I and the other mods will be glad to answer any questions you may have

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  • squeezyjohn
    • Jan 2008
    • 2497

    I agree that there has been quite enough drama here! Sorry for my part in escalating it in the traditional SnusOn manner ... old habits are going to be hard to kick.

    Now that it's been established that the owners are not looking to make big money out of the forum - it would be good to think about why they want to shake things up a little. I suspect it's because there are still many people out there with access to the internet who want to quit smoking but are struggling - and like many of the regulars here experienced, they can be saved by a good informed introduction to snus ... that's right SnusOn has the power to save lives!

    I'm sure they have noticed, as have I, the trend of less people signing up and sticking around to become regulars here recently. I'm also sure that they have also noticed that 50% of the population, women, are not represented here (with the few notable exceptions). I'm sure there are even some men who encounter this site and think "nope I can't be a regular here" because they are worried that a partner will look over their shoulder and see discussions about illegal drugs, soft pornography or extreme political views.

    That last paragraph is not to accuse or blame anyone here of making that happen. It just happens naturally when a forum becomes more mature - there will be lots of regulars who already know all the snus stuff so they talk about other things - and when that reaches a critical weight then the forum becomes less attractive to new members because it's all kinds of off-topic subjects, in-jokes and rowdiness. The majority of us are men - so it's a very testosterone charged place now. And I would suggest that it's a less effective place for people to feel comfortable joining up to in order to get support for something that could save their life!

    I don't think that's a reason to go away from this site - just because it's been pointed out that the place might be more useful if we toned the rowdy behaviour down. I think it's a reason to visit more often so that you can pass on your valuable advice to others.



    Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


    • chadizzy1
      • May 2009
      • 7432

      Originally posted by trebli View Post
      Did you ever wonder what a web site is worth based on its earning potential through add revenue? This site attempts to do that based on the number of visitors etc. You might find these results interesting.

      Ha, my site is only worth 380$. That's crazy.

      In all fairness, most of the time anytime you Google something snus related, review, or otherwise, it usually directs you to my blog, and not my site.

      Snubie.com was set up to kinda be the "index" page for my blog.


      • whalen
        • May 2009
        • 6593

        Originally posted by rickcharles606 View Post

        I mean really guys, is it that big a deal that you won't be able to discuss pot, or porn and that we all have to act in a civil manner and use language that is appropriate for the masses? There are plenty of sites that will allow you to discuss these things and behave that way, this site chooses not to have it's members behave that way. And what's the beef with having advertisers, especially advertisers that we all either buy from or use a product that they produce?? The goal is to have ALL of them here, not just one, this isn't a "corporate takeover" in the least. This site is and always has been a privately owned site, one guy, lol. We do host the site on Northerner's servers, but we've also informed them that we will be moving the servers, and selling ads to any of the online shop and manufacturers.

        I'd also like to see retailers from your areas come in here and talk about events that they have, or any deals that they might have. I'd like to see the manufacturers come back and use this as a proving ground again, and get the legitimate feedback that they're seeking in order to develop a finished product that the consumers will like. Things like this will get this place to grow, and that's what the owner wants to see and that's what we the mods have been charged to deliver. So, the new ToU have been posted and anyone that remains will be held to those standards, and some threads will be closed and archived. I assume some of you won't be happy about that and will leave, that's unfortunate because we want everyone to stay and help make this place better, together. However, if you choose to leave...the door is always open for you to come back.

        We put the new ToU out as a first step, the next step will take place once we get the forum to a place that we feel is ready for advertisers. Many have already said that they will participate, you will know when it happens when you see ads on the site. I'm sure the owner of the site would forego the advertisers, if any of you are willing to make donations or pay a membership fee, lol. I'll pass :-) As to making a profit, why not...if the owner sees an opportunity to do so, I for one will help him. Right now, we're going to shoot for covering expenses, etc. He's been good enough to give us SnusOn for years and years. This is not only our playground guys...this place while privately owned...belongs to anyone wanting to learn about snus and other tobacco products, it's bigger than any one of us.

        Many of you have expressed that you're okay with the change, we thank you for standing with us. Other's have expressed concerns and they've been addressed, if not...please let us know via PM. This thread is beginning to degrade and I don't want to see it get any worse. By now, each of us know where we stand and we need to get on with the business of running the forum.
        I am sure you do have big plans for the site!
        Sorry we tracked mud into the Gold mine......!
        wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


        • BadAxe
          • Jan 2010
          • 631

          There will always be drama when major change comes to a forum (A PM from someone has me staying a bit longer). People always say, "Why the drama?". I think its because forums you visit daily are more than just a forum. ALthough we may not personally know the members, they become part of us, because we converse everyday, so changes that come on a daily visited forum are like changes in real life and we as humans, are mostly resistent to change (especially if we percieve the change as less and not more). My stance about pot is more than about pot. I love SNUS. I LOVE this forum for introducing me to swedish snus, and for all of the things i have learned since, and for the fact that I am smoke free now for over a year. But I know almost everything I need to know about SNUS at this point, besides reviews on flavors I have not tried, and of course anything new that comes down the pike. But what that means is I have little left to discuss about snus, unless helping newbies out. So if only snus is talked about here, I have little reason to visit regularly. But that doesn't mean I also no longer want to talk regularly with this community, which is why there is nothing wrong with an Off Topic forum, where other subjects are allowed.

          As far as pot is concerned, well, its an interesting topic, especially lately with all of the legalization measures, and something I love to talk about, and yes, I feel general talk of it should be no big deal. I find it hard to believe an advertiser is going to walk away because of a thread about pot in an off topic forum. But what do I know. Anyway, just wanted to follow up a little bit.


          • rickcharles606
            • Mar 2009
            • 2307

            Originally posted by chadizzy1 View Post
            Ha, my site is only worth 380$. That's crazy.

            In all fairness, most of the time anytime you Google something snus related, review, or otherwise, it usually directs you to my blog, and not my site.

            Snubie.com was set up to kinda be the "index" page for my blog.
            I'll give ya $385 or $500 for Snubie and GoSmokeless...LMAO


            • trebli
              • Mar 2010
              • 797

              Originally posted by chadizzy1 View Post
              Ha, my site is only worth 380$. That's crazy.

              In all fairness, most of the time anytime you Google something snus related, review, or otherwise, it usually directs you to my blog, and not my site.

              Snubie.com was set up to kinda be the "index" page for my blog.
              Well Chad, I read your blog often and I like it, but the ranking service I used couldn't pick up your blog.http://www.freewebsitereport.org/www...1.blogspot.com

              It did find the parent domain which they estimated is worth $185 million. http://www.freewebsitereport.org/www.blogspot.com

              I do agree with you that these rankings and estimates don't mean much in the real world. I posted these links to show that the changes Snuson is considering isn't going to make anyone rich. But it might help Snuson to break even.
              Last edited by trebli; 16-01-14, 08:23 PM.


              • pouchface
                • Jul 2013
                • 150

                Anecdotal evidence..... I think we can all agree that having Rick here has been a huge asset to this forum, not only for his personality but also for his industry knowledge and the fact that he has helped many a member get snus close to home..... So wouldn't it be a good thing to have even more people with Rick's knowledge around?

                Especially if it gets more SM products stateside.... then I'm Definitely all for it....


                • Skell18
                  • May 2012
                  • 7067

                  Originally posted by pouchface View Post
                  Especially if it gets more SM products stateside.... then I'm Definitely all for it....
                  Your problem there is the FDA, not who is on an Internet forum. From what you guys have said no amount of lobbying will speed that up!


                  • whalen
                    • May 2009
                    • 6593

                    Onyx is a clear example............
                    wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


                    • CzechCzar
                      • Jun 2010
                      • 1144

                      So will we still be allowed to fake swear


                      • GoVegan
                        • Oct 2009
                        • 5603

                        Or talk about fake fleshlights?


                        • CzechCzar
                          • Jun 2010
                          • 1144

                          or talk about how certain members are fake guays?


                          • whalen
                            • May 2009
                            • 6593

                            Guays is not a sexual preference.... it is a Swenglish term that nobody understands the meaning of...
                            Nobody is faking guay.... not that there is anything wrong with that.
                            wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


                            • Andy105
                              • Nov 2013
                              • 1393

                              Swenglish? Is Guay a choice, or are ya just born that way, in Swengland?


                              • Skell18
                                • May 2012
                                • 7067

                                Doesn't it mean guys?


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