Define "SLIGHTLY", and could you use it in context.
I and the other mods will be glad to answer any questions you may have
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Well, we all love Snuson for different reasons, and we do tend to post that diversity. We do appreachiate that mod voodoo that you do. I think we are a little concerned that it sounds a bit like you want to clean it up and make it Disney around here.....after Vegas baby!wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!
Originally posted by whalen View Postwell, we all love snuson for different reasons, and we do tend to post that diversity. We do appreachiate that mod voodoo that you do. I think we are a little concerned that it sounds a bit like you want to clean it up and make it disney around here.....after's vegas baby!If you have any problems with my posts or signature
Did you ever wonder what a web site is worth based on its earning potential through add revenue? This site attempts to do that based on the number of visitors etc. You might find these results interesting.
Originally posted by Snusdog View PostSqueezy,
As long as the criticism is concrete and respectful (not just personal attacks or flame outs) it stands. This site will be of no use to members or merchants if its informational integrity is diminished.
Now when a company shorts you 100 pounds there may be a moment when a good rant is in order. That is what the basement (chatbox) is for.....blow off the steam and come back and articulate what happened in a way that can warn/benefit the other members on this site in their purchase making decisions
And by the way, throughout the whole debacle that you went through.....your criticism minced no words, pulled no punches, and was exactly the kind of response that is helpful to others.
And while those that will advertise.....if that indeed comes to beyond my scope of duty.....I would not be too certain that Northerner will be first in line........I hope they will be involved......but if they do I would expect them to have some of the past trends cleaned up before they spend money to have everyone here tell the world that the ship is still taking on water.
As I have listened to everyone’s concerns, I think I realize a part of the problem……and that problem is my fault in not expressing the opening announcement in a way that clarified the matter in a more exact manner.
The issue of advertising is really a very small aspect of the goals we are we are working on for Snuson. Squeezy pointed out that money brings power, special treatment, and in the end corruption……..while that is all true…….the amount of money we are talking about here is very small…….the notion of ads is not being entertained in the hopes of turning a profit…….but if anything it is being considered on a very limited scale… simply help break even on the site upkeep……….now stop and think about that for a moment……….. how much do you think upkeep on a site like this actually cost…..……we are not talking about tones of cash……….so if money buys power and leads to corruption……very little money buys very little power, and leads to very little corruption……. IF ads are sold they will play a very limited role on the site and in turn have very little sway in the way things are run.
The real purpose of the ads (if indeed ownership actually decides to sell them) and the main reason behind the changes (ads or no ads) is to foster and promote industry involvement on the site…………What we are most interested in then is not the $15 dollars for a Gotlands ad……but rather to nurture Hans Jakobsson’s (the owner of Gotlands Snus) involvement on the site…….In turn it is our hope that greater industry involvement will generate interest and traffic to the site….Bottom line.
Now it is my fault for not making that point crystal clear.
It is not about the ads. It is about industry involvement and site traffic.
Now that said if ownership decides ads further this objective and we can cover the site cost in the process…. then so be it (and that is still on the table….so please don’t misunderstand this post…I am not trying to back off of that possibility until we hear directly one way or the other from ownership)….. …….but the amount of the site cost that we are looking at should serve to put this whole matter in a bit of perspective.
Cary on
DogWhen it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers
I'm fine with it's not my site after all and costs must be maintained I realise.
Keeping the chatbox as a hang out I'm immensely grateful for as a few of us like to banter and it's a big pull to the site for me as to be honest I've got frig all to say about snus any more unless there are changes to EU regs.
Originally posted by whalen View Postit sounds a bit like you want to clean it up and make it Disney around here.....
Yea but wait till you see Snow white's and Cinderella's customs....oh baby
I'd show them to you.....but then I'd have to ban you
Guys...step back and listen to what we are telling you............
the issue is not that what you are saying will have to change.......but only that where you say it will be a bit more focused and content specific
Even Vagus has family friendly shows and amusement well as its adult side...................but no one expects to find those two aspects shoved together in the same room
Not what......but whereLast edited by Snusdog; 15-01-14, 08:01 PM.When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers
We can not discuss pot in an off topic section? Really? With it being medicinally legal in what, 20 states now, and on the way to recreationally legal, and decriminilized almost everywhere, and we can not discuss it here?
All I can say to that is, Its been nice folks. I am all about freedom to discuss what I choose online, so I have packed up and heading out. I know I won't be missed, but I will still miss some of you. Anyway, take care, and have fun with a controlled forum of speech.
Originally posted by BadAxe View PostWe can not discuss pot in an off topic section? Really? With it being medicinally legal in what, 20 states now, and on the way to recreationally legal, and decriminilized almost everywhere, and we can not discuss it here?
All I can say to that is, Its been nice folks. I am all about freedom to discuss what I choose online, so I have packed up and heading out. I know I won't be missed, but I will still miss some of you. Anyway, take care, and have fun with a controlled forum of speech.
Nnnnooooo! Not you!
Can it be discussed in the chatroom mods? Bores the ass offa me but personally I dont want to see members like Badaxe or Crow going?
Yeahhh man! I had some pot - and now I have far less mental capacity than I had before - so I thought I'd share that with you guys ... and lots of ways that you too could take some of this s*** so you can also not focus on what's being said ... that's what I call a snus forum!
Seriously ... it's illegal in most places still ... just not where you are ... and also seriously BadAxe ... we know you are interesting about a whole range of things and enjoy your company - it's just that there are some limits being put in place ... I like a bit of incest now and then - but I don't feel the need to bore you guys with it the whole time ...Squeezyjohn
Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!
Well I am for one staying, I think it's all shit but I just can't wait to see it fall on it's face. I guess some members can all have a circle jerk and snusdog will justify that by saying well it happened in the chatbox... Whatever it should be interesting to see a forum where a Mod who will go unnamed has posted some of the most abhorrent shit I've ever seen on the internet is a gatekeeper of a corporate takeover. Like I said this ought to be fun. :sleeping:
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