14-day Sugar Detox

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  • WickedKitchen
    • Nov 2009
    • 2528

    14-day Sugar Detox

    WTF is wrong with me??? Well, the list is too long for this forum but I succumed to peer pressure with people from work. I've embarked on a 14-day sugar elimination diet.

    I've got three days under my belt now so I think the hardest part is over. Last night I went into my kitchen FIVE times looking for food and contemplating cheating. The kids were asleep and my wife was out. I did NOT cheat. I did my best to fill my gullet with nuts and protein and went to bed early.

    There's plenty of lists online of foods you can and can't eat so I won't post them here. This particular diet came with a list of can and can't foods that only differ slightly from the one's online.

    The "No" foods that I now miss are:

    Tortilla Chips
    Sugar in my tea (of course)
    Anything made with corn
    Alcohol (of any kind...I thought about swallowing the mouthwash but couldn't do it.)

    It's pretty much all protein and veggies. Oh, I can have 1 green apple/day which now tastes like candy. I guess that's the whole point. I'm guessing I'll have a sort of reset on my insulin production department and that might get me to limit my refined sugar. I've already decided that when the freakin' shite is over the "sweeteners" I'll use will be either honey or Agave nectar.

    Have any members here done this? I am looking for some interesting food choices though I'm kickin' ass with good stuff now I've still got a ways to go. I've been absent from the site for a while now and I'm hoping this thread pulls me back in.
  • Thunder_Snus
    • Oct 2011
    • 1316

    Tried a vegan diet this summer. Not for any particular reason other than to actually have an educated opinion about what all those hippies on campus are talking about. Finished my 2 weeks with it.....gained 10 pounds. I ate a lot of fruits and vegetables but also a lot of bread/noodles. Wasn't bad. It really just pissed me off at how many things i couldn't have simply because it was "with bacon" they also sell a lot of salads at my work but they have chicken and things in them. Would not recomend. Was expensive and fattening.


    • lxskllr
      • Sep 2007
      • 13435

      Originally posted by WickedKitchen View Post

      Have any members here done this?
      Not specifically, but when my daughter got diabetes, I adjusted the stuff I bought to things we can both eat. I didn't remove anything really, but cut down the portion sizes of carbs. The target level is about 70 carbs per meal. We can have strudel for dessert if the meal had few carbs. For a higher carb meal, dessert might be a couple cookies and cappuccino, or maybe some dark chocolate and chai tea.

      For drinks, I'm a big fan of unsweetened iced tea. I like Earl Grey, and I also like blends of real tea, and herb tea for flavor. You can also flavor water with extracts. I especially like peppermint water. If you do that, go easy on the extract. It can get to be too much, too quickly. I also like seltzer water. The cheapos at the grocery store are pretty good. I like orange.

      Anyway, I lost my taste for sweets. I don't eat nearly as much crap as I used to, and I especially don't drink much soda anymore. I just don't want it. I used to drink 88oz+ per day, and now I might drink 8oz per month. My mother gets Coke for me at her house, even though I told her not to. The 8oz cans are nice every so often. It gives me the taste, and doesn't have a shit ton of sugar, and it's just enough. I don't want any more than that.


      • CzechCzar
        • Jun 2010
        • 1144

        Yes. I had great success with the Bulletproof diet earlier this year. Sourcing healthy fats and proteins. It works.

        Originally posted by WickedKitchen View Post
        WTF is wrong with me??? Well, the list is too long for this forum but I succumed to peer pressure with people from work. I've embarked on a 14-day sugar elimination diet.

        I've got three days under my belt now so I think the hardest part is over. Last night I went into my kitchen FIVE times looking for food and contemplating cheating. The kids were asleep and my wife was out. I did NOT cheat. I did my best to fill my gullet with nuts and protein and went to bed early.

        There's plenty of lists online of foods you can and can't eat so I won't post them here. This particular diet came with a list of can and can't foods that only differ slightly from the one's online.

        The "No" foods that I now miss are:

        Tortilla Chips
        Sugar in my tea (of course)
        Anything made with corn
        Alcohol (of any kind...I thought about swallowing the mouthwash but couldn't do it.)

        It's pretty much all protein and veggies. Oh, I can have 1 green apple/day which now tastes like candy. I guess that's the whole point. I'm guessing I'll have a sort of reset on my insulin production department and that might get me to limit my refined sugar. I've already decided that when the freakin' shite is over the "sweeteners" I'll use will be either honey or Agave nectar.

        Have any members here done this? I am looking for some interesting food choices though I'm kickin' ass with good stuff now I've still got a ways to go. I've been absent from the site for a while now and I'm hoping this thread pulls me back in.


        • Burnsey
          • Jan 2013
          • 2572

          Originally posted by Thunder_Snus View Post
          Tried a vegan diet this summer. Not for any particular reason other than to actually have an educated opinion about what all those hippies on campus are talking about. Finished my 2 weeks with it.....gained 10 pounds. I ate a lot of fruits and vegetables but also a lot of bread/noodles. Wasn't bad. It really just pissed me off at how many things i couldn't have simply because it was "with bacon" they also sell a lot of salads at my work but they have chicken and things in them. Would not recomend. Was expensive and fattening.
          I lost 70 pounds in ~6 months when I went Vegan, almost three years ago now. What had been the most expensive items in my grocery cart have been eliminated, that is meat, etc.


          • Thunder_Snus
            • Oct 2011
            • 1316

            Originally posted by Burnsey View Post
            I lost 70 pounds in ~6 months when I went Vegan, almost three years ago now. What had been the most expensive items in my grocery cart have been eliminated, that is meat, etc.
            Perhaps your prices are different than mine. I can buy a nicely sized ribeye for maybe 5 bucks here. The big price problem I had was how much i actually had to buy. I wasn't going to eat an entire watermelon/thing of blueberries etc so I had to buy several things to keep atleast some variety and I had to go buy it all again every week.


            • WickedKitchen
              • Nov 2009
              • 2528

              I'm not worried about gaining any weight on this one. There's practically zero carbs whatsoever.

              I think I've shed some water weight already. I'm surprised at the output given less fluid consumption (not sugar in my tea means it takes longer for me to drink it) 'cos I gave up wheat completely about seven months ago. That was tough, but now I get sick when I eat it so it's easy to stay away...well, with the exception of my sister-in-law's brownies. :-) I'm eating really good foods, and copious amounts of them.

              I do dig on the cheap seltzers from the local supermarket. I've got a few cans of lemon lime left. I'm going to get cherry or pomegranate later.

              pepperoni and mussels at halftime this afternoon too! I just want some wine to go with it...Arrrrrgh.


              • bpc720
                • Dec 2010
                • 188

                I've been vegan for 3 years now and I lost 50 pounds that haven't come back. sweet potatoes, broccoli, bananas, beans, kale, and rice are all pretty inexpensive and deliver the necessary goods......oh yeah and peanutbutter

                good luck to you wicked kitchen...I know I couldn't go with out rice so you are a stronger man than I.


                • WickedKitchen
                  • Nov 2009
                  • 2528

                  It's only 14 days on the no rice stuff. I keep telling myself that.


                  • WickedKitchen
                    • Nov 2009
                    • 2528

                    By the end of day 5 I can say that the cravings have subsided quite a bit. I'm pretty shocked that I didn't know how much sugar I've consumed without even thinking.

                    I'm probably using more snus now though.

                    I found a kickin' recipe for cauliflower pizza:



                    • WickedKitchen
                      • Nov 2009
                      • 2528

                      Well...I finished last Thursday and for the most part I'm sticking with it. I stopped eating wheat eight months ago and that made this much easier. There's more flavor to most foods now that I'm not tasting sugar all the time. Yesterday I ordered a salad @ Panera and I could taste the fact that the vinaigrette dressing had sugar in it. Of course, I ate it but it tasted sweet to me (almost in an odd way).

                      All-in-all I lost 10 pounds and I ate more.

                      I'm half way to my goal of weighing less than I did when I graduated high school (25 more to go). I've treated my body pretty poorly for a couple of decades and I want to try to correct the damage before its too late...while I've still got the vigor.

                      I went back on alcohol, oatmeal, and rice (with sushi, which of course has a sugary liquid to help stick the rice together) because I think I was eating too much cheese.

                      The first week is tough. If you are stubborn like me you'll never totally lose the cravings, but i highly recommend this.

                      fruit tastes like magic now. That's what I have for dessert. If that's the only thing I've learned, it's a good thing.


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