Hitler survivor tells Americans: 'Buy more guns!'

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  • wa3zrm
    • May 2009
    • 4436

    Hitler survivor tells Americans: 'Buy more guns!'

    Warns Nazi tyranny began with simple...

    The government required people to register their guns, insisting it was for their own protection, a way of tracking down criminals that was supposed to cut down on crime.
    In reality, however, it was merely a ruse to track down those patriots who might resist the coming tyranny.
    So explains Kitty Werthmann in a speech going viral on the Internet, a story of her life in Austria right before the Nazi occupation of her home country in 1938. As she explains, her nation’s surrender to Nazi tyranny didn’t begin with the Anschluss, but with little steps like acquiescing to gun-control laws:
    “Dictatorship didn’t happen overnight. I took five years, gradually, little by little, to escalate up to a dictatorship,” she said. “When the people fear the government, that’s tyranny. When the government fears the people, that’s you, that’s liberty. Keep your guns, keep your guns and buy more guns!”
    Werthmann’s speech, delivered at the “Let Freedom Ring” tea-party rally in Woodstown, N.J., on June 28, 2011, has been frequently circulated via YouTube and other online channels for years, but picked up steam again after the National Rifle Association reposted it recently under the title “Hitler Survivor Condemns Gun Control.”
    The clear implication in her speech is that modern-day Americans should beware gun-control laws that strip them of their ability to resist an overbearing government.
    “In 1938, the media reported that Hitler rolled into Austria with tanks and guns and took us over. Not true at all,” she said. “The Austrian people elected Hitler by 98 percent of the vote, by means of the ballot box.
    “You might ask, ‘How could a Christian nation … elect a monster like Hitler?’” she continued. “The truth is, at the beginning Hitler didn’t look like or talk like a monster at all. He talked

    (Excerpt) Read more at wnd.com ...

    Last edited by wa3zrm; 05-01-14, 08:03 AM.
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  • Andy105
    • Nov 2013
    • 1393

    So true. When they wrote the US Constitution, they feared what their new government could turn into. Instead, they tax us so gradually, that people are somehow OK with a third, or more, of what they earn being taken by the government. Earn a dollar=income tax. Spend what's left of that dollar=federal, state, county,and city sales tax and others. Anything left for your kids to inherit, the government takes again in estate taxes. It's ridiculous, when you look at how easily they waste it.


    • Thunder_Snus
      • Oct 2011
      • 1316

      I'm always on the fence about the whole gun control thing. On one hand there are millions of guns already here in the U.S. If we ban them law-abiding people comply with the law and give back their guns and then only criminals have guns. But if you look at a place like Iceland/Liechtenstein no guns is huge there. I think the first ever fatal police shooting in iceland happened a few weeks ago.I would be for no guns if there was actually a way to make it so there were NO GUNS. If it wasn't established right when this country was founded then it's pretty much too late.

      As for the 2nd amendment. It says it right there in its very short wording it is to keep a well maintained militia. But we have our own stacked army that could probably destroy anyone that tried to do anything to us. Overall we can't just ban guns, they are already here and they aren't going to go away. If the option was there to take away all guns from non military/police I think it would be a viable option if it could actually be done.


      • Bigblue1
        Banned Users
        • Dec 2008
        • 3923

        Originally posted by Thunder_Snus View Post
        I'm always on the fence about the whole gun control thing. On one hand there are millions of guns already here in the U.S. If we ban them law-abiding people comply with the law and give back their guns and then only criminals have guns. But if you look at a place like Iceland/Liechtenstein no guns is huge there. I think the first ever fatal police shooting in iceland happened a few weeks ago.I would be for no guns if there was actually a way to make it so there were NO GUNS. If it wasn't established right when this country was founded then it's pretty much too late.

        As for the 2nd amendment. It says it right there in its very short wording it is to keep a well maintained militia. But we have our own stacked army that could probably destroy anyone that tried to do anything to us. Overall we can't just ban guns, they are already here and they aren't going to go away. If the option was there to take away all guns from non military/police I think it would be a viable option if it could actually be done.
        The founding fathers wrote that to keep guns against a tyrannical government. Which we very much have today. If we have no guns we have no chance. If we didn't have guns we would already be done.


        • Andy105
          • Nov 2013
          • 1393

          Originally posted by Bigblue1 View Post
          The founding fathers wrote that to keep guns against a tyrannical government. Which we very much have today. If we have no guns we have no chance. If we didn't have guns we would already be done.
          Right. The militias were meant to be locals, to protect their region, their state, and their country, against any who would try to take away out rights, including government and the military. Viet Nam, Iraq, and Afghanistan have shown that the biggest military in the world can't completely stop armed insurgent populations.


          • Thunder_Snus
            • Oct 2011
            • 1316

            Originally posted by Bigblue1 View Post
            The founding fathers wrote that to keep guns against a tyrannical government. Which we very much have today. If we have no guns we have no chance. If we didn't have guns we would already be done.
            Definitely a good statement, I just don't see how everyone having a gun or two would be able to stop our own army if they followed orders from our [s]dictator[/s] president to attack

            Programmers do we not have a strikethrough command on snuson?
            Last edited by Thunder_Snus; 05-01-14, 04:12 PM.


            • lxskllr
              • Sep 2007
              • 13435

              Originally posted by Thunder_Snus View Post
              Definitely a good statement, I just don't see how everyone having a gun or two would be able to stop our own army if they followed orders from our [s]dictator[/s] president to attack

              Programmers do we not have a strikethrough command on snuson?
              The big mistake everyone makes is in assuming the military will follow orders in a civil war. There's still patriots left in America, as shown by Edward Snowden. The population would be much closer to the government in weaponry due to defections, and theft.


              • CzechCzar
                • Jun 2010
                • 1144

                We are currently losing to a bunch of dudes with AKs and IEDs in Iraq and Afghanistan. We lost Vietnam.

                Also, the discussion about iceland assumes we could import Iceland's population into the USA. Icelandic folks are a whole lot different than those of the US.


                • Burnsey
                  • Jan 2013
                  • 2572

                  Originally posted by lxskllr View Post
                  The big mistake everyone makes is in assuming the military will follow orders in a civil war. There's still patriots left in America, as shown by Edward Snowden. The population would be much closer to the government in weaponry due to defections, and theft.
                  Maybe. My son and I have argued the point a few times. He insists that the boys in the service will just go home and side with the home folks...I don't think it is so clear cut and could be more of a some do some don't proposition. An actual revolt could end very quickly given the circumstances of deprivation, and body bags.......


                  • GoVegan
                    • Oct 2009
                    • 5603

                    We are also assuming that the majority of people will support the right side if a tyranny occurs.


                    • trebli
                      • Mar 2010
                      • 797

                      Originally posted by Thunder_Snus View Post
                      Definitely a good statement, I just don't see how everyone having a gun or two would be able to stop our own army if they followed orders from our [s]dictator[/s] president to attack

                      Programmers do we not have a strikethrough command on snuson?
                      Even as we speak, the Syrian rebels have fought the Syrian government to a standstill using mostly handheld weapons. The Assad government has tanks, jet fighters and attack helicopters. Even with this advanced weaponry, the government has not yet prevailed.


                      • OregonNative
                        • Aug 2009
                        • 647

                        Originally posted by Thunder_Snus View Post
                        Definitely a good statement, I just don't see how everyone having a gun or two would be able to stop our own army if they followed orders from our [s]dictator[/s] president to attack
                        Civilians far outnumber those on active/reserve duty. I believe our military has around 2,300,000 active duty/reserve soldiers (someone please correct me if I'm mistaken); compare that with 85,000,000 civilian men between the ages of 15-55. Of course you'd have to assume many wouldn't side with the government, but still; the numbers strongly favor the civilians. Throughout history (even recently), we've seen it happen time and time again. As Trebli mentioned, Syria is a prime example.
                        Last edited by OregonNative; 05-01-14, 08:06 PM.


                        • Andy105
                          • Nov 2013
                          • 1393

                          I'm sure that other governments would help arm and supply a civilian revolt as well. We couldn't have fought the first revolution, without aid from the French, Dutch, and Prussians (but I doubt if they'd be much help today, lol). Today, it would probably be every country that hates our government now, and there's a few.


                          • Premium Parrots
                            Super Moderators
                            • Feb 2008
                            • 9759

                            If the crap goes down every member of the armed forces will have to make a decision. Do they follow the governments orders or do they side with the civilians who may just happen to be their family or friends.
                            Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                            I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                            • whalen
                              • May 2009
                              • 6593

                              There are no heavily armed disgruntled civilians In the chat room!
                              wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


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