'Duck Dynasty' Star Also Under Fire for African-American Statements

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  • Skell18
    • May 2012
    • 7067

    Originally posted by Thunder_Snus View Post
    Honey Boo Boo is just a 100% accurate depiction of life in George outside of Atlanta. Have not talked to a single person on the phone yet from georgia that sounds any different and i usually have to tell them to call back and hope they get someone from our Georgia office that can understand them.
    PP is moving there, he is using Honey BooBoo as an education tool to understand the locals


    • Thunder_Snus
      • Oct 2011
      • 1316

      Originally posted by Skell18 View Post
      PP is moving there, he is using Honey BooBoo as an education tool to understand the locals
      The dialect in Georgia is so strong it usually results in telling people you can't understand them and that they have to call back. I'm guessing that is the reason we opened another office in Georgia specifically to take calls from Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana, etc. As far as call centers in the U.S go, you usually want to open them in the midwest because they have the most neutral/understandable accent. We like to say we don't have an accent but we do, it just happens to be very widely understood. I can just imagine how shitty a company would be if they opened a call center in Brooklyn. "Bro you gotzta tell me whare da bin number on da caaaaa is, capeesh!"

      And PP i absolutely wish you the best of luck. Things to be ready for: People to ask you to slow down when you are already explaining something very slowly, people don't understand time zones in the southeast so when you tell them where you come from is an hour behind they will think you are a lunatic that thinks he is a time traveler. Calling someone Mr "last name" is very frowned upon, they will usually insist you call them Mr. "first name" but just "first name" is also rude, some what similar to German between Sie and du except the people that decide what is acceptable have a 4th grade education. Whenever you call someone to perform a business transaction make sure you don't have any of the pertinent information available on hand, be as far away from these things as possible and say "shucks" alot when you realize what the business man needs you do not have. Even going as far as knowing how to spell your own name or the address where you live is a big no no. Good Luck


      • rickcharles606
        • Mar 2009
        • 2307

        Originally posted by Thunder_Snus View Post
        The dialect in Georgia is so strong it usually results in telling people you can't understand them and that they have to call back. I'm guessing that is the reason we opened another office in Georgia specifically to take calls from Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana, etc. As far as call centers in the U.S go, you usually want to open them in the midwest because they have the most neutral/understandable accent. We like to say we don't have an accent but we do, it just happens to be very widely understood. I can just imagine how shitty a company would be if they opened a call center in Brooklyn. "Bro you gotzta tell me whare da bin number on da caaaaa is, capeesh!"

        And PP i absolutely wish you the best of luck. Things to be ready for: People to ask you to slow down when you are already explaining something very slowly, people don't understand time zones in the southeast so when you tell them where you come from is an hour behind they will think you are a lunatic that thinks he is a time traveler. Calling someone Mr "last name" is very frowned upon, they will usually insist you call them Mr. "first name" but just "first name" is also rude, some what similar to German between Sie and du except the people that decide what is acceptable have a 4th grade education. Whenever you call someone to perform a business transaction make sure you don't have any of the pertinent information available on hand, be as far away from these things as possible and say "shucks" alot when you realize what the business man needs you do not have. Even going as far as knowing how to spell your own name or the address where you live is a big no no. Good Luck
        Funny...and true of some of the people in the SE US, but not all. Just because people speak slower doesn't make them unintelligent, I learned that when I moved to Eastern KY :-) LMAO at the "thinks he's a time traveler", that was funny though.


        • Thunder_Snus
          • Oct 2011
          • 1316

          Originally posted by rickcharles606 View Post
          Funny...and true of some of the people in the SE US, but not all. Just because people speak slower doesn't make them unintelligent, I learned that when I moved to Eastern KY :-) LMAO at the "thinks he's a time traveler", that was funny though.
          I actually had a teacher at my high school in Virginia that didn't believe me that time zones existed. She thought when a commercial for a TV show said something was on at 9/8 central that you could pay extra and get "central cable" to watch your favorite show an hour early. It even throws off some car dealerships down there. If i email them an ID card and it doesn't arrive instantly they say "oh you're an hour behind me so its only 10 there and 11 here so I won't get that email until it is 11 your time right?"

          Speaking slowly is something i always try to do when i see that GA area code pop up on my phone but it can be very frustrating when they ask you to slow down even more. A good portion of the people there can keep up with me (I've picked up some bad fast talking habits because i take most of my calls from the NY/NJ area and they are a pain in the ass to make happy), but it is typically the ones that I have to slow down to saying one word every few seconds that can't even spell their own name and they don't know their address or what kind of car they have.....its an infiniti..........what year? I don't know....is that like an M35 or from the g series? I don't know.


          • Skell18
            • May 2012
            • 7067

            Originally posted by Thunder_Snus View Post
            I actually had a teacher at my high school in Virginia that didn't believe me that time zones existed. She thought when a commercial for a TV show said something was on at 9/8 central that you could pay extra and get "central cable" to watch your favorite show an hour early. It even throws off some car dealerships down there. If i email them an ID card and it doesn't arrive instantly they say "oh you're an hour behind me so its only 10 there and 11 here so I won't get that email until it is 11 your time right?"
            Please tell me that's a joke? A perfect advert for why stupid people shouldn't reproduce! LOL


            • Premium Parrots
              Super Moderators
              • Feb 2008
              • 9759

              Originally posted by Thunder_Snus View Post
              Honey Boo Boo is just a 100% accurate depiction of life in George outside of Atlanta. Have not talked to a single person on the phone yet from georgia that sounds any different and i usually have to tell them to call back and hope they get someone from our Georgia office that can understand them.
              Well......you might want to google Peachtree City. Its absolutely not your average Georgia town. Many of the citizens are from all around the country and have moved there to retire. Most of the residents actually speak English that you can easily understand and everyone I have encountered is very respectfull. [tho I have to admit....most people take one look at me and think I am in law enforcement. Its always been that way for me, not sure why]. We can't wait to get down there where live moves at a snails pace. I'm hoping to relax so much that I slowly stop breathing one day.

              Admittedly, there are some really scary dumb ass people in Georgia/Alabama/etc but I haven't met any in PTC yet. But then again I haven't actually moved there myself yet. When we do finally move I will know of at least one.
              Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

              I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


              • Thunder_Snus
                • Oct 2011
                • 1316

                Originally posted by Skell18 View Post
                Please tell me that's a joke? A perfect advert for why stupid people shouldn't reproduce! LOL
                Unfortunately it is not a joke. A lot of math/time/logic related things throw some people off. "Will that discount get me 10% off a month of 10% off for 6 months?" Then trying to explain that its the same to them and they ask to speak to my supervisor because I am lying to them. If you would like a perfect example of stupid people reproducing in large quantities it is America, we have a welfare system designed just to benefit people for having children.


                • Thunder_Snus
                  • Oct 2011
                  • 1316

                  Originally posted by Premium Parrots View Post
                  Well......you might want to google Peachtree City. Its absolutely not your average Georgia town. Many of the citizens are from all around the country and have moved there to retire. Most of the residents actually speak English that you can easily understand and everyone I have encountered is very respectfull. [tho I have to admit....most people take one look at me and think I am in law enforcement. Its always been that way for me, not sure why]. We can't wait to get down there where live moves at a snails pace. I'm hoping to relax so much that I slowly stop breathing one day.

                  Admittedly, there are some really scary dumb ass people in Georgia/Alabama/etc but I haven't met any in PTC yet. But then again I haven't actually moved there myself yet. When we do finally move I will know of at least one.
                  Sounds like a great little place PP. That's an interesting thing about the deep south. Everyone wants to live there but noone wants to live around the locals so you find a lot of these really high class places nestled between cities that eat squirrel every day.


                  • CoderGuy
                    • Jul 2009
                    • 2679

                    Originally posted by Thunder_Snus View Post
                    Unfortunately it is not a joke. A lot of math/time/logic related things throw some people off. "Will that discount get me 10% off a month of 10% off for 6 months?" Then trying to explain that its the same to them and they ask to speak to my supervisor because I am lying to them. If you would like a perfect example of stupid people reproducing in large quantities it is America, we have a welfare system designed just to benefit people for having children.
                    LOL very true. Just try handing a fast food worker 5.25 for a 3.20 purchase and see what happens.


                    • Andy105
                      • Nov 2013
                      • 1393

                      It's not just the south. A young man (17 or 18) came up to me at lunch once, and asked me for the time. I held up my wristwatch for him, and he said "I can't read that kind" (analog). I told him it was 14:30, and he left angry. He'll probably be a congressman in a few years.


                      • Frosted
                        • Mar 2010
                        • 5798

                        Originally posted by Andy105 View Post
                        It's not just the south. A young man (17 or 18) came up to me at lunch once, and asked me for the time. I held up my wristwatch for him, and he said "I can't read that kind" (analog). I told him it was 14:30, and he left angry. He'll probably be a congressman in a few years.
                        Holy crap! Baffled twice. My 3 year old daughter knows analogue.


                        • Andy105
                          • Nov 2013
                          • 1393

                          Must be the Local Public Ed. System. My wife and I were watching an Italian, subtitled movie when a neighbor stopped by (a young woman in her twenties). She said "I can't watch those words-on-the-bottom movies". Don't know where she's from but, she said it without a southern accent.


                          • DanF
                            • Nov 2013
                            • 260

                            Originally posted by CoderGuy View Post
                            Just try handing a fast food worker 5.25 for a 3.20 purchase and see what happens.

                            Originally posted by Andy105 View Post
                            It's not just the south. A young man (17 or 18) came up to me at lunch once, and asked me for the time. I held up my wristwatch for him, and he said "I can't read that kind" (analog). I told him it was 14:30, and he left angry. He'll probably be a congressman in a few years.
                            This brings me to a very personal confession (online).

                            Without telling you how old I am and not going into my past history of learning all kinds of stuff over the years (including my favorite: learning to speak fluent French after forty five) I am going to say that the very "dumbest" person in the South or anywhere else in the entire USA probably can .....type on a keyboard.

                            I still can't!



                            • Andy105
                              • Nov 2013
                              • 1393

                              Originally posted by DanF View Post
                              This brings me to a very personal confession (online).

                              Without telling you how old I am and not going into my past history of learning all kinds of stuff over the years (including my favorite: learning to speak fluent French after forty five) I am going to say that the very "dumbest" person in the South or anywhere else in the entire USA probably can .....type on a keyboard.

                              I still can't!

                              Probably close in age. When I was in high school, guys took Shop class, and girls took typing. After years of practical study work, I can now type with my index fingers. My wife has always made a living at typing, and can type dictation faster than I can talk. But I can build a toolbox.


                              • Premium Parrots
                                Super Moderators
                                • Feb 2008
                                • 9759

                                Originally posted by DanF View Post
                                This brings me to a very personal confession (online).

                                Without telling you how old I am and not going into my past history of learning all kinds of stuff over the years (including my favorite: learning to speak fluent French after forty five) I am going to say that the very "dumbest" person in the South or anywhere else in the entire USA probably can .....type on a keyboard.

                                I still can't!

                                sure they can type on a keyboard but with all the current spelling shortcuts will you be able to understand what they type?
                                Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                                I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


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