by kidstaxi

                It is an article about spanking children in school.

                I am in favor of spanking children in school and at home. I was spanked as a child, and it did me loads of good.
                Back in the early 80s, I was "lit up" a few times at my public elementary school in the deep south of the USA. Got lit up even more at home.
                Our PT teachers at school had 2-3 ping pong paddles taped together, and then the paddle heads were bored out with a large diameter drill bit, apparently to reduce drag. Absolutely fearsome to a 2nd/3rd grader. Those southerners sure are clever with their devices!

                I'm not sure how much it has helped me. A couple of times I was able to talk my way out of a beating at school, and once I got spanked in err. I can say that I have exceptional manners even to this day... something that was drilled into us back then.

                I think it can be effective, but has to be used in moderation. It is also important that it is used rationally, not something thrown at kids out of some reactionary emotional rage. Consistency is also important, as is following through with punishment (no bluffing.)

                There are also very effective ways of disciplining kids without physical violence.

                I've never laid a hand on my own child, but there are consequences when the child is not locked on with what needs to get done. Early bedtimes, no electronic devices, limited peer socialization, etc. The most dire consequence is taking a valued possession away PERMANENTLY, and donating it to charity.


                • rollinred
                  Banned Users
                  • Aug 2008
                  • 115

                  Originally posted by bakerbarber
                  They quoted the ACLU. L M F A O

                  I'll keep it brief. I would only end up posting two pages explaining my opinions of the faults with the direction our school systems and family structures are going, all due to government intervention.

                  The bottom line is our social programs currently reward absent fathers and facilitate ongoing participation in welfare and public assistance without offering any incentive or direction for personal accountability or self sufficient behaviour.

                  As far as discipline along racial lines. The prison systems have a similar disproportion between percent in society and percent in prison. The reason in my thoughts would be the family structure and lack of a male role model. Which leads back to the problems caused by our social services programs encouraging broken homes before providing maximum benefits.

                  I know my parents loved me enough to smack me around when I got out of line. I'm a better person because of it.
                  Your a Republican Arn't you...?

                  If so, good on you, the world, and especially the US needs people more like you... and I.

                  If my child gets out of line, the teacher, nun, me, outsider... everyone should be allowed to scold a child my spanking, hitting with a ruler... etc.

                  Our society has got so out of line that people allow their children to do whatever they choose. And it leads to nothing more than single motherhood, higher taxes, more violence, divoreces, and liberals that all think the following is good for society. Hah, no wonder the terrorists are going after us, our average human morals are out of wack to the point that we are just beyone immorality. And that statement is nothing related to religion. The US is just plain discraseful when it comes to morality, and self responsibility. People here just want to blame others for thier problems and not realize that they are a cause in it themselves.


                  • holnrew
                    • Jul 2008
                    • 613

                    Well... I was hit so much as a child it was actually physical abuse... Messed me up royally in the head. It's something I'm dead set against. (Before you say I'm overreacting and being a namby pamby liberal wuss I was often hit on the bottom very hard for no apparent reason, just because I was annoying my dad, I often got hit with wooden spoons, a riding crop we found out while walking one day and a toy set of golf clubs). I know it's an extreme case, but it's really done a number on me, and can only see it as harmful.

                    You wouldn't hit your friend if he did something wrong, why do it to a child whom you're supposed to love?

                    I don't want to stir up any arguments or trouble... but I disagree with most of the opinions on this thread. But I'll bow out now as it could get quite heated and I don't want to fall out with anybody here.


                    • rr0
                      • Jun 2008
                      • 41

                      Originally posted by holnrew
                      Well... I was hit so much as a child it was actually physical abuse...
                      I think the same for me too, although it sounds like you had it worse, and I am sorry. I don't talk about this too much, but I got beat with plastic belts, metal fly swatters, and remember having fingernails dug into my forearm flesh on numerous occasions. Beaten while lying and sobbing in bed after a big argument in 8th grade. When I got big enough I started swinging back, and then it all ended. I remember threatening to call 911 to report child abuse when I was in 2nd or 3rd grade -- that went over really well.

                      I think in my case it was the "Easy" way to deal with problems, and also it was an emotional outlet for my folks. Other ways of dealing with discipline or school troubles is far more time consuming, as I have learned. It can be very difficult and time consuming for a parent to micromanage a child's life in order to teach them what's right or wrong. It truly is a big job to correctly raise a child. On the other side, I was frequently spoiled, so it took me a while to learn a good work ethic on my own. I was lucky to have been mentored early in my career.

                      I also think it caused long term problems for me -- self-confidence, shyness, extremely self-critical. Chronic underachievement at school (until I was old enough to "get it",) and other stuff that I will not mention. Ironically it was the sober parent dishing out the beatings! I love my parents, and I think they did the best that they could do with what they had at the time, but I have to say that overall they really did a shitty job. I've forgiven everything. Everyone tells me I'm a great parent, and I've learned a lot of what NOT to do from them.

                      Still, though, as I said before, I do believe that there is a place for physical punishment. If a parent decides to take this route, it really does have to be measured, rational, and consistent, and used sparingly as a last resort. The child needs to understand that it was a direct consequence to something. Anything out of fury or seemingly arbitrary is abusive and should not be tolerated. If anyone ever laid a hand on my child as punishment I'd file battery charges and then deal with the problem at home, in my way.

                      FWIW, I am probably "liberal" in many ways, but I am big on personal ownership and taking responsibility. I really dislike it when people blame others for their problems. I believe that the truth almost always lies somewhere in the middle of the two extremes, and this includes politics.

                      (Enjoying a nice Gotlands gulsnus as I type this!)


                      • airwoodstock
                        Banned Users
                        • Aug 2008
                        • 340

                        I went to grade school in the North and the South (Navy Brat) and I can tell you, most of the schools here in the north didn't paddle the students (back in the 70's). In the schools I went to in the south.....different story! Even in middle school, in the south, the principal had the paddle in his/her office. I was paddled once in 4th grade for putting gum in a girl's hair (I liked her :wink: ). It wasn't the type of paddling like Sammy Sosa was taking a swing at you, just a smack. later in life, my Mom and I were reminiscing and the subject came up. She said that when she enrolled me that she had to sign a release with the stipulation that they would call her before the paddling was decieded.


                        • toekuttr
                          • Jul 2008
                          • 197

                          I think in my case it was the "Easy" way to deal with problems, and also it was an emotional outlet for my folks. Other ways of dealing with discipline or school troubles is far more time consuming, as I have learned. It can be very difficult and time consuming for a parent to micromanage a child's life in order to teach them what's right or wrong. It truly is a big job to correctly raise a child.
                          Well said rrO. Raising children is oftentimes frustrating, but always time consuming. I think it's up to the parent to make their own decisions in this matter of course. Theres almost always a better way to deal with misbehavior, and for many the "Easy" way is OK. I don't agree that letting anyone else touch my child, for whatever reason they see fit is acceptable and I won't stand for it myself. Too much potential for abuse by the child's parents already much less giving strangers that power. I think that's irresponsible bordering on or even crossing into recklessness.

                          rollinred's view
                          If my child gets out of line, the teacher, nun, me, outsider... everyone should be allowed to scold a child my spanking, hitting with a ruler... etc.
                          I don't have the faith in people you seem to have, I'm not comfortable letting anyone, much less everyone lay hands on mine. They don't know my child like I do, what qualifications do they have and what shortcomings are they spreading? Nope, I give my dog's more respect than that. Children need to feel that your on their side, not just hear it repetitiously.


                          • holnrew
                            • Jul 2008
                            • 613

                            Originally posted by rr0
                            Originally posted by holnrew
                            Well... I was hit so much as a child it was actually physical abuse...
                            I think the same for me too, although it sounds like you had it worse, and I am sorry. I don't talk about this too much, but I got beat with plastic belts, metal fly swatters, and remember having fingernails dug into my forearm flesh on numerous occasions. Beaten while lying and sobbing in bed after a big argument in 8th grade. When I got big enough I started swinging back, and then it all ended. I remember threatening to call 911 to report child abuse when I was in 2nd or 3rd grade -- that went over really well.

                            I think in my case it was the "Easy" way to deal with problems, and also it was an emotional outlet for my folks. Other ways of dealing with discipline or school troubles is far more time consuming, as I have learned. It can be very difficult and time consuming for a parent to micromanage a child's life in order to teach them what's right or wrong. It truly is a big job to correctly raise a child. On the other side, I was frequently spoiled, so it took me a while to learn a good work ethic on my own. I was lucky to have been mentored early in my career.

                            I also think it caused long term problems for me -- self-confidence, shyness, extremely self-critical. Chronic underachievement at school (until I was old enough to "get it",) and other stuff that I will not mention. Ironically it was the sober parent dishing out the beatings! I love my parents, and I think they did the best that they could do with what they had at the time, but I have to say that overall they really did a shitty job. I've forgiven everything. Everyone tells me I'm a great parent, and I've learned a lot of what NOT to do from them.

                            Still, though, as I said before, I do believe that there is a place for physical punishment. If a parent decides to take this route, it really does have to be measured, rational, and consistent, and used sparingly as a last resort. The child needs to understand that it was a direct consequence to something. Anything out of fury or seemingly arbitrary is abusive and should not be tolerated. If anyone ever laid a hand on my child as punishment I'd file battery charges and then deal with the problem at home, in my way.

                            FWIW, I am probably "liberal" in many ways, but I am big on personal ownership and taking responsibility. I really dislike it when people blame others for their problems. I believe that the truth almost always lies somewhere in the middle of the two extremes, and this includes politics.

                            (Enjoying a nice Gotlands gulsnus as I type this!)
                            I think you said what I'd like to say, only I was unable to express myself so eloquently.


                            • RobME
                              • Jul 2008
                              • 387

                              Originally posted by rollinred
                              Your a Republican Arn't you...?

                              If so, good on you, the world, and especially the US needs people more like you... and I.
                              Brainwashed, methinks. :!: :twisted: :lol:


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