The things we are teaching the children!

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  • wa3zrm
    • May 2009
    • 4436

    The things we are teaching the children!


    The father of a 13 year-old girl who was upset by a classroom poster that listed sex acts was shocked to hear that the poster is part of her school’s health and science curriculum. Mark Ellis said his daughter, a student at Hocker Grove Middle school was “shocked” by what she saw on a poster on a classroom wall. Originally, Ellis assumed the poster was a student prank, until he called the school and discovered it was part of the curriculum. “Why would you put it in front of 13 year-old students?” he asked. The poster, “How Do People Express Their Sexual Feelings?” lists sex acts such as: Oral Sex, Sexual Fantasy, Caressing, Anal Sex, Dancing, Hugging, Touching Each Other’s Genitals, Kissing, Grinding, and Masturbation. After being told by the school principal the poster was “teaching material,” Ellis is now concerned about what his daughter is being taught in school.
    District spokeswoman Leigh Anne Neal said “The poster is actually part of our middle school health and science materials, and so it is a part of our district approved curriculum.” Neal added that the curriculum is similar to those used by other schools around the country.
    According to the publisher's website, the goal of the program is: empower young adolescents to change their behavior in ways that will reduce their risk of pregnancy and HIV or other STD infection. Specifically, this curriculum emphasizes that young adolescents should postpone sexual activity and that practicing abstinence is the only way to eliminate the risk for pregnancy and STDs, including HIV.
    Ellis thinks the curriculum should change.
    “This has nothing to do with abstinence or sexual reproduction, actually, a lot of these things,” he said. “I would like to see that this particular portion of the curriculum is removed from the school.”

    (Excerpt) Read more at ...
    Last edited by wa3zrm; 21-01-14, 03:29 AM.
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  • trebli
    • Mar 2010
    • 797

    Curriculum like this is one reason that so many parents are sending their children to private, parochial or home schools. A lot of kids graduate public high school in the US without knowing much of anything other than how to install a condom on a banana.


    • Premium Parrots
      Super Moderators
      • Feb 2008
      • 9758

      I thought bananas were allergic to latex
      Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

      I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


      • lxskllr
        • Sep 2007
        • 13435

        Heavens! That guy's 13 year old daughter nearly got turned into a porn star!! Good thing he was on the ball, and questioned that nonsense in time. Now his daughter can go back to thinking about knitting and kittens, like all other teens that haven't been perverted by their school system.


        • WickedKitchen
          • Nov 2009
          • 2528

          I think sex is too taboo in school to the detriment of our nation. We're fooling ourselves by holding on to Puritan values (for lack of a better term). Kids are f-ing. you did it. I did it. My kids are going to do it. I bought a gun. I've already started the discussion with my 10 year old 'cos she's going to get her period in the next 12-18 months. AND I have two daughters...soon there will be a river of estrogen raging through my house complete with rapids, edys, and a waterfall.

          I'm taking the approach of teaching them how to steer their boat down this river. I've been bloodied by the river called "Elaine" enough times to learn a little...maybe bloodied is the wrong term. Yep. Wrong term. You know what I mean...she's got class five rapids. Now there's going to be two of them...then three. Maybe I'll get an apartment.

          Seriously though, there's nothing wrong with teaching that in school so long as there's a parental compliment at home. I didn't have that at home (oddly my parents were both HS teachers) so I leaned from the school of hard knocks (pun intended). I might be wrong, but I think I'm taking the correct approach. Truly, only time will tell if I get it right but I'm going with my gut.

          This is a scary time I'm entering with my daughters...ugh.


          • Thunder_Snus
            • Oct 2011
            • 1316

            I like how the list has dancing hahaha.

            Seriously though just like wickedkitchen said, someone has to teach it to them and if it isn't going to be you don't they deserve a right to know? As an adult you can look at 13 year olds as someone who absolutely should not be doing these things but it happens. I remember being 13 and I had the girl that would go on to be the class slut, a practice girl, someone who would do anything with anyone. Taking a realistic approach is the best thing you can do. If your child is 13 and doesn't know what a dick/vagina looks like they are going to have no clue what to do when a situation arises, especially if its a pedophile situation and they don't realize touching that is something they shouldn't be doing especially with an older person. Denying sex exists before marriage and just telling your kid to never do it will either result in your kid turning into a whore or being that kid that turned 23 and still runs out of the room because people are talking about sex but aren't even married.

            I was probably 12 or 13 when my parents, mostly my mother sat me down. She explained how they had just been stationed in Oahu and even with a Navy salary from my dad and a part time job from her they were just barely getting by raising my older brother. She told me exactly what they were earning at that time to compare to the measly amount of money I could possibly earn at my age. She told me all about how doing stuff was ok as long as it was out of love in a relationship i could see the potential to last. And she taught me to make sure the girl was on birth control and that I should still wear a condom, something I follow even to this day. The kids in my class that were taken out of sex ed and couldn't read harry potter in english class because it promoted witchcraft turned out exactly how she told me they would. One became a whore once she finally learned about sex first hand and the other is scared to death of the world, unable to really ever attend college because of fear of other people and being sheltered from the real world their entire life.

            Sure noone has a right to tell you how to raise you children but you are delusional if you think you will tell them, don't touch or do any sexual stuff because i say so. I think I'm the youngest person on this forum, I was 13 a much shorter time ago than most of you guys, and i remember exactly how it was. You have the right to keep them sheltered from anything you want and it might make you happy to know they made it to 18 without ever doing anything but it is really setting them up for a life of the unknown because noone ever taught them.
            Last edited by Thunder_Snus; 19-01-14, 04:55 PM.


            • wa3zrm
              • May 2009
              • 4436

              If You Hate Your Kids, Send Them to Public School

              Y’know, when I was a wee lad growing up in West Texas, public schools weren’t all that bad. We started our day off with the pledge of allegiance, said prayers during football games, actually studied our nation’s founding docs, sang patriotic songs, and we celebrated the true meaning of both Christmas and Easter.

              In addition to that pro-American bliss, nearly everyone and their dog graduated. It’s true. Dogs were actually graduating from school back then. I know. Weird, eh?

              Indeed, out of our large graduating class there was only one drop out and that was my childhood buddy who left school to join the Banditos’ motorcycle gang. He had a tattoo before tats became hip and groovy, ubiquitous and virulently narcissistic. (Speaking of tattoos: Girls … if you’re going to get a cute butterfly inked into your shoulder, you must make the general public a promise that you will not gain 600lbs later in life and have that blue moth morph into a massive, faded condor that we all have to stare at. If that’s too much to ask, then please cease to wear tube-tops so we don’t have to gawk at that muted, colored vulture on your enormous back. Deal? Deal. Anyway, back to the good old days …)

              When our parents dumped us off at school, they weren’t riddled with fear that our schoolmarms were going to morph us into domestic terrorists who think Che Guevera is the bomb. Our folks also knew that sexed-up teachers wouldn’t teach kinky weirdness to their twelve-year-olds. No, if their kids were going to learn about sex it would be done in the traditional way via their older brothers and their Playboy magazine stash in the alley behind the house.

              Today, as far as public schools are concerned, it’s a veritable loaded-dice roll regarding how your kids will come out after spending eight hours a day with our “educators“. More than likely, Dad, unless you’re Bill Ayers, Khalid Sheik Mohammed or Russell Brand, you’re not going to be too pleased with what the public schools do with your kids’ noggins.

              This week, a story surfaced about the father of a thirteen-year-old girl who got righteously ticked when his daughter showed him a pic of what the loons were lacing his dear daughter’s curriculum with. Check it out:

              The father of a 13 year-old girl who was upset by a classroom poster that listed sex acts was shocked to hear that the poster is part of her school’s health and science curriculum.

              As local Fox News affiliate in Kansas,, reported Tuesday, Mark Ellis said his daughter, a student at Hocker Grove Middle school in the Shawnee Mission School District, was “shocked” by what she saw on a poster on a classroom wall in school. Ellis said his daughter took a picture of the poster and showed her parents.

              Originally, Ellis assumed the poster to be a student prank, until he called the school and discovered it was part of the curriculum.

              Why would you put it in front of 13 year-old students? He asked.

              The poster, entitled, “How Do People Express Their Sexual Feelings?” lists sex acts such as: Oral Sex, Sexual Fantasy, Caressing, Anal Sex, Dancing, Hugging, Touching Each Other’s Genitals, Kissing, Grinding, and Masturbation.

              Ellis said after being told by the school principal the poster was “teaching material,” he is now concerned about what his daughter is being taught in school.

              I’ve got two words for that poster being put out by a public school to 13-year-olds: they are “holy” and “guacamole”.

              Man, when I was thirteen I had no real idea what sex was. I thought it consisted of my mom and dad wrestling with their shirts off. At least that’s what it looked like when they didn’t lock the door that one Friday night that, try as I may, I’ll never forget.

              Sure, as a young pubescent boy I was attracted to girls. But we did normal things back then to show our interest in the opposite sex like: pull the girl’s hair, or jump a tall ramp on our Huffy while they watched, or suck milk through straws shoved up our nostrils. Y’know … something to show our prowess. It was cave man stuff.

              Now, certainly the aforementioned wasn’t pretty or too suave, but it never came into to our minds that if we wanted to show we had feelings for a fair lass we should do it via anal sex. But that’s what is being taught at frickin’ Hocker Grove Middle School.

              Good Lord, parents. You gotta take reins of your kids’ brains and bodies and rip them out of the hands of these bastions of banality, communism and overt sexualization.

              Do it now, before it’s too late.
              If you have any problems with my posts or signature


              • Premium Parrots
                Super Moderators
                • Feb 2008
                • 9758

                When my slightly older brother and I were of age my dad simply brought home 8 sheep.

                true story. seriously.

                Never needed them tho. My sister would have her friends sleep over and in the middle of the night they would climb out my sisters window and climb into mine.

                true story
                Last edited by Premium Parrots; 20-01-14, 10:55 PM.
                Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                • Frosted
                  • Mar 2010
                  • 5798

                  The worrying thing about this guy complaining is.....why doesn't your daughter know this stuff already.


                  • Frosted
                    • Mar 2010
                    • 5798

                    Actually - I would leave out the anal and oral sex bit to be honest. When I heard that people really did that to other peoples bottoms I was scarred for life.


                    • Premium Parrots
                      Super Moderators
                      • Feb 2008
                      • 9758

                      Originally posted by Frosted View Post
                      Actually - I would leave out the anal and oral sex bit to be honest. When I heard that people really did that to other peoples bottoms I was scarred for life.
                      just think about the scars that the people that actually do anal may end up with.
                      Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                      I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                      • Frosted
                        • Mar 2010
                        • 5798

                        Originally posted by Premium Parrots View Post
                        just think about the scars that the people that actually do anal may end up with.

                        Is that why they 'mince'. Mincing if you don't know is the tight buttock walk that camp homosexuals employ for walking. I wonder if the anal muscles are so damaged they have to walk like that to keep everything in.


                        • Premium Parrots
                          Super Moderators
                          • Feb 2008
                          • 9758

                          Originally posted by Frosted View Post
                          Is that why they 'mince'. Mincing if you don't know is the tight buttock walk that camp homosexuals employ for walking. I wonder if the anal muscles are so damaged they have to walk like that to keep everything in.
                          that might be a question that Whalen can answer for your inquiring mind. I prefer not to think about it.
                          Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                          I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                          • Frosted
                            • Mar 2010
                            • 5798

                            Originally posted by Premium Parrots View Post
                            just think about the scars that the people that actually do anal may end up with.

                            Well YOU STARTED IT!!


                            • whalen
                              • May 2009
                              • 6593

                              Originally posted by Premium Parrots View Post
                              that might be a question that Whalen can answer for your inquiring mind. I prefer not to think about it.
                              Put a sock onnit!
                              wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!

