For those of you who enjoy knives, guns, and outdoor gear, I just launched Sharp, Bright & Tactical on blogspot. It'll be a very regularly updated webmag dedicated to testing and evaluating custom and factory knives, guns, backpacks, climbing gear and a whole lot more. Stop on by, we're not selling anything. I'll even do review articles and give my 2c on various snus brands, new dvd releases and more. If you like what you see you can email me, or message me here or there. Thanks guys!
For those of you who enjoy knives, guns, and outdoor gear, I just launched Sharp, Bright & Tactical on blogspot. It'll be a very regularly updated webmag dedicated to testing and evaluating custom and factory knives, guns, backpacks, climbing gear and a whole lot more. Stop on by, we're not selling anything. I'll even do review articles and give my 2c on various snus brands, new dvd releases and more. If you like what you see you can email me, or message me here or there. Thanks guys!