Making my first post from a windows7 running on my mac

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  • Bigblue1
    Banned Users
    • Dec 2008
    • 3923

    Making my first post from a windows7 running on my mac

    So I just installed windows 7 on my 2009 imac which I just bumped the ram up on from 2g to 8g. It's running pretty good but the way mac says it should go it was a bit harder , at least for a machead. Wondering if anyone else has done this and if you did have you figured out how to make the BT keyboard and magicmouse work? I'm assuming there's a conflict somewhere and they are just not gonna work. Thank God i kept my old USB devices from my last mac if that's the case. Well this was my first foray into partitioning and playing around but I have a Tb external and a 350 G internal so I think I would like to maybe put in ubunto or something. If anyone has any Ideas or tips or a link to the best unix operating system to play with it would be greatly appreciated..... Thanx in advance guays....
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    Dunno about OSX/Windows, but for GNU/Linux, try a few out to see what you like. Either run them live, or install them to a USB drive. That way you won't risk your working partitions, and they can be easily blown away, and something else used. Drive access will be slower of course, but for just playing it's acceptable. If you find something you really like, you can then do a proper hd install.

    Here's some worth trying in no particular order...

    Ubuntu family - Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Lubuntu
    Mint Cinnamon and Mate editions
    Crunchbang(lightish. Based on Debian, and uses OpenBox)
    Puppy(a lite distro)
    TinyCore(an ultralight distro)
    Kali - Pen testing distro. run from USB. Not really suitable as a daily driver


    • Frankie Reloaded
      Banned Users
      • Jan 2011
      • 541

      Just curious: Why did you do that? Most people who can afford Macs claim their OS (and everything else ) is way better than the cheap Wintel.


      • DanF
        • Nov 2013
        • 260

        Originally posted by Frankie Reloaded View Post

        Just curious: Why did you do that? Most people who can afford Macs claim their OS (and everything else ) is way better than the cheap Wintel.



        • Jean78
          • Apr 2009
          • 97

          + 1 from here.

          Originally posted by Frankie Reloaded View Post
          Just curious: Why did you do that? Most people who can afford Macs claim their OS (and everything else ) is way better than the cheap Wintel.


          • Bigblue1
            Banned Users
            • Dec 2008
            • 3923

            Originally posted by Frankie Reloaded View Post
            Just curious: Why did you do that? Most people who can afford Macs claim their OS (and everything else ) is way better than the cheap Wintel.
            Mac os is awesome but I picked up a job this winter that I needed to run a windows program on so 80 bucks for windows 7 or $400 for an acceptable laptop, seeing how I already had the hardware to run it figured it was a no brainer. Anyway you look at it it's a cool thing to learn.....


            • Thunder_Snus
              • Oct 2011
              • 1316

              question about your magic mouse. Would it be possible to go into keyboard config and just make the right click some random key. like the ~=right click?


              • squeezyjohn
                • Jan 2008
                • 2497

                I run windows 7 on my mac via a VMWare fusion virtual machine - not as a boot camp partition - and I do it for similar reasons to you - so I can run the odd program that you just can't get on a mac.

                If the VMware fusion version is installed correctly, you can access all the mac hardware. I used to run it as a boot camp partition and never had trouble with keyboards and mice ... But you may have to search out windows drivers for the appropriate hardware if you're doing it that way.

                Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


                • Bigblue1
                  Banned Users
                  • Dec 2008
                  • 3923

                  Originally posted by Thunder_Snus View Post
                  question about your magic mouse. Would it be possible to go into keyboard config and just make the right click some random key. like the ~=right click?
                  I guess it's mpre about bluetooth compatibility than anything else. It's not a big deal I have the usb keyboard and mouse. They work fine. I'm just glad I got the important stuff working and it is fully functioning. Another great part of having a mac is that you can have windows as well if need be. As far as ​I know the same can't be said the other way around......


                  • Thunder_Snus
                    • Oct 2011
                    • 1316

                    I can't say I'd ever want mac os. I know college students like to waste an extra 1500 on their facebook machines for the sole purpose of being able to show that they have a mac.

                    I never saw the reason for buying a product that was obsolete by the time you got it because the company sent out something new that was .01 mm thinner and could do something the previous one should have already been able to do.


                    • Bigblue1
                      Banned Users
                      • Dec 2008
                      • 3923

                      Originally posted by Thunder_Snus View Post
                      I can't say I'd ever want mac os. I know college students like to waste an extra 1500 on their facebook machines for the sole purpose of being able to show that they have a mac.

                      I never saw the reason for buying a product that was obsolete by the time you got it because the company sent out something new that was .01 mm thinner and could do something the previous one should have already been able to do.
                      I actually agree with you when your talkin IOS I'm using a imac from early 2009 and it has been and still is flawless. I know the time table and shouldn't have to replace it for another 3 years. That means it will be at least 8 yrs old . I dunno it makes sense to me.....


                      • Thunder_Snus
                        • Oct 2011
                        • 1316

                        Originally posted by Bigblue1 View Post
                        I actually agree with you when your talkin IOS I'm using a imac from early 2009 and it has been and still is flawless. I know the time table and shouldn't have to replace it for another 3 years. That means it will be at least 8 yrs old . I dunno it makes sense to me.....
                        We all use our computers for different things. I've never had a pc go sour on me. New programs have come out that my machine couldn't handle. I just dont perceive apple as a company I ever want to do business with. I imagine just opening the box voids a large portion of the warranty, and their pricing for add ons is ridiculous. In the high hundreds for more memory when the cost of that memory is in the 20's and god forbid you install it yourself. And unless you live in a large city good luck finding an apple store that has "geniuses" that can help you. I have high respect for all my snuson brethen but for the people I have to deal with in reality, apple is just a symbol of being a douche. You won't find someone on my campus with a mac without also having ridiculously stupid looking beats headphones, a "bro" tank or an "obey" hat, drinking water from an empty milk jug to "stay hydrated breh." Mac's are practical for several things but not really anything a student would have to deal with outside of very specific majors. Apple to people my age is just a trend people follow no matter the price. If you were looking for a computer to get on facebook only would you really spend 2000 compared to a pc laptop for 400 or even a chromebook for 150?

                        My PC helps me save stuff i need for my homework, lets me do homework and submit assignments, take care of some finances, and when an unexpected snowday or holiday comes lets me get in an exciting 24 hours civ4 session. Perhaps when I am older I could look into a mac...for now i stay away so I don't follow with the young kid trend of paying for overpriced things because they "hot this season."


                        • Bigblue1
                          Banned Users
                          • Dec 2008
                          • 3923

                          Well I've been using apples since the mid 80's. I'm probably there demographic. I just turned 38 on 1/30 and am by no means a douche or being trendy. They are well built machines that run like a swiss clock. The average useable rate is 8-9 yrs before they become obsolete software wise. I spent $1299 on this one which at the time was probably 300-400 more than a comparable windows based machine. I would all but garauntee I'd have spent that upgrading or in a repair clinic by now. Even if I hadn't it wouldn't be worth my $3 a month over it's lifetime to have a superior product. I am not either a doosh nor a trendy but Apple computers are far and away better than their windows counterparts. Like I said if were talking IOS devices I can feel ya but they are for lack of another turn of phrase apples to oranges, I just got a new iPad mini and I love it but pretty much every day but I'm marking off on the calendar that I'll have to upgrade in 2-3 yrs to keep it relevant. Not a big fan of that. but it is what it is. And I just upgraded my ram from 2 gigs to 8 gigs ($80) and it wasn't a problem. Also Apple has one of the most informative support sites I've ever encountered, The Genius bar is for morons who Either have no confidence in their skills or are too lazy to find the info on their own..... Also now I have a 5 yr old machine that runs both operating systems with no problems. It's awesome I tell ya... Almost positive you can't run A full blown mac OS on a windows machine.....
                          Last edited by Bigblue1; 03-02-14, 09:37 AM.


                          • Thunder_Snus
                            • Oct 2011
                            • 1316

                            Originally posted by Bigblue1 View Post
                            Well I've been using apples since the mid 80's. I'm probably there demographic. I just turned 38 on 1/30 and am by no means a douche or being trendy. They are well built machines that run like a swiss clock. The average useable rate is 8-9 yrs before they become obsolete software wise. I spent $1299 on this one which at the time was probably 300-400 more than a comparable windows based machine. I would all but garauntee I'd have spent that upgrading or in a repair clinic by now. Even if I hadn't it wouldn't be worth my $3 a month over it's lifetime to have a superior product. I am not either a doosh nor a trendy but Apple computers are far and away better than their windows counterparts. Like I said if were talking IOS devices I can feel ya but they are for lack of another turn of phrase apples to oranges, I just got a new iPad mini and I love it but pretty much every day but I'm marking off on the calendar that I'll have to upgrade in 2-3 yrs to keep it relevant. Not a big fan of that. but it is what it is. And I just upgraded my ram from 2 gigs to 8 gigs ($80) and it wasn't a problem. Also Apple has one of the most informative support sites I've ever encountered, The Genius bar is for morons who Either have no confidence in their skills or are too lazy to find the info on their own..... Also now I have a 5 yr old machine that runs both operating systems with no problems. It's awesome I tell ya... Almost positive you can't run A full blown mac OS on a windows machine.....
                            I'm certainly not trying to put you down or make one product seem inferior in comparison. There is a big difference in buying/using something because you prefer that method, and buying/using something because you are following a status symbol as part of a trend that will die within a year or 2 (think crisscross and backwards jeans) That's what apple is to young people that fit into my age demographic. As soon as microsoft or samsung or LG or whoever comes out with the next "innovative" idea (hint, ipad was 10 years behind the original tablet) people will go to it in droves and start looking down at those people who are still using ipad or whatever.

                            I don't think you or any snuson member for that matter is using apple products as a status symbol, but my everyday reality finds a strong correlation between people my age that use the product as a status symbol, they discount microsoft as inferior even though all they do is use it to go on facebook and stalk other people.


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