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  • wa3zrm
    • May 2009
    • 4436


    Scientists Claim That Quantum Theory Proves Consciousness Moves To Another Universe At Death

    A book titled “Biocentrism: How Life and Consciousness Are the Keys to Understanding the Nature of the Universe“ has stirred up the Internet, because it contained a notion that life does not end when the body dies, and it can last forever. The author of this publication, scientist Dr. Robert Lanza who was voted the 3rd most important scientist alive by the NY Times, has no doubts that this is possible.
    The theory implies that death of consciousness simply does not exist. It only exists as a thought because people identify themselves with their body. They believe that the body is going to perish, sooner or later, thinking their consciousness will disappear too. If the body generates consciousness, then consciousness dies when the body dies. But if the body receives consciousness in the same way that a cable box receives satellite signals, then of course consciousness does not end at the death of the physical vehicle. In fact, consciousness exists outside of constraints of time and space. It is able to be anywhere: in the human body and outside of it. In other words, it is non-local in the same sense that quantum objects are non-local.
    He adds: “If they’re not revived, and the patient dies, it’s possible that this quantum information can exist outside the body, perhaps indefinitely, as a soul.”

    (Excerpt) Read more at ...
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  • Frosted
    • Mar 2010
    • 5798

    I've read a little of biocentrism. It's a good concept but there's nothing of scientific value, i.e. scientific proof to back up ANY of the ideas - so therefore it's not science.
    It's actually an extension of existing spiritual ideas.


    • Frosted
      • Mar 2010
      • 5798

      Actually, you've aroused my interest in it again. I've downloaded a sample of the book and will have a look. I'm heavily interested in spirituality without religion but I question absoloutely everything. There is so much crap written and spoken it's awful. Ultimately nobody knows, either for or against so all of it is conjecture.

      There have been some very strange events in my life that for them to be coincidence would be statistically almost impossible. There is definately a lot of unexplained stuff about the physical world that we inhabit.
      Last edited by Frosted; 18-01-14, 06:34 AM.


      • Darwin
        • Mar 2010
        • 1372

        "the body receives consciousness in the same way that a cable box receives satellite signals"

        Does that come with HBO? But seriously ladies and germs I'm convinced that a characteristic that most humans share is an inability to appreciate just how stupendously complex a human brain really is. Our brains have information processing capabilities that make the world's biggest supercomputers look little better than a Pong game. Realizing this means accepting the fact that consciousness is an emergent property of what goes on in our brains becomes much easier. Applying good ol' Occam's Razor we simply don't need some extra-corporeal entity shooting unmeasureable Whatsit rays at our noggins to steer and augment the onboard capabilities we already possess in vast abundance.

        Some sneer at what is called this "mechanistic" idea of mind and maintain that a couple of pounds of grey matter can't possibly be up to the task of creating a consciousness but this is an extremely gross underestimation of the fiendish complexity of that soggy mass. As far as what, if any, imprint on the informational database of the universe our minds make it's conceivable, barely, that such information could persist but accessing that information, let alone interacting with it, has the aspect of "thinking" at its most profoundly wishful extremities.


        • Premium Parrots
          Super Moderators
          • Feb 2008
          • 9759

          all the answers are here mates.

          click on "free downloads" then click on "english"

          Its a pretty quick read...but you have to think and understand what you are reading........have fun

          surely, a few of the members heads will blow up while reading this.
          Last edited by Premium Parrots; 18-01-14, 10:29 PM.
          Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

          I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


          • Frosted
            • Mar 2010
            • 5798



            • wa3zrm
              • May 2009
              • 4436

              Imagine a dog.
              Suppose that you present a dog with two items to choose from:
              a beautiful diamond
              a piece of shit.

              Guess what would interest the dog?
              Surely NOT the diamond. The dog may even piss on it.

              WHY is a dog perfectly HAPPY about its choice?

              Simply because dog’s limited intellect doesn’t allow
              appreciation of the beauty of a diamond.

              Our conscious choices are determined and limited by our
              If you have any problems with my posts or signature


              • Premium Parrots
                Super Moderators
                • Feb 2008
                • 9759

                Thats a quote from the book in the link.

                I hope some of the members actually read that short book.
                Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                • Andy105
                  • Nov 2013
                  • 1393

                  Originally posted by wa3zrm View Post
                  Imagine a dog.
                  Suppose that you present a dog with two items to choose from:
                  a beautiful diamond
                  a piece of shit.

                  Guess what would interest the dog?
                  Surely NOT the diamond. The dog may even piss on it.

                  WHY is a dog perfectly HAPPY about its choice?

                  Simply because dog’s limited intellect doesn’t allow
                  appreciation of the beauty of a diamond.

                  Our conscious choices are determined and limited by our
                  But a dog can't do anything with a diamond, why should it interest him? The lump of shit might tell him that there's danger nearby, or a female in heat.
                  All our intellect tells us is that it's a lump of shit. Our intellect does tell us that the diamond might put a female in brain hurts.


                  • Burnsey
                    • Jan 2013
                    • 2572

                    Xlnt PP, thanks.

                    Reminds me:

                    You wouldn't know a diamond
                    If you held it in your hand
                    The things you think are precious
                    I cant understand
                    - Steely Dan, Reelin in the Years


                    • wa3zrm
                      • May 2009
                      • 4436

                      You all need to remember... dogs will eat their own shit!
                      If you have any problems with my posts or signature


                      • Frosted
                        • Mar 2010
                        • 5798

                        Ive just read Biocentrism. It's actually a good and sound theory and definitely worth a look.


                        • precious007
                          Banned Users
                          • Sep 2010
                          • 5885

                          We can continue as we are – without any awareness of the Grand Plan of the Universe. Actually, "Some people seem stuck so much, that they won’t change unless they are born again" – warns Dr Chalko.
                          ^^ A quote from the website that PP has mentioned above.

                          just downloaded the book, sounds interesting.

                          People are so "society driven". Society, by all means cuts your wings, steals your freedom. While 99% of the people are part of the society (they have jobs etc) they will not be able to have The Freedom of Choice". Better to say, they're looking for security, a "false security" that society gives them.

                          They say that Democracy has given everyone the freedom of choice - I find it totally the opposite. It's hard to thrive and find freedom when you're actually being pushed by the society to do certain things as told, dress a certain way, eat a certain way... wake up every morning and go to the job cause' you have no other choice etc etc..

                          The ones that have have indeed found freedom are the ones that have gone entirely on their own path with no fears of what's to come.
                          Last edited by precious007; 20-02-14, 08:04 PM.


                          • Frosted
                            • Mar 2010
                            • 5798

                            There is no freedom in this life no matter what. If you didn't have a job you'd have to hunt all day for food and grow it. If you are unsuccessful you starve. Without society there is no medical attention either....average lifespan would go back to 40. Society isn't all bad.


                            • Premium Parrots
                              Super Moderators
                              • Feb 2008
                              • 9759

                              Look at the bright side........

                              we will be totally free from everything.....when we die.
                              Last edited by Premium Parrots; 20-02-14, 08:39 PM.
                              Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                              I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


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